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Soul Eater this week was awesome, and Norro, that is an interesting idea on Krona you have there....although, to be honest....

I would prefer Ragnarok to stay, because Ragnarok > Excalibur. Maybe Ragnarok will transform into something less....creepy? And to be honest, I would have liked more crazy Maka, not a fan how they brought her back after only an episode, although it was well done. Also, loved the Blair bits, and Patty's "motivation"

Time to watch Geass, also, it better not get the NGE ending, that angered me :(

Not gonna happen though, Ruke. If the black blood has been wiped from Krona and Maka, Ragnarok-- who in itself was nothing BUT black blood, probably is long gone now. Chances are Krona's been left completely defenseless because of this and will have to cling to Maka and Soul for support, and be protected by the gang in order to get out of there alive.

If Krona survives past them driving out Medusa's front, then I could see Krona going on to use Excalibur, since Excalibur would fill the position left by Ragnarok pretty easily.

Plus, I'm sorry, but if Ragnarok's character changed with Krona it would be ruining to the character of Ragnarok. It has no reason to change, it was black blood incarnate and thus mean and evil. Krona was an innocent child led astray and thus was able to stay pure despite all the evil he had done, because every time he did it he was practically possessed.

Still haven't watched Geass. I suppose I could make an effort to sometime, but I'd rather wait for it to finish now so I can just marathon it if I do wind up liking it along the way.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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Soul Eater this week was awesome, and Norro, that is an interesting idea on Krona you have there....although, to be honest....

I would prefer Ragnarok to stay, because Ragnarok > Excalibur. Maybe Ragnarok will transform into something less....creepy? And to be honest, I would have liked more crazy Maka, not a fan how they brought her back after only an episode, although it was well done. Also, loved the Blair bits, and Patty's "motivation"

Time to watch Geass, also, it better not get the NGE ending, that angered me :(

Not gonna happen though, Ruke. If the black blood has been wiped from Krona and Maka, Ragnarok-- who in itself was nothing BUT black blood, probably is long gone now. Chances are Krona's been left completely defenseless because of this and will have to cling to Maka and Soul for support, and be protected by the gang in order to get out of there alive.

If Krona survives past them driving out Medusa's front, then I could see Krona going on to use Excalibur, since Excalibur would fill the position left by Ragnarok pretty easily.

Plus, I'm sorry, but if Ragnarok's character changed with Krona it would be ruining to the character of Ragnarok. It has no reason to change, it was black blood incarnate and thus mean and evil. Krona was an innocent child led astray and thus was able to stay pure despite all the evil he had done, because every time he did it he was practically possessed.

Still haven't watched Geass. I suppose I could make an effort to sometime, but I'd rather wait for it to finish now so I can just marathon it if I do wind up liking it along the way.

I guess you're right...but...I just can't deal with much more Excalibur!

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Plus he can't handle Kallen. C'mon. She's been with the resistance for how long? I bet everyone's had a piece by now. Even Tamaki.


that's just wrong, she was in school, they aren't pedos even if she is 18 now. besides there was inoue and those random female black knight members for tamaki to get some from.

to go with the theory surrounding everyone that dies in the ending having wings that would mean schneizel and suzaku die. which is what I'll run with. as many wives as charles had, lelouch could have kallen, C.C and Kaguya, but I think he could settle for Kallen for now ;)

Schneizel is too fruity to be badass, I'm not sure I want to know what he does with Kanon and he's really really close with Cornelia lately. there seems to be a hidden incest theme going on here somewhere. Lelouch did say Euphemia was his first love, and who knows what the other family members got into.

Edited by mystikz
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to go with the theory surrounding everyone that dies in the ending having wings

I wouldn't put so much faith in the wings. CLAMP put wings in EVERYTHING they get their hands on. In fact - wings and chains: all you need is homosexual tension and you have the classic CLAMP trifecta.

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R2 23 spoiler/plot summary:

Nunnally, who was thought to be dead, appears before Lelouch as an enemy. Lelouch clashes against Schneizel, who is manipulating Nunnally, over the skies of Mt. Fuji.

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R2 23 spoiler/plot summary:

Nunnally, who was thought to be dead, appears before Lelouch as an enemy. Lelouch clashes against Schneizel, who is manipulating Nunnally, over the skies of Mt. Fuji.

ok, I know they've done some STUPID things in the plot lately but that sounds way too retarded to be true.

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It seems like it was coming, I mean

As far as I remember on the official Geass character chart she's not listed as "dead" but "missing/whereabouts unknown". She apparently boarded a different vessel than Miss Romeyer, and there's this:


Most people (fans at the Code Geass LJ communities, the blogger of Code Trainwreck/part of the GG fansubbing team) haven't believed she was dead since the episode anyway.

That said, I would still rather her stay dead but that's not happening so whatever.


R2 22's plot summary has changed (SPOILER):

With Suzaku's help, Lelouch secures his position as Emperor. Once Britannia has settled down, Lelouch announces that Britannia will join UFN, surprising the world.

Edited by Cloudy Kururugi
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Yotsuba&! volume 6 still isn't out yet, the bookstore didn't have Rosario + Vampire volume 2, and I didn't feel like picking up Princess Resurrection volume 4, so I grabbed Amazing Agent Luna Omnibus (collects volumes 1-3 for $11.99), which is actually an American manga. Haven't had time to read it yet. I also picked up Anime Insider #60, which has a cover article on the live action Death Note movie. Haven't had to time to read it yet, either.

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Soul Eater 22

Yeah....so fuck all with any villain before this episode! Asura is going to wreck some shit up before the day is over. And it looks like Stein is getting ready to really come out of his shell and wreck some shit up himself. One of the real few times I really couldn't wait for the next episode!

And am I the only one that thinks Death's symmetry thing is getting a little old? It's getting formulaic now. Death chases bad guy-gets close-fights-suddenly becomes distracted because there's a dust pile on one side of the room and not on the other and he has a stroke-nearly loses battle-notices small problem with bad guy-kills bad guy. Maybe it's just me.

And mini-Ragnarok shows that maybe he's staying along afterall, but eventually will become an anti-hero weapon for Krona.

Edited by VinnyT
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It seems like it was coming, I mean

As far as I remember on the official Geass character chart she's not listed as "dead" but "missing/whereabouts unknown". She apparently boarded a different vessel than Miss Romeyer, and there's this:


Most people (fans at the Code Geass LJ communities, the blogger of Code Trainwreck/part of the GG fansubbing team) haven't believed she was dead since the episode anyway.

That said, I would still rather her stay dead but that's not happening so whatever.


R2 22's plot summary has changed (SPOILER):

With Suzaku's help, Lelouch secures his position as Emperor. Once Britannia has settled down, Lelouch announces that Britannia will join UFN, surprising the world.

that isn't really surprising, even if they took over in a kinda crooked way, they do want peace. the question is do the UFN want peace after betraying lelouch?

oh and the official site put everyone that was missing to dead after the next episode. I wouldn't be that surprised to see her back considering how shitty her death scene was compared to euphy or shirley. there had best be a good explanation for dodging a nuke.

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turn 22

this was the stupidest trash episode and the first episode I actually HATED. I didn't even mind the last 2 that much. it started ok I mean he's doing good as emperor, except for some reason they turned him into a complete asshole. . suzaku taking out all the knights? dumb. lelouch ignoring all his old friends and kallen STUPID. he just stands there with a blank stare when she kisses him? he makes japan free then decides to conquer it? wtf? I guess Nunnaly is back and with Schneizel to, with how Lelouch was this episode I'd be surprised if he even cared. Schneizel needs to win.
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"For some reason"? Um, Lelouch has always pretty much been a complete asshole.


While it is total BS that one guy can take ALL the Knights out, it was still kind of freakin' cool, no? I mean, yeah.. one guy in a 9th gen Frame dominating like that is pretty silly, but it was still kind of cool.

"He hit me?!"

Also, Bismarck's Geass, isn't that the same as Nunnally had in the Nightmare of Nunnally? Precognition? And poor Bismarck, he gets to use it for all of five seconds before Suzaku uses the "live on" Geass to his advantage to fight the guy. Creative use of "live on", I guess.

Also, hahahaha "So you really were stupid." And fuck yeah, Damocles.

Edited by Cloudy Kururugi
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I didn't mind the episode, wasn't great, wasn't bad....but it did have the swerve.

Also, Kallen needs to do more!

Edit: Soul Eater 22......TADASHI'S SUBS WERE GLITCHY THIS WEEK! RAWR! So...what's happening next week, anyone?

And vinny, I was sick of Kid's thing after episode 3....the one with the pyramid? That one time was ok, now....ugh.

The illusion monster? That was fucking awesome....and creepy. And yay! Ragnarok is still alive!
Edited by Ruki Kōzuki
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