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YI And His Special Music Corner


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Random shit;

Bayside's new album has leaked. I've only heard "The Walking Wounded" from their back catalogue, but that was fucking good. Apparently the album's more 'punky' than alt-rocky, looking forward to listening to it.

Matt Embree of Rx Bandits/Sounds Of Animals Fighting has released an 'acoustic' solo album under the name "Love You Moon", on first listen it's good.

Speaking of Sounds Of Animals Fighting. Their new album is out now. Haven't got around to hearing it yet. But I've heard a couple of tunes, and it's epic stuff.

Also, All Of The Above have went on 'Indefinate Hiatus'...which is shitty, as it was before they even really 'begun'...could have been the UK's Paramore. :( I knew I should have travelled down to London to try and see them. :shifty:




Check them out, if you haven't already. Both songs on myspace are great.

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I've been listening to a lot of Kevin Devine lately, which is good because apparently he is opening for Manchester Orchestra when I go to see them. But yeah, I'd recommend Kevin Devine to anybody who doesn't already listen to him. He's worked with Jessie Lacey from Brand New on quite a few occasions and Lacey actually does background vocals for one of his albums.

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The new TV on the Radio is pretty good but ultimately quite disappointing.

I guess that's what I get for expecting something on par with the awesomeness of Cookie Mountain.

I have no problems with it right now simply because of "Halfway Home".

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The new TV on the Radio is pretty good but ultimately quite disappointing.

I guess that's what I get for expecting something on par with the awesomeness of Cookie Mountain.

Fuck. That. I love new TVOTR. Most of it is better than RTCM, but maybe that's just hype getting to me.

Paper Airplanes and Fleet Foxes are great, Paper Airplanes especially. And I finally got around to listening to British Sea Power or whatever, I liked it.

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Listen to The Smackdown, seriously guys. They're Swedish post-hardcore, and have a song called "Reawaiting Scott Hall", and one that ends with the line "mumbling to myself - I hate the silhouette of the United States belt".

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Another band I am whoring out at the mo. that seems a little pointless in retrospect are Taken (Myspace) an amazing melodic hardcore band from California who broke up in 2004 but recently reformed for some reunion shows but have sinced announced they will be writing and recording again. Their "Between two Unseens" EP is among the best I have heard and is immense emotional, just, wall of sound, outstanding (Y). For fans of Thrice, This Day Forward, etc... Contained ex-Bleeding Through members, members have since gone on to join/form Circa Survive, Name Taken and Mikoto.

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Another band I am whoring out at the mo. that seems a little pointless in retrospect are Taken (Myspace) an amazing melodic hardcore band from California who broke up in 2004 but recently reformed for some reunion shows but have sinced announced they will be writing and recording again. Their "Between two Unseens" EP is among the best I have heard and is immense emotional, just, wall of sound, outstanding (Y). For fans of Thrice, This Day Forward, etc... Contained ex-Bleeding Through members, members have since gone on to join/form Circa Survive, Name Taken and Mikoto.

Wow, just checked them out on MySpace, The Duke is immense. Definitely get a bit of a Vheissu vibe from them at times, it's kind of a mix of that and really fucking screamy shit, I love it.

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Styrofoam will be returning to the UK, after supporting both Jimmy Eat World and Death Cab For Cutie earlier in the year, for 4 headline dates...I need to make it to one.

14th October - Prince Albert, Brighton

15th October - Club 229, London

16th October - Stars & Garter, Manchester

17th October - Captains Rest, Glasgow

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So Zane Lowe played "The 59 Sound" by The Gaslight Anthem on his show on Wednesday last week (and the week before that as part of the "Below Ground" Punk Rock theme, just thought I'd mention that. <_<

Turns out Mike D's been playing their new stuff on his punk rock show (and has been every week but 3 since mid July including Old White Lincoln) but this is their first 'major radio airplay' I believe. He's also been playing stuff like Boomboxes and Dictionaries, Senor and The Queen and stuff for the better part of the year. He seems really big on them! And the band have been booked in for a recording session with Radio 1 too I think :D

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