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The Sims 2

Fanku Kaibutsu

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I'm tempted to install the game again.....bah!

Just wondering, what exactly is different when people are zombies/warewolves/vampires/plant people? Besides the color of their skin that is.

Werewolves can bite others and turn them in to werewolves. Werewolves stats drop quickly in the day.

Zombies are pretty much normal Sims with a limp.

Vampires die in sunlight and have to sleep in coffins, but can bite others and make them vampires.

Plantsims only have Sunlight, Water and Love as their stats and skip the baby and Young Adult and Teen stages. They can also spore a plantchild as well as having normal children via woohoo.

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Bah, the Private School Headmaster must have taken some knocks to the head. I go to the trouble to invite him over, cook dinner, and all the rest, and what happens? As soon as he arrives, he fawns over the plastic flamingo I have out front for the entire time he's over! I kid you not, he stood staring at it until the timer ran out, then left, saying my Sims were bad hosts. I assume he nearly starved to death whilst observing the fake fauna.

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Just a quick little photo from me.

This is Jack Pleasant who is Daniel & Kaylynn's son talking to Brooke Shaw to bring in my third maid. Kaylynn was obviously the first, and then Nina Caliente got married to Lucy Hanby and became Nina Hanby, as the name Caliente will carry on through her and Don's child, Chester.


Also, how do I save multiple images? I keep taking screenshots with the camera thing, but it always replaces the file with the most recent shot. :ohwell2:

EDIT: I'm gonna update you on the rest of the families now.


As you may recall Mary-Sue was ressurected by Mortimer, and now lives quite a nice life in the Goth household. Dina had her first child, but I can't remember what I called her. Then as a result of Don Lothario becoming a vampire* he bit Dina, and she bit Mortimer, but then Dina died when she decided to go and look at a new telescope I bought, and Mortimer died soon after as well. Mary-Sue decided to bring back Mortimer, but during the time she was at work, the unattended to baby (as Mortimer had died) was taken away by social services. Mortimer was bought back to life as a vampire-zombie, but then I influenced him to drink some Vamprocillin-D and now he's just a zombie. He will stay alive until Alex returns from college and then I'll burn him or something. Mary-Sue is going to get pregnant via Mortimer if it's possible so that the Goth name carries on with Mortimer's new child as well as Alex.

Alex is at college and recently had his First Kiss with some random Sim, but she'll serve as his teenage love but I don't know who to set him up with when I get back to Pleasantview, as the random Sim won't come back obviously.

*see Lothario


Kaylynn was a bitch and saw fit to have twins, a boy and a girl, so they became Diamond & Pearl. Diamond & Pearl are now toddlers and Jack has become a child and is getting A+'s which is nice. I have the headmaster headed over at 5pm when I next load up the family. Kaylynn's lifetime want is to have three kids graduate, so those are the only kids she is having. Daniel's serving as the stay-at-home father for the little ones and is trying to maximize the rest of his skills. If I can get them all maxed out before he dies, he's becoming a PlantSim and sporing an insanely skilled toddler.


So, here I was playing The Sims 2 and realising I didn't have a lesbian couple. Nina made decent friends with her maid, Lucy Hanby herself, so I eventually set them up, but Nina spent all of Winter being afraid of marrying Lucy, but when she wasn't I quickly got them hitched. Nina had a child named Chester via Don Lothario and now Lucy (who is a cop now) wants a child so we're off in pursuit of a father for that, but they seem pretty set.


Don met Countessa Margaret and became a vampire. The Countessa burned to death and so did Don eventually. I'm so crap with vampires. During the brief time that Don was dead was when Nina & Lucy married (as Nina was previously engaged to Don) but then I went to the Goth house and bought him back and moved him back in to his own place. I think I'm just going to leave him dead when next he burns via sunlight.

Apart from that, I've not played as the other families.

Edited by Geeky J
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A while back, I created a family named the Dynasty family. The goal was to see how many generations of sims I could keep in the same house and how long it would take them to go from poor to rich. I basically only let each family have one child...who would then marry and have a child of his or her own.

Oddly, every child turned out to be a girl... I messed around with the third generation girl (Amy Dynasty)so much that I barely had time to get her pregnant before she turned to an elder. As she clearly wasn't going to survive long enough to raise the child, I had her maid move in with her. Amy died shortly thereafter, and the maid (Lauren Reeves) was left to raise the child. This was all fine until one day when Lauren was at work, and the Dynasty child (Wendy) was a teenager, almost an adult (3 days away). Wendy went to bed with a somewhat high temperature after having been in the hot tub, and spontaneously combusted. :oblink:

The resulting fire took up pretty much the entire bed, and engulfed poor Wendy. I didn't have a smoke detector in the room as I didn't figure there was much need, and she eventually burned to ashes, effectively ending the Dynasty family in the 4th generation. Oddly enough, the bed survived...only Wendy did not.

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She exploded? Someone has posted a YouTube video as well of spontaneous combustion - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n09AVCrADbU

EDIT: I played some more today as well.


I remembered I had ressurected Don and placed him in the Caliente household. Unfortunately he was placed outside and saw fit to die as a vampire. Here is his last moment.


I have to finish off the Caliente household now as Chester Caliente just became a child. Lucy's want of a child went away and now she's afraid of Don coming back, so I shall leave him dead for a while. Can zombies impregnate people or no? I know PlantSims can. No where's IAceI when I need him reading my stories and commenting on them. :-(

Edited by Geeky J
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Haha I'm still reading and will comment soon. I plan on playing today.

Most of the times I've loaded it up, looked at the family and thought "ugh". Hate that going away for just a week or two can leave me out of sync with my families, will battle through it though and play some families today. And still no University for me, I have no money. But that's next in line for my purchases, which shouldn't be too far away I hope.

I have a filling to go get in a bit, but nothing to do for the rest of the day so I'll probably bang in the Sims and see what I can muster up in the ways of weird.

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Haha I'm still reading and will comment soon. I plan on playing today.

Most of the times I've loaded it up, looked at the family and thought "ugh". Hate that going away for just a week or two can leave me out of sync with my families, will battle through it though and play some families today. And still no University for me, I have no money. But that's next in line for my purchases, which shouldn't be too far away I hope.

I have a filling to go get in a bit, but nothing to do for the rest of the day so I'll probably bang in the Sims and see what I can muster up in the ways of weird.

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Dustin Broke is the one I was talking about earlier. Anyway, him and Ivy got engaged in College, and they both graduated Summa Cum Laude. He's now an Animal Linguist and she's an Art Forger (at their current levels, at least), they're now married and they just had their first baby, a girl.


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I started playing again last night. I put 3 hot, single men in a house ready to hit the town. An elderly man named Rooney, his son, an adult named Roojon, and HIS son, a child named John.

John is into older women and he's currently trying to sway an adult named Jennifer he met at the bowling alley. Both Rooney and Roojon have found their perfect mates through the crazy lady from the matchmaking service.

They like to have wild orgies at the house. It's brilliant. >_>

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Is anybody else sad when Elders die?

I always think they have a few more days left in them but then all of a sudeen they're gone.... THey grow up so fast.... :crying:

If anything, I think elders live a little too long. I get bored of them, and am kinda glad once their gone.

Make an old folks home, make them all a bunch of horny old bastards and watch the sparks fly, plus any money they would've lost from dying alone in a house will go to the old folks home :D

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