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I sort of started watching slowly and then once I got to Japan last year and the weather blew and I was taking the shinkansen a lot I was pretty much burning through two or three episodes per day, and I caught up prior to the finale as well. Good times. I think the first couple of episodes are interesting but a little slow, but once things get in gear it becomes great.

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- Holy fucking shit. The Emperor is a Geass user and used it to rewrite Lelouch's memories, making him forget about being Zero, about Nunally (as I suspected), and about Marianne too, and now he has a name to boot (Charles di Britannia). Also, Suzaku is a complete fucking tool.

- Sayoko and Diethard are in China. Huh. I guess that leaves just Rakshata unaccounted for.

- Guillfooooooord. He's like my favorite random minor character in Geass.

- WTF Kallen. Issuuuues.

- And a mysterious badass attacker fucking up the program for the Black Knights? That's interesting since obviously it's not Suzaku since he's off being a member of the Britannia Youth.

- Holy shit they're badass too -- wait, fuck, it's fucking Rollo, isn't it.

- Urabe! Fuck. That was a great death.

- Oh, Carares, you schmuck. Buh-bye, now. Lelouch's laugh after killing him was hilarious, too.

- Oh, wait, there's Rakshata. And Zero's allied with China and hahahaha Jesus the Chinese ambassador's voice is just getting progressively more hilarious.

- 'SUP NINA. Nice hair.

- Yup, it's Rollo and -- ahahahahahaha he's a Geass user too. Oh jeez.

NEXT WEEK: The return of Wasting Time With the Student Council! Lelouch vs. Rollo maybe! Should be good except for the part where the Student Council will be doing things.

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This is going to be annoying if, every week, the timing of the Code Geass episode's release coincides with my need to go to bed for work the next day...so that by the time I wake up and watch it, GoGo's already commented on most of what's worth commenting on. :@

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Code Geass S2 E2

So my guess was that V.V the effeminate boy equivalent of CC gave Charles di Britannia his power - looks like that's going to be true since they were together in the end credits. Terrible song by the way.

The Chinese Emporer's talking is quality, I reckon I'm going to hate it before long though.

His bodyguard/sidekick/guy looks quality, his name escapes me.

I'm still confused about who the hell Rollo is, don't suspect anyone is any wiser. When he was saying he was his brother I was thinking "huh", makes a bit more sense now but I wanna know how he has Geass and where the hell he came from. If this is their attempt at a Mao esque character there doing a bad job about it.

The girl from the Round Knight's will be badass I predict. I'm assuming we're just going to focus on them 3 of the 12 knights (or is it 13 now that Suzaku joined?) either way I imagine she'll be the best fighter out of all of them. I hope so anyways because she seems awesome.

Urabe's death was so well done and dramatic, but doesn't appear to have done anything other than kill himself. His speech was lovely though, so fair play to him.

Looks like Kallen's over-the-top fan service days are coming to an end. Although I'd prefer it if she remained in the bunny costume for the entirety of the series to be honest.

Suzaku is a tool.

That's all I have off the top of my head right now, adding to and probably repeating GoGo's sentiments.

Edited by IAceI
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I do have a couple of additions, now that I come to think of it. :shifty:

The Emperor's little Geass stunt (we all knew he had Geass, come on) explains most of the memory fuckery, but Shirley and Viletta still have question marks (and speaking of the latter, see the ULTRA RAGE on her face when she saw Zero? Selective memory loss or what? ¬_¬).

It only took one insane/frenzied expression of panic and rage from Nina to make me remember why I hated her so much. Yay.

I would have thought Rollo was an undercover operative, but his use of Geass implies more. The Emperor's top agent, perhaps?

I noticed on the map at the beginning of the episode, the Brittanian Empire is apparently centred in America (both north and south), with the British Isles themselves within the European Union. The fuck?

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I do have a couple of additions, now that I come to think of it. :shifty:

The Emperor's little Geass stunt (we all knew he had Geass, come on) explains most of the memory fuckery, but Shirley and Viletta still have question marks (and speaking of the latter, see the ULTRA RAGE on her face when she saw Zero? Selective memory loss or what? ¬_¬).

It only took one insane/frenzied expression of panic and rage from Nina to make me remember why I hated her so much. Yay.

I would have thought Rollo was an undercover operative, but his use of Geass implies more. The Emperor's top agent, perhaps?

I noticed on the map at the beginning of the episode, the Brittanian Empire is apparently centred in America (both north and south), with the British Isles themselves within the European Union. The fuck?

I think Viletta's memories are all intact, and she was placed in Ashford as the "gym teacher" to keep tabs on the goings-on there. But we'll probably get a better idea of where she stands in the next episode; I just doubt that she'd be rewarded for pretty much helping to fuck up the Black Knights' plan by taking out Ougi, one of the only competent leaders in the group other than Lelouch, by being brainwashed or something. Shirley, though, has probably been mindwiped again.

Rollo is likely a high-profile Britannian operative, I agree. It would explain how he got access to the Vincent when he ran into the soldiers. I doubt he's one of the actual siblings from how Lelouch was referring to him at the end of the episode and in the episode preview for next week.

Also, yeah. I think the thing with Geasstory (oh man see what I did there) is that the British won the Revolutionary War or something and eventually situated themselves in the Americas, or. Something. Someone I know who RPs Euphie did a detailed writeup of it on her journal once.

And to IAceI

Yeah, Urabe's self-sacrifice turned out to not be worth much because Rollo did that teleport thing to get away from the explosion, so all he really did was puncture the Vincent. Poor Urabe (though he was my least favorite of the Shiseiken, as Chiba and the guy with glasses were by far my favorites).

Also, yeah, Cloudy, there are like 25 episodes of R1 and 2 of R2 thusfar, so 27 all in all.

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Someone I know who RPs Euphie

Oh God.

I'm kind of glad I don't know these kind of people. :shifty:

... dude, you post on EWB. Technically you kind of do.

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