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Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Guest clintcasey

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I saw it last night, I had a good time and quite liked it. Not the best film ever made, probably the best one in the film series thus far though which is encouraging, really fun and does a good job of taking what it needs from the book and cutting/circumventing the miscellaneous, although I agree that it did get a bit jumpy at times. The photography was really nice, some real effort made this time around, although I didn't like the new-look Dementors at all. Nitpicking. <_<

I've read and really enjoyed all of the books, and watched it with some other 'book fans' so for me what was most interesting was the chatting about it afterwards, and the (fairly well-substantiated, it turns out from research) theory that Rowling has been hinting/seeding to the directors and screenwriters just what important stuff should be left in ahead of Book Seven's release. Wikipedia notes that Kreacher the house-elf wasn't in one draft of the script, but was reinstated after some gentle prodding from JK, for instance. So, we had a good time discussing what was left in and taken out, and whether or not that can give any hints as to what will come to the fore in Book Seven.

I also liked some of the subtle touches in the movie - Ginny Weasley's jealous looks to Cho Chang, Voldemort instantly being badass by holding his wand in the most impractical/devil-may-care fashion possible, and the animations of the magic duels to name just three.

Also, Rupert Grint is turning into a pretty good comic actor, and it's almost acceptable to sort of fancy Emma Watson right now. Plus, the Lovegood bandwagon is right on the money, she was awesome.

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Eh, books into movies usually aren't that bad, but the people that read them expect too much from the movie. That's the biggest problem. "Why'd they leave this out?" "Why is this in?" And so on. I've thought that the HP movies have done a fantastic job of adapting it to the big screen. One of the few things I think they should have added was to Azkaban to explain Prongs-James-Harry's Patronus, but it wasn't anything major that effected the story and not a big deal. It'd be different if you came to the movie and a major plot or character was missing.

I'm not sure if it is an elitist thing or what, but that's the way I see it.

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I don't want to go into a lot of detail cause I could go on for days about what I did and didn't like and what I think should've been included and what shouldn't have. As a film, it was better than most I've seen this year. (Personally I thought Pirates was shite) but it was far too rushed. You barely had time to settle into one scene before it flicked to another.

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Eh, books into movies usually aren't that bad, but the people that read them expect too much from the movie. That's the biggest problem. "Why'd they leave this out?" "Why is this in?" And so on.
Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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A frind jut tole me that this is the shortest Potter movie. How can the by far biggest book turn out the shortest movie?

...Because it wasn't the biggest book? The GoF is still the largest/longest HP book that J.K. has published (and has gone on record as saying she won't do another HP book that long).

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A frind jut tole me that this is the shortest Potter movie. How can the by far biggest book turn out the shortest movie?

...Because it wasn't the biggest book? The GoF is still the largest/longest HP book that J.K. has published (and has gone on record as saying she won't do another HP book that long).

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I don't want to go into a lot of detail cause I could go on for days about what I did and didn't like and what I think should've been included and what shouldn't have. As a film, it was better than most I've seen this year. (Personally I thought Pirates was shite) but it was far too rushed. You barely had time to settle into one scene before it flicked to another.

What he said almost exactly, especially with the Pirates comment. I haven't read the books so I don't know if its the same, but the conclusion to the whole:"Dolores Umbridge is an evil bastard" story felt very flat to me. She was a great character and deserved more than a "oh by the way, you be gone now" just so we could see more of match 5 in the Harry Potter vs. Voldemort best of seven series.

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I just came across this part in the book. Can someone please tell me if it's in the movie or not? Cause I found it kind of disturbing for a Harry Potter book, and I couldn't imagine seeing it in the movie.

The part where Umbridge gives Harry detention, and he has "I will not lie" carved into his hand.
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It is indeed in the film.

My Order has 766 pages, Goblet has 636.

Ive just got back from this film, and it was ok-to-good, but it missed a lot of stuff out that i wanted to see translated into film, like where they go to hospital and see Lockhart & the Longbottoms. But overall, it was a decent film, just not as good as some of the others.

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How hot was Hermione when she cried?

That is all. :shifty:

Oh, the bit about the engraving into the hand reminded me, that just after that, there's a bit where Ron, Hermione and Harry are talking, and Hermione stands up and then this happens;

2 Charva Girls - "EEEH!! HOW LONG IS HER SKIRT?"

My Mate - "Too long"


My Mate - "Well stop fucking asking them, you silly bint".

I was fucking creased. Best part of the film. :shifty:

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I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. I've seen all the Harry Potters and even watched them these past 4 days before the I saw the film last night. This was by far the most enthralling one for me. It wasn't until now that I was able to get behind the characters and actually root them on for a change. It seems all of the kids are finally coming into their own as actors which is a very good sign. I, honestly, can't wait for the last 2 installments.

The only thing that really bothered me was having to remember that clapping in theaters thread. Thoughout the whole movie, for any little piece of shit thing that happened people would clap. I've never wanted to strangle a group of people until last night... ugh...

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2 things pissed me off big time in this.

Firstly, they didn't explain that Trelawny made the prophecy and that, that was the reason he kept her in the castle instead of leaving Umbridge remove her. That bit was pointless because of this and because the Trelawny thing wasn't included, the Dumbledore/Harry scene at the end was comletely different to the book, it was all calm in the movie but Harry went nits in the book.

Lastly why put Kreacher in, when they left out his main function, to tell Harry that Sirius wasn't at home. It was a little detail, but pissed me off.

Other than that, it was alright.

Thinking about the franchise, has Neville replaced Dobby? He give Harry the Gillyweed in GOF and found the Room of Requirement in OTOTP. Pointless, but something I noticed

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Kreacher's there because Rowling told the producers that he'd be useful to have seeded for the 7th movie.

As for the Trelawny thing, it's entirely irrelevant. Dumbledore lets her stay at the castle because he's a nice man, not just because she made that prophecy. It's not particularly relevant in the film, so they cut it out. Big deal.

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Thinking about the franchise, has Neville replaced Dobby? He give Harry the Gillyweed in GOF and found the Room of Requirement in OTOTP. Pointless, but something I noticed

That makes no sense either, much like the other things that RK mentioned. They are following the books and they each have different roles in helping Harry. Dobby feels debt toward Harry and loves him while Neville is one of his classmates and friends. Dobby basically does whatever Harry asks of him and the whole thing with Gillyweed was that Crouch Jr planted that information with him so that he would tell Harry.

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