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So yeah, I just saw a sneak preview of Transformers. No spoilers here, but let me give you the quick review:

Whenever Transformers are on screen = (Y)

Humans on screen = :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Seriously, the Transformer stuff is absolutely amazing, some of the best action sequences I've ever seen in a movie. It's at least an hour of thrills and fun... unfortunately the movie is two and half hours long. Shia LeBeouff or whatever his name is... AWFUL. Seriously, when you go to see this movie, brace yourself whenever he is on screen because you're about to witness something terrible. Whenever humans get involved, prepare for a groan-inducing, embarrassed-to-be-watching-this kind of moment. It's that bad.

Still, worth it, it's a decent enough Summer blockbuster and not nearly as bad as it could have been considering Michael Bay was at the helm. But don't let that make you think there aren't plenty of Michael Bay moments because they are APLENTY! Oh, and I suddenly have this strange desire to buy one of General Motors' fine automobiles. Did you know General Motor Cars are the cars of choice for alien robots looking to blend in with other cars on earth? General Motors is a fine organization that does wonders for the American community and you should support America by purchasing a General Motors automobile. That's General Motors in case you forgot.

General Motors!!!
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Yes the robots talk... they even got the original voice actor for Optimus Prime to reprise his role, and it's awesome.

And a Michael Bay moment isn't just huge explosions. You can't forget about cheesy one-liners, pointless silliness, giant leaps in logic, someone getting off the ground in slow-motion and people sitting in a field watching the sunset.

Edited by Zero
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And a Michael Bay moment isn't just huge explosions. You can't forget about cheesy one-liners, pointless silliness, giant leaps in logic, someone getting off the ground in slow-motion and people sitting in a field watching the sunset.
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They got Peter Cullen to reprise his role as Optimus Prime, and Hugo Weaving (yeah, Agent Smith, Elrond and V) to do the voice of Megatron. From the few reviews I've seen, most people haven't been too thrilled with him voicing Megatron. But since Megatron looks more like a robot designed by HR Giger while on a crack binge than anything like Megatron, I don't see why that's a big deal. I think the disappointment is due to the fact that Frank Welker, who did Megatron's voice in the original cartoons, auditioned for the role of Megatron and they picked Weaving instead, yet Welker does Megatron's voice in the game based on the movie.

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I'm still being a fanboy and not liking what I've seen so far of this film, it's far too much of....


Called 'Transformers'

And they've ruined my main man, Starscream, he looks cool as the jet, but as a robot he sucks ass.

Edited by fourstarfizzle
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They got Peter Cullen to reprise his role as Optimus Prime, and Hugo Weaving (yeah, Agent Smith, Elrond and V) to do the voice of Megatron. From the few reviews I've seen, most people haven't been too thrilled with him voicing Megatron. But since Megatron looks more like a robot designed by HR Giger while on a crack binge than anything like Megatron, I don't see why that's a big deal. I think the disappointment is due to the fact that Frank Welker, who did Megatron's voice in the original cartoons, auditioned for the role of Megatron and they picked Weaving instead, yet Welker does Megatron's voice in the game based on the movie.
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His acting isn't bad... he's a fine actor, the problem is with the script he needs to act out. When he's on screen, it generally is cringe-worthy, but it's not really his fault.

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I just got back from seeing the movie, and all I can say is wow. Zero might not have liked the acting, but I found it suited the movie perfectly. Let's face it, the entire movie is built upon nostalgic dorkiness, and it knows that (This is ten times better than Armageddon!) . Sure, they might have changed the design and personalities of the other transformers, but it's still the same fucking awesome franchise I grew up with (Autobots, ROLL OUT!). Watching it just made me feel like a kid again, and despite the sheer cheesiness of it all (Prime still oozes moral goody-two-shoeness), I left the theater feeling pretty good, which hardly happens enough these days.

Hell, it even got an applause from the audience (and a Singaporean one at that, where such things are practically unheard of here).

Anyway, I heard two sequels are already in the making. All it need now is a Devastator/Dinobot fight and I can die happy.

Oh, when I heard them reusing the lines from the animated movie during the final battle between Prime and Megatron I marked the fuck out.
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Again, it's not the acting I had a problem with, it was the ridiculous script that they had to act out. There's an entire subplot that could have been cut from the movie, certain scenes went on far too long, and just some of the lines are so cheesy and not in a good way.

For example, one of the lines in the movie is "there's only one computer hacker in the world who could crack this code." I seriously had to bury my face in my hands because that was just so embarrassingly bad.
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Again, it's not the acting I had a problem with, it was the ridiculous script that they had to act out. There's an entire subplot that could have been cut from the movie, certain scenes went on far too long, and just some of the lines are so cheesy and not in a good way.

For example, one of the lines in the movie is "there's only one computer hacker in the world who could crack this code." I seriously had to bury my face in my hands because that was just so embarrassingly bad.
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To be fair thought Zero, the source material is as campy as it gets. I mean, have you seen the original Transformers movie?

But see, that's the problem with trying to update things for a modern audience, it just doesn't work. Yes, the original Transformers were campy, but we were kids, we didn't know better. I'm older now, and I can look back on that with fond memories because it's nostalgic. This isn't nostalgia or campiness, it's just a plain bad script. Like I said, there is a lot to like about the movie - whenever the Transformers are on screen, it takes me back to those times and gives me that feeling I had when I was a kid. But when Shia Lebeouff, Anthony Anderson or John Tuturro are on screen, brace yourself for lameness.

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Just got back from it. Wow. Loved it! The action was just awesome, the comedy was really funny, and it was just how a Transformers movie should be. I loved the homage to the original movie where the rock music would play over a battle, I thought that was a nice touch. Just a great movie and probably one of the better summer movies this year.

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I saw it tonight, too, and just had a blast. Like Pepsi said, great action, great comedy...it was just a lot of fun.

That said, I thought one of the subplots (possibly the one Zero was referring to) was really pointless and lame...and for some reason, that blonde girl's accent absolutely drove me nuts. I kept waiting for someone to slap that bitch and tell her to speak some normal English. :thumbsdown:

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