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The Anime Thread


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I finally got to see the Fullmetal Alchemist movie a few days ago (It aired on one of the Starz or Encore channels, with a Ghost In The Shell movie that seemed more like an extended episode with a lot of padding in it than an actual movie).

The ending was kind of cool, yet kind of lame, at the same time, with the only real payoff being the Elric brothers finally being re-united.

Hitler and the Nazis being stopped from taking power was cool. Ed and Al staying on the alternate Earth kinda wasn't. Ed's gonna end up right back where he was at the end of the series when his arm and leg get damaged, for one thing......

I know it won't happen, but I'd love a follow-up series of OVAs (a full tv series would be too long) or movie that shows some of their adventures on the new world without alchemy to fall back on and shows how Winry and the others are dealing without them being around.

On the manga front, I'd like to recommend Princess Resurrection, by Yasunori Mitsunaga. I've read the first two volumes (volume 3 doesn't come out for a few more months, if I remember right), and it is really good. I hope it eventually gets animated.

A manga I am on the bubble about but leaning toward advising skipping is Yotsuba&!, by the creator of Azumanga Daioh. Its about a green-haired girl and is an all-ages manga, but so far (I have the first two volumes, but I believe 5 or 6 are out) the kid seems to either be just completely clueless or just plain retarded more than anything, and the stories have been about as much miss as hit so far. I *may* pick up volume 3 if I get really bored and can't find anything else to read - that's more or less why I picked up volume 2.

Anyone know if the Mai-Hime\My-Hime anime is any good, and if its got any hentai stuff in it? I picked up the first volume of the manga a month or so back and wasn't impressed.

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At SakuraCon some friends and I wandered into the FMA movie about... two thirds of the way in. We had to do everything in our power to refrain from just making an endless series of jokes about Nazi Hughes, entirely because it was such a random thing to walk in on.

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At SakuraCon some friends and I wandered into the FMA movie about... two thirds of the way in. We had to do everything in our power to refrain from just making an endless series of jokes about Nazi Hughes, entirely because it was such a random thing to walk in on.
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Wow, I'd heard Naruto ripped off some animes in its fight scenes from time to time, but I never knew they took it THIS far...


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A manga I am on the bubble about but leaning toward advising skipping is Yotsuba&!, by the creator of Azumanga Daioh. Its about a green-haired girl and is an all-ages manga, but so far (I have the first two volumes, but I believe 5 or 6 are out) the kid seems to either be just completely clueless or just plain retarded more than anything, and the stories have been about as much miss as hit so far. I *may* pick up volume 3 if I get really bored and can't find anything else to read - that's more or less why I picked up volume 2.
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Anyone know if the Mai-Hime\My-Hime anime is any good, and if its got any hentai stuff in it? I picked up the first volume of the manga a month or so back and wasn't impressed.
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The final ten episodes of the Mai-HiME anime are absolutely excellent (BATTLE ROYALE~!). Everything before that is average, but by no means is that an excuse not to watch them. Nao = :wub: The manga is so very different to how the anime is, it's almost silly - much more generic/full of unnecessary porn, is the manga.

I will not hear another frikkin' word against Yotsuba&!. It is hilarious and Yotsuba is not retarded. She's precocious, weird, and five years old. And if someone were to come out and say "Well, I didn't like Azumanga Daioh either, so it's not really my kind of style"...then I worry about them, because Azumanga Daioh is the best form of innocent fun that anime has ever produced. Ever.

I watched the first episode of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (So long, Mr. Despair) yesterday. It's got that sort of Pani Poni Dash style of really fast-paced strangeness with characters that will just bicker back and forth for hours and hours - only of course, replacing PPD's bright colours and chirpiness with, uh, death and despair. I didn't really know what to think of it at the end, and I'm not sure I could be bothered to watch several more episodes of it. But who knows...

The little 'story' in the opening credits that flicks by really fast was great though. I paused to read each frame. It really was just "WTF?" I shall transcribe:


listen to my story.

It's a little off-topic though.

The other day I went to a nearby *******ya. A *******ya.

And there was a huge crowd, so I couldn't find a place to sit.

And after a close look,

I saw that the banner read something like 150 yen off.

Seriously, are you morons? Idiots?

Hey, losers. Don't suddenly show up at *******ya because of a goddamn 150 yen price drop.

It's 150 yen. A hundred fifty yen.

And there's even a family here.

Four people having a family dinner at *******ya, huh?

Must be one hell of a special occasion.

And the dad's like, okay, I'm gonna make mine a jumbo.

Just shoot me now.

Hey, guys. I'll give you 150 yen, so scram.

*******ya is supposed to be a more brutal place.

Nothing odd about getting in a fight with the person

opposite you at one of those U-shaped tables.

Knife someone, or get knifed yourself.

That's the atmosphere we want around here.

Women and children should get lost.

So I finally found a place to sit when

the guy next to me ordered a large bowl with extra soup.

And I snapped again.

Now look here. Extra soup ain't the 'in' thing no more, dumbass.

Don't come in here looking like you're all that and ordering no extra soup.

I want to know if you really want that extra soup.

Put you on the rack. For a whole hour.

Yeah. You probably just ordered that for the hell of it.

As a regular of *******ya, I can tell you that the current fad

is extra onions. That's the thing.

A large bowl with egg. Extra onions. That's how we roll.

If you just order extra onions, you get more onions.

Which means you get less beef.

So, get extra onions and an egg, and you're set.

But once you've ordered it, your name will be on their list.

A double-edged sword.

Can't recommend this to an amateur.


And that was in the title credits. IN ENGLISH. And the "etc." at the end was there too, rather than me just getting bored with typing.

Fucking madness.

Edited by stokeriño
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because Azumanga Daioh is the best form of innocent fun that anime has ever produced. Ever.

Also Mr. Kimura is awesome. GLASS OF POOL WATER PLZ?

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Probably Yoshinoya. Not sure why that'd be censored though.

To be slightly more on-topic, a friend was going to give me a copy of Akira the other day but he forgot to bring it. Should I make a concerted effort to try and acquire this off him?

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So, from what I've read in here....Yotsuba is like Azumanga Daioh? But a younger version of it?

Dammit, more horribly cute anime to watch! I'll feel all weird and nice after watching it....I'll have to push someone down the stairs to feel normal.

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Reading? Me, bah!

Also, I heard there was an anime like Azumanga Diaoh, but like pre-school...someone told me an episode where they were in someones sisters room, while she was sleeping, and they had to talk with signs...it sounded interesting.

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I'm not sure if it's acceptable to talk about anime merchandise in this thread but, today I bought the Official Deathnote Notebook Set, and I'm amazed at how awesome it is. Leathery book with the deathnote rules and 1/3rd filled with japanese stuff that I have a feeling would contain a lot of spoilers if I could read japanese, a faux-quill pen, and an L pendant. As far as anime merchandise goes, it's incredible for $20.

And I kinda feel like a dork for having keychains of both Elrich brothers.

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