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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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It would appear it's happening for everyone, must be one of the mods or hacks I have in there. Oh well, woohoo followed by inSim it is. Just as easy.

Also names, I have quite a few, but sometimes dry up right when I need them.

Finley Caliente I thought was good, because it was quite posh sounding. However his half-sister is Gemma Langraab IV which doesn't really fit.

Although Nina and my self created sims son Kenwyne Caliente may take the biscuit on accounts of bollockness.

I could never get into the game either, but I took over this time and just made it fun. Instead of making it boring day by day stuff most families have things going. Sure some families keep to themselves at the minute and just work on getting up the career ladder. But the Caliente, Goth and Dreamer families are causing stirs at the minute.

The Caliente's pretty much replaced the Pleasant's as the power family in my neighbourhood. They make the Goths look pathetic - especially since Mortimer's gone now so it's a bit different. The Dreamer's is one fucked up house too.

Dirk caught his girlfriend Lillith cheating on him with his own dad. He got pissed off and ran away, when he came back he moved in with his dad and new step-mother-to-be-and-own-ex-girlfriend Lillith Pleasant, who is also pregnant with Darren's child. It's fucking hilarious what I've created here. Now I'm not sure who to set Dirk up with, I have him and Meadow Thayer getting together - who is one of the prettiest townie teens and sims in general but I know her forehead elongates when she's older.

Elise Phillips is a nice looking teen sim too, probably the nicest I've come across so I don't know if I want to use her on Dirk. So yeah, Dirk hasn't really spoke to anyone since moving back in since he's furious with both his dad and ex-girlfriend. Upon returning to the household he bypassed his apologizing father and went and made his bed. Ooh, cold shoulder indeed.

So with Lillith gone, it sort of ruins the Pleasant's right now. But at least Angela and Lillith aren't coming to blows every other second. May spice that up with Daniel's affair, not sure how I can work Dustin/Angela into all of this though.

Still, pregnancies and affairs in every family just about seems a bit depressing. What else can I do with this lot?

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Jesus, I thought it was hard naming the kids for the one family I like to play(can't do more than one family tree at a time or it confuses the fuck out of me). It's almost tempting finding one of those name generators and just give everybody a Ruski name but with my last name is would just be fucked up.

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I get bored playing one family I've found. When it comes to one day left in the season I'm generally just dying to move onto the next family. I'm considering having some characters die, some just leave the neighbourhood and I'll keep throwing in new characters to spice things up.

Names I don't know where I get them, I know one family I just gave everyone Chinese names based of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Lu Xun > * ¬_¬

I guess with names it helps that at the minute I want to name my future children;

Reuben Kyle Benjamin Joseph Niall Quinn Harvey for a boy and

Taro Sian Josie Rihannon Kevin Phillips Harvey for a girl.

So yeah, I have a few to choose from.. makes it fun though. :D

If that fails just give them normal names. I named Brandi Broke's third son David. David Broke. It's not awesome but it doesn't suck. I can't choose which kids I'm gonna like when they hit adulthood, they'll develop on me from there :)

And if THAT fails, name them after their dad ¬_¬

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I always did Thursday.

Might be worth opening a spreadsheet so you can note what days your on? I like to have all my families at the same stage after a round so some get more time than others (since i think some vary on starting day).

And buy seasons anyways :)

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Guest tiarnantman

Oh wow, I'm in the mood for getting back into Sims. Sims is one of those things, isn't it? Y'know, the ones you long for for ages, but when you actually play, you get bored and end up killing them for the fun of it.

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Yeah Seasons does seem to be really good. I'll look out for it.

Does anyone else find some of the default houses in Pleasantview really small? My man has to make do with a single bed until he can afford an extension for his bedroom. He won't be bringing anyone back home for a while. :(

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Yeah Seasons does seem to be really good. I'll look out for it.

Does anyone else find some of the default houses in Pleasantview really small? My man has to make do with a single bed until he can afford an extension for his bedroom. He won't be bringing anyone back home for a while. :(

Go for Public Woohoo instead :pervert:

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When living on your own it's easy to make quick money. I hate getting too much too quickly though.

Nothing worse than when you buy a big lot so you have a tiny little house, within a week you have like $1,000 to spend and then the woman who moves in with you brings like $28,000 and ruins it all >_>

Pleasant's are such a boring family. I may just kill someone, it plods along that family. I don't care for the house and it's just a frustrating family >_<

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I have the 'greatest' story ever, with a side story of Dirk Dreamer being an absolute BONAFIED PIMP!

It all begins with a mother and daughter (elder and adult), Claudia and Hannah Nelson, moving into the neighbourhood (Pleasantview). Hannah begins an affair with Daniel Pleasant leading to the birth of daughter Laura Nelson. Shortly after Claudio dies leaving a grieving Hannah trying to raise her daughter, who Daniel literally has NOTHING to do with (Whilst he has memories of her...they have never actually conversed at all, and have no 'relationship'...therefore Laura is unaware he is her father, and strikes up a friendship with Angela Pleasant). In strides knight in shinin armour, Remington Corsillo. Who eventually marries Hannah Nelson, much to the hatred of Hannah's daughter, Laura. The two adopt a daughter, Rebecca, as Hannah is too old to conceive. Shortly after Laura moves away to Sim State University, on bad terms with her mother and step father.

All well and good. Well. Daniel Pleasant continues his affair with his maid, as daughters Lilith and Angela move away to Académie Le Tour to study. Whilst they are away, Mary-Sue dies in a tragic accident, leaving Daniel widowed. Unable to live a life alone, he needs to find a new spouse. And instead of turning to his maid, he instead woos back long lost love, Hannah "Nelson" Corsillo. Hannah leaves Remington, taking their adopted daughter Rebecca with her and moves in with Daniel Pleasant, who is still carrying on his casual relationship with his maid. The two are unable to marry before Hannah dies of natural causes, leaving Daniel to raise Rebecca.

With Hannah out of the picture, and Daniel aging, Kaylynn tries to worm her way into marrying the aging Daniel for the estate, with the two getting engaged. Daniel 'dissowns' his daughter, Angela for getting engaged to Dustin Broke, whilst still at University. Putting shame on the family, and letting 'scum' like him getting into her nickers. :shifty: Meanwhile he's 'engaging in a custody battle' with the layabout, useless Remington over Rebecca. Daniel looking to make amends with another 'daughter' (Although she's no relation), after his other 3 have turned out disasters. Lilith continues to be fucked up. Barely making it by in uni, she eventually drops out and returns home upon discovering Dirk cheating on her, and her sister getting engaged. She's now trying to get rid of 'gold digging' Kaylynn and Rebecca to preserve her inheritence.

I think about this too much. :shifty:

Now, onto Dirk Dreamer. He moves away to uni a bit of a nerd...who can dance like a motherfucker...but he's black, whatever. He moves to Sim State, whereas his girlfriend, Lilith Pleasent goes to Académie Le Tour. He lives in dorms for his first two years, where he beds two girls named Chris and Willow, whilst still banging Lilith. For his 3rd year, he is accepted into a Fraternity, so he moves to their house on campus. There he beds the cheerleader chick Zoe, who also happens to be the girlfriend of Frat brother Kevin. He also beds some bird called Madeleine, and starts grooming the married Jennifer Burb. All the while, he is still bucking Lilith. However, he is rumbled when Zoe catches him with Lilith, and shit kicks off. This leads to Lilith dropping out of her uni and going home. Dirk meanwhile remains at university with his final year just beginning. Currently on 5, I'm going for 10 by the time the year's out.

So currently, Dirk Dreamer, Dustin Broke, Angela Pleasant and Laura Nelson are all beginning their last year of university. As are a couple of others, who aren't really related to the story, but were friends with the 'group'. Lilith Pleasant dropped out towards the end of 3rd year. I like to keep things in timeline order...although, if I were to keep it strictly accurate, Laura Nelson should be a lot younger than them, with the Pleasants being teenagers when she was born...but fuck that...this way's more fun. :shifty:

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