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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Ebay? GAME? etc. Although I'd just cheat and get a Key Gen, especially if I have actually owned the game and something like that has happened.

Anyways, I was utterly bored of the Pleasant's so Daniel drowned and Mary Sue died in a fire. Pity. Dustin and Angela have moved in together and have married as teenagers, and Angela is now pregnant. As is her sister Lillith with Darren Dreamer's child. So both are currently missing school due to pregnancy leaving Dustin to make the money to look after the 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom swimming pool accomodated house that he and his wife live in. I have absolutely no idea what to do with this family >_<

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So, I started on The Sims again. I have only played as the Brokes so far, and have sent Dustin & Beau off to college.

Brandi married my created Sim as usual, and now they have Skip Jr. [child] (who is dead Skip's), Josephina [child] and Lily [baby]. By the end of this season (I'm trying to follow benji's example and play through four seasons with each family) I should be sending Skip Jr. off to college and have a sixth child so that both the lifetime aspirations of Brandi and Joseph can be fulfilled (Graduate three kids from college). Pretty sorted I think.

What family should I tackle next?

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I already wanted this game but reading this thread has made me want it so much more......

So I'm thinking of getting the game with Seasons and University EPs. Seem like the best way to go?

Most definitely. IMO those are the best two expansions. The weather element I think is a nice touch and when your Sims go to college it adds a bit or realism if you will.

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So, I started with all the Pleasants fully intact, moved the Oldies on with them. I sent the twins off to college and then Kaylynn (the maid) moved in with Daniel whilst Mary-Sue was busy drowning in the pool. Then I got bored with the Oldies, and built a room of fire as you do and they both burned to death.

Now I have little Jack, a baby of Daniel and the maid. Daniel got sacked, became an Intern, got old and then retired and I'm playing through winter and will wait until summer starts again before I move on to the Goth household.

Oh, and here's Mary-Sue at the bottom of the pool, being watched over by Death.


Forgot to mention, I turned my own character into a Plantsim, and will soon make him a werewolf plantsim.

Edited by Geeky J
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I'm annoyed. I want to play but it's late, and I'll be revising this month more so I'll only get some limited break-time playing in.

I have the Larson and Broke families to bring up to winter so there in line with everyone else. May choose this time to bring in a new faces or two or decide to wait until spring/summer time or so.

And J, we don't know for sure whether Brandi's third child is Skips or not.. hmm..

EDIT: I think. I know there used to be big conversations on whether or not Skip was the dad due to the order of memories, but most people seem to believe he is the dad.

I may bring him back and just scare the shit out of Chester Geike.. or do something cool. I need spice!

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But I believe that Brandi's memories go;

Skip Dies -> Beau is born

and then she becomes pregnant. But my memory is telling me it was just an error on Maxis' part and Skip is the dad if I think hard >_<

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Gaaaay. Apparently I need University to completely bring back the Tricou family.


Will have to go buy it sometime, but not bothering now. Was going to bring the Tricou family but I can only bring back two of them and an unrelated person in their graveyard. Why the hell can't I bring back the rest?

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God you lot >_<

House of Fallen Leaves downtown, there's a few sims buried in the backgarden. Gothier Green Lawns theres about 6 of them buried there.

They're all dead, all family it appears. No idea how they all died or why or when etc. but it's kinda like a little mystery. If you have university you can use the Resurrect-o-nomitron to phone Death and bring them back to life. Using cheats I can only get 2 of them back and some girl buried at the House of Fallen Leaves, but whose link to them im not sure of.

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Hmmmm....so all 4 kids that my custom sims had ended up with the dad's hair and eyes. None of them got their mother's genes for that...does that usually happen or is my game just fucking with me.

And I haven't checked number 4's sign yet but the other three are Libras...like the dad.

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It all comes down to dominant/recessive genes I think. Probably just higher odds of them taking their dads genes than their mothers, I've had it a lot and it frustrates me too but it just happens.

Chances are the 4th will be a Libra as well. I've noticed the star sign thing as well and I agree it can be quite frustrating that there often quite similar.

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