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Ghostbusters announced

Fanku Kaibutsu

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Yeah, I also saw it in the latest Game Informer, and it looked very cool. All four Ghost Busters will be reprising their roles, and apparently the story takes place in 1991 as a sequel to the second movie. You will be controlling a new recruit for the Ghost Busters. I also hear that the Firehouse will act as a base, where you can go and bullshit with Janeane (oh and she'll be reprising her role as well) and see Ray inventing new gadgets.

And yep, Marshmallow Man and Slimer will be in the game.

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  • 1 year later...

Sony is publishing the game; x360 version delayed.

Sony Computer Entertainment will now be publishing Terminal Reality's Ghostbusters title in a surprise deal signed with Atari today, according to GamesIndustry.biz.

The game is set for a June 19 release alongside the Sony Pictures film, but only on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2 platforms. They will have a period of exclusivity lasting several months until the PSP edition is launched.

It is unclear exactly what will happen to the Xbox 360 version of the game, although GamesIndustry.biz understands that Atari may look to publish it later on.

This will be the third publisher within a year for the Ghostbusters game. The former Vivendi title was dropped by Activision in the merger last summer, before subsequently being picked up by Atari.

EDIT: It looks like only the PAL version will be delayed. US 360 release date is still June 19.

Edited by abundant
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Thats complete and utter bollocks. Fuck you Atari! Fuck you Sony!!

I've been desperate to play this game since they anounced it ages ago and now thats to those fuckers I won;t get to unless i fork out £300 for a PS3. This has just made a shit day even shitter!

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Thats complete and utter bollocks. Fuck you Atari! Fuck you Sony!!

I've been desperate to play this game since they anounced it ages ago and now thats to those fuckers I won;t get to unless i fork out £300 for a PS3. This has just made a shit day even shitter!

You mean exactly what Microsoft has done with a lot of games and download content? :rolleyes:

Besides it's just going to end up like Ninja Gaiden anyway I think.

Edited by Captain Kirk
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Thats complete and utter bollocks. Fuck you Atari! Fuck you Sony!!

I've been desperate to play this game since they anounced it ages ago and now thats to those fuckers I won;t get to unless i fork out £300 for a PS3. This has just made a shit day even shitter!

You mean exactly what Microsoft has done with a lot of games and download content? :rolleyes:

Besides it's just going to end up like Ninja Gaiden anyway I think.

No-one should do it. It's just unfair on people, what makes it even worse is that it was only a month from release when they anounced it. It's retarded and its pissed me right off

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Thats complete and utter bollocks. Fuck you Atari! Fuck you Sony!!

I've been desperate to play this game since they anounced it ages ago and now thats to those fuckers I won;t get to unless i fork out £300 for a PS3. This has just made a shit day even shitter!

You mean exactly what Microsoft has done with a lot of games and download content? :rolleyes:

Besides it's just going to end up like Ninja Gaiden anyway I think.

No-one should do it. It's just unfair on people, what makes it even worse is that it was only a month from release when they anounced it. It's retarded and its pissed me right off

To be honest it's about time Sony started doing it because they would fall behind otherwise plus did Ghostbusters not have a publisher already?

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Thats complete and utter bollocks. Fuck you Atari! Fuck you Sony!!

I've been desperate to play this game since they anounced it ages ago and now thats to those fuckers I won;t get to unless i fork out £300 for a PS3. This has just made a shit day even shitter!

You mean exactly what Microsoft has done with a lot of games and download content? :rolleyes:

Besides it's just going to end up like Ninja Gaiden anyway I think.

No-one should do it. It's just unfair on people, what makes it even worse is that it was only a month from release when they anounced it. It's retarded and its pissed me right off

To be honest it's about time Sony started doing it because they would fall behind otherwise plus did Ghostbusters not have a publisher already?

Atari picked it up months ago. Atari is still publishing it in North America, while Sony is publishing it in the PAL territories.

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It's utter bullshit. Anything about Sony "falling behind" is ridiculous. There's having time-delay exclusives, then there's stunts like this just to be a bunch of dicks. Messing with a release date so close to the planned date is inadvisable at best, but when it's only affecting a certain region, meaning that there's absolutely no legitimate reason to hold it back, is utter stupidity and is only going to hurt sales. Do they think that by holding back the 360 version that PS3 sales will increase? It's not because they're comepting with the 360, it's because no one here has one of the bloody things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don´t know about the rest of the world, but the german PS3 version of the game aperently has the blue ray version of the original Ghostbusters Movie on the game disc (or an extra disc that comes with the game)

Source, Amazon Preorder Page.


The normal german game price of 60 euro is about as much as you pay for the movie and the game on amazon.co.uk. (around 56BP = 63€)

Also, Dan on Ghosts.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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  • 2 weeks later...

The 360 version is supposedly region free so you can play it without any fuss. There's a few copies on eBay for about £34, less than it would retail here for. Can't trade in US copies of course, not that I really trade stuff in, but you could probably privately sell it someone if you tire of it.

Gonna wait for some reviews and feedback about multiplayer and such. I may pick it up.

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Gamespot reviewed the game, while they guy in the video sais great like a gazillion times they only gave it a 7.5 wich is very low wen you consider that almost everything rated under 7.0 these days is basicly death in Videogame form. So i´ed expect a lot more problems than they arte talking about.... but lets see what other sides and some indipendent reviewers say.

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I had it at the top of my list from Gamefly. Got a email a few days ago saying it was shipped, so I should hopefully have it in the mail today

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