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Not really. Even the lower quality ones (e.g. 'Your-Mom' fansubs) are perfectly watchable. There should be a whole-series torrent from Shinsen Subs floating around the usual torrent haunts. The added bonus being that they're in .avi rather than .mkv, should you wish to burn them to disc and watch on your LCD telly as I did. >_>

Edited by Gul Stokeriño
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Dear... God! So, my girlfriend is a big anime nerd and generally her taste is pretty good, except her favorite show is Inuyasha and she has an obsession with the Sesshomaru character from the show. She's got a cosplay kit with the robe and sash and wig and she hand-made the fur thing he's got. We're going to an anime con in florida this summer and she's making me wear the costume because, well, she has power over me like that. I find out now she's bought a new costume, with the armor and everything... for $570. :mellow:

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I been watching the ultimate edition Hellsing OVAs and goddamn, the animation on those is fantastic.

I'm thinking, instead of watching Code Geasse as it airs on Adult Swim, I'm gonna go ahead download the fan subs. Is there any specific fansub I should be looking for?

yeah the hellsing ova is quality.

I'd watch the fan subs, but both won't hurt. the english voices just don't seem to capture the characters as well. For the first season there's a torrent out that's part Shinsen Subs/Ureshii/Kaiten which is good watching. 2nd season Eclipse is where it's at. the GG subs are easy to find as well but are mkv.

anyone that likes Inuyasha doesn't have much taste in anime.

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Oh sniz, fanservice in my anime? At least it was amusing, what with the "You know I can see you, right?"

EDIT: So as to not sound crazy I'm talking about Code Geass R1 episode 3. The one that aired last night on Adult Swim in the US.

Edited by Cloudy
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Fan service is relatively low key in season 1. At least, it is compared to how crazy they go with it in the first 5 season 2 episodes. >_> It has less fan service than, say, Cowboy Bebop ever did.

Ruki: FU - MO - FU. It will become readily apparent when a certain person turns up and starts repeating that word en masse. :shifty:

As regards to "anyone that likes Inuyasha doesn't have much taste in anime." - there's nothing wrong with people liking Inuyasha. A lot of the people I know who have great taste in anime like Inuyasha. The show's problem is its inability to, uh, MOVE ON for 140-odd episodes (then again, in these times where we can witness two years worth of filler episodes - cough, Naruto, cough - and shows like One Piece stretching off into infinity, is that really so damn-worthy any more?). Put it this way: 1 episode of Inuyasha, fine. 3 episodes, okay. 5 episodes...you're pushing me here. 10 episodes, MAKE IT STOP.

Edited by Gul Stokeriño
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Because of Adult Swim I've seen the full run of Inuyasha (minus the movies) at least three or four times now and it drives me batshit when it's on. The first time I watched through it it was like "hey, this is kind of neat" then it had a really shit ending and I figured "eh, Adult Swim will probably drop it now." But instead, they use it to fill up the 4-5AM slot, as well as 10-11PM on Saturdays. Do not want to watch anymore. I'll watch stupid tripe like Assy McGee before another Inuyasha episode.

It has less fan service than, say, Cowboy Bebop ever did.

I really couldn't comment on that because I've never seen an unedited Bebop episode, I guess. I've only seen the episodes on Adult Swim. It's kind of irksome that nudity's such a taboo in the US, oh shit a glance at an animated tit, CUT THIS SCENE OUT.

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Yeah, like Stok said, I've met several people with decent taste that ended up liking Inuyasha. Though I also echo his thoughts when it came to watching episodes of it. It feels like Ranma 1/2 with all of the things that actually made that anime stripped of it. Least 1/2 had a few redeeming qualities to it, even if it went on forever. Not that huge of a shocker, seeing as it's made by the same person and that creator is known for liking to recycle things.

Oh, and Cloudy, you think that "ending" is bad? You should listen to my one friend that is a Inu fangirl who told me some thing interesting ages ago. Seems in pumping out that season and the movies, Adult Swim slipped past the fans the fact that there is one more season of the anime. By the sounds of it, the real ending isn't much better...

More or less this is it. There is some epic battle between Naraku & Inuyasha. Just as it is about to reach a climax and see who wins....Kagome wakes up in her bed. She blinks and looks around, and goes "Was it all...a dream?!" SCENE. ....Yeah...if I was a fan of that show and got that ending...I'd be pissed.

Though I couldn't and still can't help but laugh at the poor suckers that invested so much time of their life into the series and got THAT as their pay off.

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Update: She has seemingly come to her senses, and instead of buying the full costume has inquired about purchasing just the pieces she doesn't already have. She's also decided to dress me up like Urahara from Bleach during this convention as well.

Like Cloudy, I think I've seen every episode of Inuyasha multiple times thanks to Adult Swim airing it constantly. Despite seeing every episode, I don't think I actually paid attention to any of them. I mean, it's not an overtly bad show, it's just not really a good show either. Except that dude in the white baboon cloak. That was pretty badass.

edit: Don't think I've mentioned, I've downloaded Full Metal Panic, so I can watch Full Metal Panic: Second Raid and Full Metal Panic: Fuffumofumoru.

Edited by Fanku Kaibutsu
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Shit, sorry Momo. I'm always confusing you and Ruki because the two of you had the same avatar awhile back I think, though I could be mistaken. In any case, yeah, still haven't watched them, so I'm still appreciative of those spoilers >_>

We have never had the same avatar. Same series, yes, but never the same avatar. Although he did make this one for me...and by make, I mean resize :shifty:

And by resize, he means cropped.

Also, Trigun arrived in the mail today. I have a shitload of anime to watch this weekend.

I got around to watching Petite Cosette two days ago though. I'm not sure what to say about it. I barely understood a thing, or at least not until the end where some things became clearer. All I really have to say about it is that it seems like an artsy series. I think it's mostly about imagery rather than plot.

Edited by Momo
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It was about time they got a Knightmare that was actually badass. It was getting to a point where as soon as Guilford or any Knights of the Round turned up I'd say "oh well, they're all fucked now".

Speaking of which: what the hell happened to Galahad? Surely C.C. didn't leave it at the bottom of the ocean. ¬_¬

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and has anyone else noticed that most of the Britainnian military are pretty inept? Unless they have someone with a knightmare frame there a bit screwed most of the time.

That or Zero is THAT good.

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The black mecha Zero got towards the end of season 1, with its big blast-everything-out-of-the-sky-with-giant-red-beams guns. It was last seen being piloted by C.C. as she used it to push Jeremiah's mecha down to the bottom of the ocean. I figured if she got out, presumably it should have too.

That was awesome, though: "Look! A Brittanian experimental mecha we can steal! And it already has the colour scheme to match Zero's outfit perfectly! What a convenient coincidence!" >_>

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You know, as hit and miss as Shin Chan is - and how utterly "eh" it can be at sometimes - it has one of the best end themes ever.



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I'll take that as a British thing and move on. I wish I could find an mp3 of that fucking song, though. :@ It's so HAPPY.

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I been watching the ultimate edition Hellsing OVAs and goddamn, the animation on those is fantastic.

I'm thinking, instead of watching Code Geasse as it airs on Adult Swim, I'm gonna go ahead download the fan subs. Is there any specific fansub I should be looking for?

I'd recommend that. Only because after the first episode you won't be able to wait long enough to see episode two.

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