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Movies that suck after more than one viewing.


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So me and one of my friends were chatting about movies the other day, and he brought up how often Comedy Central seems to show their movies and that they've kind of devolved his experience with the movie. No idea why that would be, but it brings up an interesting point. Are there any movies you've seen that are great after one viewing but become shittier as further viewings wear on?

One for me would probably be Napoleon Dynamite. Good quirky movie, but the whole cult thing of finding every...little...thing funny doesn't make the slightest bit of sense to me.

Another is the Back to the Future trilogy. I love to death the first one, but I have slowly come to detest the second, and outright ignore the third. I don't know really what would be considered bad about the movies, but it's a boring set of movies, quite honestly.

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Napoleon Dynamite was ruined for me by every cunt and their dog spewing lines at me around 6 months after I saw the film.

God, yes. And each and every last one of them thought they were incredibly witty when quoting it, it was awful.

For me, I'll say the first Spider-Man movie. I loved it the first time but I ended up walking off the next time I saw it.

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I'd disagree. Some comedies are great watched multiple times, especially with friends around and you can all quote the lines and laugh and shit. It may not be a movie, but just yesterday my Dad and I were sitting around watching Seinfeld and were able to quote most lines and still laughed. I guess it depends on you as a person, though.

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I'd disagree. Some comedies are great watched multiple times, especially with friends around and you can all quote the lines and laugh and shit. It may not be a movie, but just yesterday my Dad and I were sitting around watching Seinfeld and were able to quote most lines and still laughed. I guess it depends on you as a person, though.
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Movies that get worse with each viewing? I don't know if I can think of any. I usually love movies more and more with each viewing, especially the Back to the Future Trilogy. I've seen each film over 50 times and I can never get enough of them.

Well, Titanic is one I can think of. I loved it the first time I saw it. Now when I watch it, I just see it as a decent movie not deserving of its praise.

And even though I own them on DVD I can never get myself to rewatch any of the Lord of the Rings movies. They're great movies, but for me, they're not good for multiple viewings.

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It depends on what kind of humor. If it's something completely ridiculous, then I can usually watch it over and over. Zoolander, for example, is funnier with every viewing.

Very true, but I guess that's because zoolander wasn't just 2 hours of punchlines thrown together.

Though it wasn't JUST that, it had a hell of a lot of it.

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Zoolander and Super Troopers are two movies that I can watch again and again, even knowing all the lines, and fuck, for Super Troopers, having them quoted again and again, and still find hilarious. Beerfest is like that too.

As for movies I've seen, loved, and don't want to see again... the Jackass movies probably fit, although I'd like to see the second one again, because I was cross-faded when I saw it.

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Yubari, your avatar is awesome, he and Blundetto were my favorite 'guests,' I guess you could say on that show. Richie Aprile was great too.

I was expecting Ralph to only last one season like the other two you mentioned, actually, so I was pleasantly surprised that he got a full season and most of the fourth too. I'd say Jackie Aprile, Jr. was the guest character of season three, myself.

But yeah, Ralphie was fantastic. Joe Pantoliano wins at playing complete assholes.

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Borat. I laughed during this movie more than any other movie when I saw it in theaters then I bought it and it just wasn't as good as the first time.

But thats a film based on 'spontaneous comedy' (the best way I can suggest it), which would therefore never be as good on a second viewing.

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