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Heroes Season Two

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Thought that was a great finale for the first part of the season. The only thing I don't like is how meaningless death is now in the show. I mean, someone good dies all Claire or Peter have to do is give them some blood and they are alive again. We'll see how it works in the second act but I thought it was great.

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The review itself actually gave it a B+ I think, but the people on the forums were just being a bunch of cynical pricks. They were all vowing to never watch the show again, but you can be sure they'll be complaining again next week. Someone even suggested that the forum members could do a better job of writing the show that Tim Kring et al, which is always laughable.
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Who walks into a thread for TNA Impact and gets surprised by people with spoilers? Nobody, because the rule is that they have to be contained in spoiler tags, infinitely more sensible than just having SPOILERS in the subtitle. That could imply, to use FFVII as a context, huge spoilers like

or tiny things like
Cloud believes he is Zack at one point
. But if you don't believe me, ask in the Ring why the rule's in place. I'd guess it's so that people who haven't had a chance to see the latest episode like...hm, the English, perhaps, don't get it spoiled for them.
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You've posted in this thread before, De, did you not notice the lack of spoiler tags? It's been 16 pages, and spoiler tags have only ever been used to refer to stuff in upcoming episodes.

Anyway, good episode considering the circumstances. The whole Niki/Micah/Monica stuff seems pointless, but I guess they were/are going to have a role to play in Volume 3.

So glad Elle and Sylar are both still alive.

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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Nikki, Micah and Monica: Being dead is where she belongs, Larter can go onto bigger things in movies and she's never been that entertaining, season two she was even worse. Her death is a catalyst for an interesting Mica, he seems to be heading the Peter Parker route and losing everything he cares about, which is the big question, will he be good or turn off the heroes path next season? As for Monica, I wish the bitch had burned, fucking useless character. I like Micah's nan and him, but the rest of his family have been the very worst of Heroes bar a few shining moments.

Angela, Peter and Nathan: I hope and believe Nathan will be back, he's gone from questionable dick to total true blue hero this season, he's been what Peter wanted to be and much more. If Nathan stays dead I'll be pissed because this season he's shone better than anyone, his chemistry with everyone is unquestionable and the moment he was shot I actually did the "I'm too much into this character" shout. Peter looks like he may actually become a better character and not the emo shit he tends to be. Angela I'm so on the fence of, she's the wild card of the entire show so far and while I may not like her, I'm glad to see her stick around, her final enigmatic comments seem to lead credence to her playing a major role next season.

Maya and Sylar: Glad to see Sylar back on the path, but now I find it hard to see how anyone could possibly stop him, especially if that injection taught him how to heal. Question is, where the fuck was being showed how he gets his powers? We've been promised it all season and there's no delivery! Maya I could've easilly been happy to keep dead, but now she may be the only one who can stop Sylar and she's a lot better now she's free of Alejandro.

Molly, Matt and Mohinder: Not much to say, glad to see Molly alive, Mohinder can't die even though he's basically just an excuse to cover the science of the show and have a narrator. Matt had potentially this season and it's now been squandered, poor showing.

Elle, Bob, HRG, Claire and West: The whole dynamic is brilliant, I'm willing to put money on HRG being the one shot shot Nathan as part of his deal, Elle's good girl/bad girl routine has been the best part of the entire season, Claire has been lame as fuck, West has been boring bar one episode, I'm all for West being taken by the company if push came to shove, I think it may make him slightly interesting. Bob is a twisted motherfucker, if he's good or bad, it doesn't matter, because he's always entertaining.

Adam, Hiro and Ando: Almost total lack of Ando was shit, Adam deserved a better 'ending' and will likely be back, which is good because I pray we see an Adam/Sylar partnership since they both seem obsessed with mass murder. Hiro has been too serious this season, he's the comedy relief and all he's done is mope and moan about all he's lost, total shame.

Overall, a piss poor season for Heroes, a few highlights in a lot of drizzling shits episodes, still better than most stuff on TV and I'll never stop watching, but I was hoping for so much more considering the ending of season one.

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Maya and Sylar: Glad to see Sylar back on the path, but now I find it hard to see how anyone could possibly stop him, especially if that injection taught him how to heal. Question is, where the fuck was being showed how he gets his powers? We've been promised it all season and there's no delivery! Maya I could've easilly been happy to keep dead, but now she may be the only one who can stop Sylar and she's a lot better now she's free of Alejandro.

Um...what episode were YOU watching? They did the "End of Volume 2" thing and then came back from ad break to reveal Volume 3 (entitled "Villians"). Where Sylar injects himself in a alley way (looking like a junk head) with ALL of the blood and starts to heal completely all the wounds he got. Then he goes on to get a tin can to shoot across the alley way and into his hand, says "I'm back" and we fade into a "To be continued".

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