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YI And His Special Music Corner


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Coldplay just bore the fuck out of me. I'll admit they have their moments. I used to enjoy Trouble and Don't Panic, and Fix You's not a bad track (until it got played constantly), and one or two others are tolerable, but on the whole it's just dull. I never, never got the appeal of Yellow either. I truly despise that song.

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more importantly, the new N.E.R.D. album leaked. I know it's not super elite obscure indie music, but, I mean, c'mon. Their new single is about girls doing coke in club bathrooms. Even YI can appreciate that :P

In other news, I'm hoping "Strength in Numbers" by the Music is pretty good.

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more importantly, the new N.E.R.D. album leaked. I know it's not super elite obscure indie music, but, I mean, c'mon. Their new single is about girls doing coke in club bathrooms. Even YI can appreciate that :P

In other news, I'm hoping "Strength in Numbers" by the Music is pretty good.

Hey. N.E.R.D are class. I actually physically OWN their other two albums. Yes, I bought them cheap, but still.

The Music are awesome too.

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I'm seeing Death Cab in Birmingham, my mate's bought tickets :w00t:

I don't care enough about Death By stereo to be concerned about a clash.

Seeing them in manchester :w00t: . Got seating tickets although they havent been sent yet and i got them the day they came on sale.

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FFAF have put another tune up on myspace, "Beneath The Burning Tree". AWESOME!!! It's cheesy as sin. Again, it's more "Hours" than "Casually Stressed" (:shifty:) But unlike "Waterfront Danceclub", which is naff, it's a good tune.

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New Coldplay is shockingly good!! They really have a habit of using 'obvious', cheesy chord sequences (Which leads to many of their songs sounding similar), but this hands down their best release. Lyrically it's cheesy as sin and sometimes cringeworthy, and everything is written to sound grandiose and epic, but it kind of works.

I only previously liked 3 Coldplay songs ("The Scientist", "In My Place" and "Fix You"), this album has more than doubled that. Seriously, if this wasn't Coldplay, people would be "Yeah, this is great."

They've furthered the direction they've been hinting at, going basically fully fledged Stadium Rock (which is a good move, as the piano ballads are dull as fuck), basically sounding like U2 with a more pop orientated sound a lot of the time.

They've missed the boat with the first tune...it could have been a killer Cure/Smiths style indie-pop number, instead we get an instrumental that doesn't really go anywhere.

My favourite track is "Reign Of Love"...so cheesy, but nice.

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You got seating tickets when there was a choice of standing? Puff. :shifty:

:w00t: yarr, im not usually the standing around / dance to the music type of guy. so no point i guess.

Also, not sure if you guys knew this but it seems (according to last fm) that the support for DCFC will be your beloved Styrofoam. Think i might check out a few of their stuff before i go (i hate not knowing the songs at live shows)

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You got seating tickets when there was a choice of standing? Puff. :shifty:

:w00t: yarr, im not usually the standing around / dance to the music type of guy. so no point i guess.

Also, not sure if you guys knew this but it seems (according to last fm) that the support for DCFC will be your beloved Styrofoam. Think i might check out a few of their stuff before i go (i hate not knowing the songs at live shows)

Yeah, Styrofoam are the support. I was basically 95% sure of buying a ticket, but that made it a definate, especially given that I missed them earlier in the year (Plus "Couches In Alleys"...PROPERLY!! :w00t:).

To be honest, if it wasn't for Styrofoam supporting, I'd 'cut my losses' and go see Death By Stereo/H20 which is on the same night. But...fuck it. Death Cab/Styrofoam!!! I'm hoping for the greatest gig ever. No pressure. :shifty:

Styrofoam are apparently a bit 'different' live, and use a live band set up, and apparently sound like a regular 'indie band' for the most part. But are still very danceable. They also have a woman in the band on keyboards, who handles the female vocal parts, so you don't end up with like +44 do, where Mark Hoppus sings ALL of "Make You Smile" and it just sounds silly.

3 DCFC gigs, 3 EWB'ers, 3 different gigs. What's funny is, Drags is going up north for his. I'm going down south for mine.

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I heard on another board the song "42" is like Coldplay meets Nine Inch Nails.

I've seen the expression "Diet Yorke" used to describe it...which I find is probably more accurate.

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yep 3 different gigs. im flying to new york on monday and YI posted some shows that are on. Death cab are actually in brooklyn on the tuesday and its sold out, otherwise i'd be getting an extra death cab fix

Is Rooney sold out? If you can get to it...go...seriously. Fucking amazing band (Well their debut especially).

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New Coldplay is alright, though I find myself getting bored halfway through.

New Weezer is actually pretty decent, especially after the mess that was Make Believe.

New Sam Roberts is a ten out of tenner. And the video for Them Kids is the single greatest video in the past 5 years.

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yep 3 different gigs. im flying to new york on monday and YI posted some shows that are on. Death cab are actually in brooklyn on the tuesday and its sold out, otherwise i'd be getting an extra death cab fix

Is Rooney sold out? If you can get to it...go...seriously. Fucking amazing band (Well their debut especially).

Rooney would be on our last night in new york and it might be worthwhile going. Not sold out and their playing deep in manhattan (which basically as long as its in manahattan its do-able).

Neither me or my gf are rooney fans, (though i do like im SH-SH-SHAAAKING :w00t:)

Wait and see. lol

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