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Shitty musical genres


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Yeah, this stems from two things. ROC's general distaste for 'American-Popular Country Music' and the whole 'scene' Death Metal thing going on with Nerf. So basically, we're a fairly open minded bunch I think, I 'pride' myself on that, but what genre's can you just simply not stand?

For me, it's got to be the 'good old' American Alternative Rock. It's just so BORING. The likes of Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace etc. It all moves at like a dirge, all the hooks sound so generic, half of the bands sound exactly the same, there's a pitiful angsty whine surrounding most of the songs, it's just a fucking depressing genre.

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Whilst there's a number of really good bands, post-rock is really starting to piss me off at the moment, as there's like hundreds of bands with only like 4 different sounds between them.

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Crap Radio One indie like Razorlight and Keane. Katie Melua, James Blunt, James Morrison and every other "real songwriter" that sprung up over the last 18 months. That every riff sounds the same, over-used double bass drum, cheesy metal like Bullet for my Valentine or Trivium.

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Rock & roll in general. Also, early heavy metal bands that were pretty much just beefed up rock in any case.

Gangsta rap springs to mind as a potential canditate as well, there is no appeal there for me.

You make me sick. You make Chuck Berry sick. You make us all sick.

Ska does suck, but it depends on what we refer to as ska. If you're getting into that silly checkered suspender shit, than yes, ska is indeed a vomited pile of tripe. However, if we're talking about the first wave of ska that was a bit closer to reggae, then I have to disagree. Desmond Dekker, Symarip, and Lord Tanamo were all excellent, and are what I define as ska. Some might call it "Trojan Ska" due to the Trojan Ska box sets that made the music better known to the public.

Nu-Metal is pretty fucking bad, maybe some of the worst guitar oriented music ever conceived.

Whatever genre Radiohead falls under I hate, because I hate Radiohead. Actually, I can say that about Phish as well, fuck that hippie jam band crap. Grow some balls.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Rock & roll in general. Also, early heavy metal bands that were pretty much just beefed up rock in any case.

Gangsta rap springs to mind as a potential canditate as well, there is no appeal there for me.

You make me sick. You make Chuck Berry sick. You make us all sick.

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Whilst there's a number of really good bands, post-rock is really starting to piss me off at the moment, as there's like hundreds of bands with only like 4 different sounds between them.

Surely that's the fault of the individual bands, rather than an intrinsic flaw with the shiteness of the genre itself? Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Silver Mt. Zion (Orchestra) more than make up for any shite post-rock.

North American radio-friendly rock is all bollocks. They all seem to sound like six year olds imitating Pearl Jam or something. Or they're just shit.

Most commercial hip hop is utter rubbish.

What record companies keep trying to pass off as "jazz" on compilations is almost universally shit. Proper jazz is wonderful, Norah Jones is naff, unless it's on Peeping Tom.

As VP said, proper Trojan ska stuff is marvelous, THAT is good ska. Early Specials and stuff like that is the limit of ska's greatness. Ska nowadays is fucking horrible, mostly because it's made up of hundreds of identikit whiny American bands with horrible vocalists who seem to think that it's a comedy genre, so we end up with Reel Big Fish or some shit passing off as ska.

Blink 182, and everything they've ever been associated with, whatever genres all that shit fall under. Pop-punk, I suppose. But not decent pop-punk like The Buzzcocks or Exploding Hearts, only the more recent shit. Anything post-Green Day, including most of Green Day's creative output.

Dire Straits.

Most metal that gets played on Kerrang! or Scuzz, it's just bollocks. Power metal as a whole. WAAAARRRAHHHHHH DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGONS! *ten minute guitar solo*. Yeah, mate, I can really relate to that. Nice one. Fuck off. Unless it's Manowar.

Whatever genre The Killers fall under.

Practically anything Radio 1 tries to pass off a serious legitimate band...playing at being the Arctic Monkeys doesn't make you a good band. It makes you a cheap knock-off of a slightly above-average band. That's everyone from The Author (you'll hate them by the end of the year, even if you haven't heard of them now) to Pigeon Detectives via The Twang. Fuck The Twang.

Britpop, except Pulp, who weren't really Britpop anyway 'cos they were around since ages before Britpop came about, they just get lumped in there because that's when they got popular. Pulp are an amazing band, absolutely fantastic, but Oasis, The Charlatans et al can fuck right off. Dull, dull, dull, dull, dull, and lead to legions and legions and legions of fans without a brain cell between them who think that Liam Gallagher being a drunken fuckwit with no talent who consistently insults his own fans, the people who allow him to live the lifestyle he doesn't deserve, is somehow cool, and proceed to dress, walk, and talk like him, despite never having seen Manchester. Fuck off.

Edited by Skummy Guðmundsdóttir
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