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So.....the last episode of HotD

Really liked the series, anything that gets me more zombies in life. And while I like closure with my stories, I don't mind that they left this one a little open ended.....they could do a second season of it if they really wanted to.

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I'm downloading episode 1...just because the name and synopsis I read are entirely doubleyou tee eff. At the very least I will have need to have seen one episode to explain to others what the hell it is.

Actually, in normal circumstances I would just go "ugh" and ignore it. It's entirely because it's GAINAX that I'm even giving it a chance to disturb me.

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It would be a fun series if it can get into a groove of being more silly and less filthy-for-the-sake-of-filthy (and no more toilet humour, please please please). I say this because it otherwise has a lot going for it (its style and frenetic pace, for instance). Obviously the basic premise requires a degree of filth, but preferably of a more background level rather than simply endless jism jokes.

Most GAINAX series tone it down a little after a handful of episodes, and although that might be less likely here, it could well settle into something that's more agreeable.

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Found a good website for anime and decided to rewatch Digimon as well as try some new series'. I forgot how good a character Matt is in this, he's got a unique relationship with all the other main characters and is generally a really empathetic character [/random]

....wow. Get out of my head. I totally started downloading that last month.

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So, on the one hand, all of the fanservice in High School of the Dead is kind of annoying, and is exactly the kind of thing that gives anime a bad name among non-fans, and even among some fans. On the other hand, I still kind of enjoy it. :mellow:

The fan service was annoying....but the full series is great.

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Found myself less bothered by Panty & Stocking ep 2. I think that, now that its existence no longer disturbs me, I may need it to have some kind of proper story to keep me interested. :/ I've liked anime series with a-million-unrelated-12-minute-episodes-of-madness before...but only Galaxy Angel, and that was a lot cleverer than P&S has yet been.

Also watched the first episode of Bakuman last week - the newest offering from the team that brought you Hikaru no Go and Death Note. It is, before anyone asks, nothing like DN so don't even try to draw comparison. So far it's the most unremarkably average anime I think I've ever seen, though hopefully that just means it's a slow burner. The premise is ye classic "GUY (reluctantly at first) WANTS TO SUCCEED IN CHOSEN SKILL/PROFESSION/GAME/ETC." In this case, becoming a manga-ka. I always find it a little weird when manga writers write mangas about people being manga writers. :shifty: I get the impression there's a bit of self-glorification...or maybe just a lot of "Look, we work SO HARD!", which is fine, but not necessarily a great and entertaining basis for an entire series.

Anyway. At the moment this story is not helped by the directing being really dull and uninventive, but we'll see.

Finally, I watched episode one of the new Iron Man anime. It's a little odd... Not the story - the story is bog-standard at the moment (prototype production-model of Iron Man, 'Dio', goes a little crazy and then suspiciously vanishes). The odd part is more the ridiculous amount of eye-liner that Tony Stark appears to be stalking. :shifty:

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