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Movie star John Cena is back!


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Am I the only one that saw Renny Harlins but computed Henry Rollins upon the initial glance of this thread title?

It's a punk rock thing... yeah I sort of did too. :)

With how jacked Rollins is, that'd be a nice tag team

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Never said that but he is doing the exact same thing as Arnie did/does.

Commando, True Lies, Collateral Damage, Terminator trilogy..all the same

Die Hards all the same

Rambos and Rockys all the same

Didnt harm there careers in any way shape or form and people still flock to the box office to see them. Whos to say it wont work for Cena?

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As I said, The Marine didn't exactly work.

Not to mention that Die Hards, Rockys & Rambos were all in ONE storyline, so it made sense that everything wouldn't be TOTALLY different between movies. I haven't seen many Arnie movies, but I doubt they were as close together as The Marine and this new one was.

Edited by Tom Shamvo
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Didnt exactly work? Yeah at BO but it was the number one selling dvd in america for a time.

EDIT: Watch the Arnie movies. Besides the terminator trilogy. Die Hard had one main character and thats it..it was a formula of John Mclane in wrong place at wrong time , meets bad guys, family gets involved, kills bad guys, happy ending.

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Yeah and this week the top seller is Resident Evil: Extinction.

Ask people about a Rambo movie and then ask someone about the Marine, the Marine selling in a stale DVD marketplace isn't really big news with the WWE marketing machine behind it. Fact of the matter is, comparing Cena to any of them cannot be warranted at all. He's done one movie, and now he's doing another with a copy\pasted storyline that isn't even linked to the original. I doubt people would be saying much if it was The Marine 2 with the same general idea.


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Rambo had a shit load of advertising. As did every other Stallone, Arnie etc movie.

EDIT: I dont see where your coming from..what Cena is doing now is acting to his strengths. He has a action movie look. Willis did, Arnie does, Stallone does. One of the main reason he made Rocky and Rambo was because he tried several serious roles and they flopped. And it is warranted as Cena is Arnie, Stallone etc just a few years younger. Not saying he is a MEGA BOX OFFICE DRAW just saying his look etc. Plus people love the guy. Everywhere

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Of course they had marketing, but Cena has the crossover appeal, wrestling fans are going to buy\have bought for them his shit no matter what. Arnold didn't exactly have that appeal from bodybuilding.

And as far as people loving Cena\his look... that doesn't exactly make him an action movie star comparable to anyone else you've mentioned. The Rock tried that, and he's still trying it... and he has had a far better look and appeal than Cena ever has. Can Cena become an action movie hero? To which there is more than just looking the part... obviously... he's going to have to be in more movies... and ones that are acclaimed, not just purchased. And as long as he's with WWE Films, I don't exactly see that happening especially with the bland stuff that they've been putting out. Anyways, back to the original point, in one big nice summarization;

Cena has been in one movie before.

Those guys have been in many.

Cena's film while (allegedly) selling well, isn't exactly screaming for a sequel.

The others have been acclaimed (for the most part), pushed into the mainstream for good, and are producing sequels to this day.

Cena's first movie and second movie do not tie in together, so what's the point of NOT thinking up something original?

The others had movies that tied together in a series of events... Rocky had a sensical storyline (save for IV, as I gather).

That's all I have to say on the subject.

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Meh. Completely disagree. But to each his own.

EDIT: Just saw the "allegedly" part...do your research you will see it was number one for a while. DVD across America.


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The only charts that I could find were Billboards and they broke down like;





And so on and so forth. According to numbers I saw on some other site, in its first week it was the top rental... for a week.

Edited by Tom Shamvo
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Meh. Completely disagree. But to each his own.

EDIT: Just saw the "allegedly" part...do your research you will see it was number one for a while. DVD across America.


Quick question, who is this according to? Because "Number One" is a very loose term, it could indicate "favourite" or number one at WWE's shop or whatever, if you're relying on WWE commentary, take anything they tell you about their products with a pinch of salt.

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