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The Anime Thread


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The TV series ending is brilliance...as an ending to a story about Shinji's emotional problems. If, however, you take the story to be mainly about NERV and the Evangelion project, the movie is the ending you want.

I reiterate: the TV series ending is brilliance. Don't knock it. :@

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Oh! I'll knock it!




Please don't hate me.

I'll knock YOU, Ruki! I'll knock YOU!

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Just as long as you don't knock me up.....again.

Just an FYI for everyone, don't go to Captain Falcon for an abortion.

Edit: Fuck you HMV! You have the special edition of the series, but not what I want. Go die.

Edited by Ruki
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The Anime version of "Welcome to the NHK" was awesome. They changed a bit from the novel (which is also good, pick it up if you get the chance, it's only like, $7) but it was still great.

I was watching Beck on Stage6, but they went belly-up... so...

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The Anime version of "Welcome to the NHK" was awesome. They changed a bit from the novel (which is also good, pick it up if you get the chance, it's only like, $7) but it was still great.

I was watching Beck on Stage6, but they went belly-up... so...

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The Mai-HiME mangas are...interesting. It's entirely different from the anime in many respects, some of which good (miscellaneous school rivalry HiME battles, and the far, far better casting for who turns out to be Lord Obsidian)...and some bad (five letters: E-C-C-H-I). I read all of the mangas online - there's no great reason not to buy it, but it's not amazing enough to be a massive priority.

Especially when I still haven't got hold of a copy of Yotsuba&! volume 6. :shifty:

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The Mai-HiME mangas are...interesting. It's entirely different from the anime in many respects, some of which good (miscellaneous school rivalry HiME battles, and the far, far better casting for who turns out to be Lord Obsidian)...and some bad (five letters: E-C-C-H-I). I read all of the mangas online - there's no great reason not to buy it, but it's not amazing enough to be a massive priority.
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Yotsuba&! and Fruits Basket for me - plus technically Evangelion when a new volume comes out once every decade. I've fallen behind on Fullmetal Alchemist by a few volumes, but I may catch up at some point. Otherwise I buy things that I've read all of online but feel I should spend money on out of some oddly-specific sense of moral righteousness. :shifty: Strawberry 100%, Pretty Face, and Mai-HiME currently fall under this list.

Edited by stokeriño
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Just as long as you don't knock me up.....again.

Just an FYI for everyone, don't go to Captain Falcon for an abortion.

Edit: Fuck you HMV! You have the special edition of the series, but not what I want. Go die.

SPEAKING OF... where in the living hell can I find a copy of the anime where the infamous...






... scene came from? I MUST HAVE IT.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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So, I got End of Evengalion....it's in english...just....not in .avi, it's in someother shit format. So I can't watch it on my DVD player...but I will be watching it at work today while I said for stuff to do. I just need to download VCL here :shifty:

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GCC or something....OGG?....yeah, OGG. I downloaded a converted and everything, followed the insturctions and went to open the files, and said there wasnt' video on there...which was wrong, because I checked <_<

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Yes. Yes he did.

Though she's not so much half-dead, just recovering from a suicide attempt and such. She's most of the way better, at that point. :shifty:

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(There's going to be a hell of a lot of End of Evangelion spoilers huh?)

ZOMG! We're the 18th Angel <_<

I swear they told us that before the film. Didn't Ritsuko mention it in episode 23? Or Kaworu in episode 24? I swear someone did. <_<

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I don't remember hearing that.

But the spoilers can stop :P

Edit:........dammit, it seems like the last 20 mins are gonna be like Ep 25 or 26.....mental mind fuck for the lose.

Edit 2: Alright, that ending was a bit better than the original...but still not full sure. Someone care to explain what exactly happened? I thought he was restarting the world...

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