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The Anime Thread


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I've not really been bothered by anime music for a long time. But fuck, I had to get some of the Panty and Stocking OST.

Okay, well, maybe only three tracks. Still, most series are lucky to have one I want.

Just one of the many reasons I'm happy I have my mp3 player back after two weeks without.

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I know it's not really in keeping with the type of anime in this thread, but I'm gonna come out and say this: Pokemon Best Wishes is the best Pokemon series I've seen since the Orange League. I might be a little biased though in this since they've actually made Team Rocket in to a legitimate threat for the first time since the very first series and there's an actual storyline running through the series. Plus, the theme song is awesome. So, yeah, very impressed with it, even if it has fallen in to some of the pitfalls of old series (Ash's captures, for example). If they really were going for a "reboot" idea with it then this is the perfect way to do so.

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They're now portrayed more as the massive crime outfit they were in the games over the way they have been in the anime. They're not fighting Ash anymore particularly and aren't going for Pikachu, instead they have their own storyline where they're more or less spies recovering data for some grand plan Giovanni has. 14 episodes in and James doesn't even have a Pokemon yet.

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I've just now finished watching Digimon Seasons 1-4 and the American Movie.

Despite the obvious pandering to children, I really enjoyed most of it, though season 4 is dreadful for the most part. :P

Terriormon is the most awesome character to appear in anything ever.

And yes, I'm seriously trying to start a Digimon conversation.

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  • 1 month later...

I have not watched any anime in awhile, it makes me sad.

One of these days I will get around to watching Sekrei season 2. And Coyote Ragtime (decided to download it because of the EWB Riddler)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just heard about The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya....apparently a movie? Interesting.

Also, gonna get me an external hard-drive and fill it up with tv shows! So, what I am looking for is: Anime. Obviously.

I want/need suggestions for anime! New, old, whatever!

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Also, to be slightly more helpful, check out some of the ones below:

Level E



Yumekui Merry

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Angel Beats

Star Driver

Occult Academy

Ookomi-San and Her Seven Companions





The World God Only Knows



Welcome to the NHK

Paranoia Agent

Anything Genshiken

Also, Toradora if you haven't seen it


(Side-note: Seen about half of these, so I can't give any indication whether some of them are "good" or not. Except Tatami Galaxy. That show is awesome. See it now!)

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Not sure if Endless 8 ruined the series for me, or if I just wasn't in the mood for it (likely this), but I could not get into the Haruhi movie. I watched about 13 minutes and then turned it. Will give it another chance later, perhaps.

But it's gonna be long....almost 3 hours :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, this month I've knocked out Azumanga Daioh, School Rumble, Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Currently, I'm alternating between Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan and FMA: Brotherhood.

The problem with Brotherhood is that it's just...IDK, maybe I need to take a break between FMA and Brotherhood so the story will seem fresh :shifty:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Toradora! based on Norro's most recent status update. Might have to watch it again, since I was sick all day today and I was kinda meh about the whole thing. I was pissed that the epilogue cutoff on the one I downloaded <_< .

Probably going to knock out Lucky Star this week, or find something as dark/darker than Death Note.

Any suggestions for the latter?

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"Kinda meh" he says... the show was fantastic and the character development was awesome. I care not for your tastes, sir!

Though I have to say that I'd be pissed too if I didn't know that that last episode had an epilogue. All that build-up and the way they ended it, had they not included that bit at the end, would have ruined the ending for me entirely. Absolutely loved how they wrapped things up though.

Also, try Claymore for a dark anime. Lots of action and good pacing, albeit the manga was a fair bit darker than the show. Still though, I definitely enjoyed it and I know a few others here have sang its praises before I believe.

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