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"Crashing" by Jack's Mannequin...potential song of the year. :wub: All the way back in January when I first heard that snippet of the chorus, I knew it'd be bloody epic.

And even if your voice comes back again

Maybe there'll be no one listening

And even if I find the strength to stand

It doesn't mean I wont go missing...

...when the world comes...craaaashing

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Shitload of news, roundup;

The Falcon/Lawrence Arms frontman brendan Kelly has a blog...it is the most fabulous shit I have ever read in my entire life. READ IT! http://badsandwichchronicles.blogspot.com/

Brand New are hitting the studio to record their next album.

A Wilhelm Scream will be touring the UK again in the spring, with a NEW ALBUM!

Bloc Party's new album is released tomorrow.

Fall Out Boy are releasing an album in November, apparently.

"Kicking & Screaming", the new FFAF single is dull as shit. If it wasn't for the vocals, I'd have no idea it was them, it sounds more like a shit Feeder song.

No Trigger will be releasing the follow up to the awesome "Canyoneer". Can't wait.

Good morning. It seems I’m almost never a Viking anymore, these days. Up early, drinking coffee, writing on this thing, jiggling this little dude around like he’s margarita ingredients, when do you sleep? That’s why your parents are so lame, kids. They’re fucking exhausted. They can’t go out and blow lines and listen to Dethklok and shit, they’ve got something in the neighborhood of fifteen years of missing sleep to catch up on. Also, they’re jealous of you being a younger, better looking version of them, and bitter jealousy + exhaustion = parents. Yup. I put this little guy in this tiger costume this morning, and he really, really hated it, almost to the point where I thought he was allergic, but no. he’s just a grumpy little shit sometimes.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA!!! When I grow up and have a family, I want to be like Brendan Kelly. :wub:

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Brand New are only just recording it now? Fucking hell, I want!

It seems Funeral have lost their way somewhat. I think they tried too hard to fight the whole "emo" tag they got when they first started, and it's ended up in them being too soft. Not that the third album was bad or anything, but they've never matched their debut effort in my view.

Edited by Dragsy
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To be fair, I thought the third album was pretty bad, the only song I liked was the one that had a lyric about "where the crow flies" or something. Oh, and the intro to the lead single was quite awesome, but the rest of it, meh. This new song dissapoints me, as one of the earlier songs they released "Beneath The Burning Tree" was canny awesome. Again, not their old style, but it was catchy as hell and more than a little cheesy. And I love cheesy.

And man, Brendan Kelly is like the funniest bloke ever. I'm reading his thoughts on whiskey/vodka...and he's bang on exactly like me...not sure of his thoughts on beer, I like getting wasted on 'beer'...but I do kind of get his point of "You can drink beer whenever...beer's what you have on a lunchtime break from work" etc..."If you wanna get FUUCKED, drink spirits"...which I guess is right.

And yeah, I want brand new, Brand New.

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I've concluded after about 3 listens through I love Glass Passenger more than Everything In Transit. The first 3 tracks are phenomenal, Crashing was amazing, Caves was just a fucking great closer. All of them are so catchy, but not in a cheesy poppy way. Damn fine job Andrew McMahon, damn fine job.

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Does it make me quite gay that I really like Paris Is Burning by Ladyhawke? I'm rather worried about this...

No no. It is a good song.

Pfft. Everyone knows "Paris is Burning" by St. Vincent is the most epic song to use...that song title.

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Wow and damn, this is going to feel like repetition for those on D-Lyrium...but what the hell for Bloc Party's new record? It's outright shit and I loved Silent Alarm and liked A Weekend enough to buy the CD and the new record...good God no. It sounds like they took all of their cues from the shitty remixes of "The Prayer" and played it out for the whole record. Or they're doing that godawful shitty thing where they retread their increasingly shitty "love" ballads, like in "Halo" where they compare the girl to a fucking angel. Yes, the oldest pun in shitty romantic songs. Eugh. I liked them better when they talked about gay sexual tension, at least that took a slight bit of balls to do. Here, it's just shitty electronica bounced and blared incessantly for 40 minutes.

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Wow and damn, this is going to feel like repetition for those on D-Lyrium...but what the hell for Bloc Party's new record? It's outright shit and I loved Silent Alarm and liked A Weekend enough to buy the CD and the new record...good God no. It sounds like they took all of their cues from the shitty remixes of "The Prayer" and played it out for the whole record. Or they're doing that godawful shitty thing where they retread their increasingly shitty "love" ballads, like in "Halo" where they compare the girl to a fucking angel. Yes, the oldest pun in shitty romantic songs. Eugh. I liked them better when they talked about gay sexual tension, at least that took a slight bit of balls to do. Here, it's just shitty electronica bounced and blared incessantly for 40 minutes.

But their mercury's in retro-grade!

Yeah, it sucks. Plus, the really bad music has drawn attention to how bad the lyrics are.

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Closing a set with "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" by Of Montreal and it actually working is the best feeling a DJ can ever have. It was fucking beautiful.

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