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The OAO Grand Theft Auto IV Thread


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I've been paid off for awhile now, it's just the picking up part I'm worried about. The closest store to me that was doing a midnight launch also happens to be a very small one indeed.

My problem is I have to work on Tuesday so I want to get as much of it in as possible since I'm going to be stretched for the next couple of weeks.

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The thing that irks me about midnight launches is that should you go all the way to the shop, wait an hour in a queue pick up the game and take a 10 min drive back home and play the game for a few hours how the hell do you manage to stay awake the next day?

Cocaine :rolleyes:

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I just watched the IGN video review and then read the text review...I am too excited for this game now. I thought seeing the footage would ruin the first time loading up the city but all the footage has done is made me more excited.

Multi-player baseball fights look epic. Speaking of game modes how about a re-creation of the Warriors/Furies fight scene from The Warriors where half the people have abseball bats the other half don't...I mean, th odds may be a little TOO stacked against the non-furies so it needs some work ¬_¬

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I have to be at work at 9 my time. I'll get the game hopefully about 11:15 with a 15 minute drive home, so that's 11:30. I can play until 2:00 (2 1/2 hours) and sleep from 2:30 to 8:30 (6 hours of sleep). I also plan on doing pretty much two days of work on Monday so that Tuesday, staying awake is really the only objective I have the entire time.

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You can't be wide awake at 1 or 2 in the morning? No wonder you call your video games females. :shifty:

Haha....I meant lining up instead of staying up. I'm usually up at 2 anyways but if I have to wake at like 6 or something then fuck that. I'm going to bed at 8.

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That sucks, I always wished there was a locally-owned store around here that would get the games in and break the release dates, but no luck.

Oh, I don't intend on waiting long at all. I'll get there about 5 minutes til midnight and it should be go in, get game, and get out as I'll have everything paid for. If need be, I'll cut in line and such to get ahead so I'm not stuck there more then 10-15 minutes.

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I've managed to sneak my way towards the front of many lines, most recently the one that was waiting on Assassin's Creed. While I'm aware of the danger, I'm think I'll manage if there are really that many people there I would need to get to the front.

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I've got my GCSE German Oral on Tuesday. As soon as I cross that hurdle, I suppose I can give myself a night off for the sweet elixir that is GTA IV. Mine is apparently dispatched.

Man, I wish my school had that...

Yea, that's right, I'm clever. :pervert:

but really, I can't wait. I'm picking it up for the midnight launch as well. And I remember with Halo 3, even with a huge line, once they started selling, it only took a few short minutes to go throw. So it should be easy to just walk in/walk out. I can't wait!

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Assuming I won't be lucky enough to have the game delivered on the Monday, I will be working on the Tuesday from 7am til 3pm so it's going to be one looong shift, Im off on Wednesday though so I think an all-nighter is very far from out of the question.

Now I've just realised another problem I have...No gold subscription. :( I'll be able to get that on Friday though so no biggie, a few days playing through single player will be good for getting used to the new engine/controls.

Edited by Boogey131
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No one will get it delivered on Monday. Stores will, but you won't as its street dated for the 29th, so online retailers can't set it to ship out and get there untill at least the 29th.

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