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The Anime Thread


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Anyone else read Mysterious Girlfriend X? Its really strange and I can see why people wouldn't read it but I really like it for some reason. Its pretty much the only manga I read online after I stopped following Kodomo no Jikan after I got to wondering about the legalities of it. :unsure:

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So...anime? Been following this thread, heard about some cool stuff to track down...though there's been no mention of Baki, the Grappler. IMO, quite possibly the best fight anime I've ever seen.

I'm a fight guy and if you get into that kinda stuff, do yourself a favor and check it out. Two seasons, that I've found. The first is exposition, yanno, but the gem of it all, though I appreciate/kinda identify with the mother issue thing...is the second season and the totality of the SFC King of Pankration tourney(fight geeks will totally dig the Pankration nod, as I did)

It's like thirty o so fights, each with independent stories and character interaction. Dope characters like Dixon(based off Rickson Gracie, BJJ Pioneer) and there's even nods to puroresu with Mt. Toba(Great Baba) and the Antonio Inoki guy, I forget his name. There's even a dude who competes with a broken arm...only to repeatedly bash said broke arm to prove he doesn't need the wing to beat his challenge. Crazy as shit, but damn if that shit wasn't dope.

So, peep it. I'd like to hear y'all thoughts.

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Anyone else been following Ao no Blue Exorcist? It's been picking up like crazy and Lorina and I are absolutely hooked into it. It and Fairy Tale are the main two weeklies we have right now to wait on. Also, Lorina's getting me into FMA Brotherhood now... only watched the first episode but so far so good. Can't wait to go a bit deeper into it, I never actually had the opportunity to get full-on into the original FMA so yeah.

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Anyone else been following Ao no Blue Exorcist? It's been picking up like crazy and Lorina and I are absolutely hooked into it. It and Fairy Tale are the main two weeklies we have right now to wait on. Also, Lorina's getting me into FMA Brotherhood now... only watched the first episode but so far so good. Can't wait to go a bit deeper into it, I never actually had the opportunity to get full-on into the original FMA so yeah.

I still need to watch Brotherhood...

I watched all of FMA, then the movie, then started on Brotherhood but stopped because I realized it was more or less the same story (Yes, I know Brotherhood is better, just work with me here), and then I saw how many episodes it was. I decided to put it off :shifty:

Still need to watch Claymore and Samurai Champloo, as well as the second season of Darker Than Black; currently working on Great Teacher Onizuka (When I have time), and debating how much I want to watch Lucky Star :shifty:

Yeah, I know, all I can say with Lucky Star is:

:shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:

Thankfully, I'm done with the semester tomorrow and I have a month to do nothing but wait.

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So, I have finally gotten around to watching Claymore, and I've just started the 10th episode. Really enjoying this story, the last episode definitely had a holy shit moment in it.

I think my plan until school starts is going to be serious anime, comedy, serious, etc. So, to balance this out, I've got GTO and Lucky Star to choose from :shifty:, then I'll follow it up with Samurai Champloo or uh

Holy shit, bitch just got her arm eaten on Claymore. This is one ugly motherfucker they're dealing with :shifty:

Ahem. Gurren Lagaan.

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Picked up cowboy bebop recently. Haven't had the time to watch it but I'm really looking forward to it

One of my favorites, you can't go wrong with Cowboy Bebop. The X Men anime is pretty sweet, If you like X Men trying looking for it, it's worth it.

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Since Saturday I have downloaded 50 gigs of anime....Zombie Loan, Code Geass (both seasons), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Highschool of the Dead, Azumanga Diaoh, and in the process of getting Galaxy Angel. I like this new site ^_^

...although my u/d ratio? .115

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Since Saturday I have downloaded 50 gigs of anime....Zombie Loan, Code Geass (both seasons), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Highschool of the Dead, Azumanga Diaoh, and in the process of getting Galaxy Angel. I like this new site ^_^

...although my u/d ratio? .115

Pretty sure mine is .000


Ruki, is the site (no naming) the one I'm thinking of the one that a mutual friend uses? :shifty:

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Since Saturday I have downloaded 50 gigs of anime....Zombie Loan, Code Geass (both seasons), The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Highschool of the Dead, Azumanga Diaoh, and in the process of getting Galaxy Angel. I like this new site ^_^

...although my u/d ratio? .115

Pretty sure mine is .000


Ruki, is the site (no naming) the one I'm thinking of the one that a mutual friend uses? :shifty:


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I've not followed anime for ages, not since Gurren Lagann and the like. I can't even remember what - err - websites I used to obtain my anime. So, whats hot at the minute that I should perhaps get into?

Stuff I've watched/liked in the past is stuff like.. Gunslinger Girl, Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, Gundam Wing (What? I liked it) - but you get the kinda theme of stuff that I like, but I'm open to all reccomendations. So go on, reccomend away. :)

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I've not followed anime for ages, not since Gurren Lagann and the like. I can't even remember what - err - websites I used to obtain my anime. So, whats hot at the minute that I should perhaps get into?

Stuff I've watched/liked in the past is stuff like.. Gunslinger Girl, Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, Gundam Wing (What? I liked it) - but you get the kinda theme of stuff that I like, but I'm open to all reccomendations. So go on, reccomend away. :)

Death Note.

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I checked through my laptop, my external harddrive and my PC and I couldn't find my anime anywhere. I can't believe I'd have been foolish enough to have deleted as I probably always considered I'd come back to it eventually. Either way I'm a little bit miffed and feel like I need to go back and get - and watch - the stuff I'd already seen but forgotten.

Code Geass (think I watched both seasons), Tengen Toppa Guren Lagann, Saikano (bits of it), I've re-obtained low MB versions of the first series of Gunslinger Girl too. Now my problem is, we all know the Japanese subs are better than the English dubs - but do I fill up my freshly emptied external hard drive with copious amounts of anime.. or do I purchase the DVDs from a reputable place (UK and preferably kept relatively low price wise if possible) that I'm sure one of you many kind gentlemen could share with me.

I mean, if I want to get seriously back into anime like I once was (to a degree) then I'd want to see the fan subs asap, alternatively there's always been a part of me that would really appreciate the physical presence of a DVD collection of something I could call a hobby - no matter what sort of looks it got off people. :shifty:


And I'll look into Death Note (and many of the others I've seen recommended elsewhere in this thread) as soon as I get a chance.

PS: Are we to assume AnimeNewsNetwork resembles my best website source to keep up to date with the latest goings on?

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For proper UK sources of DVDs you're basically looking at the usual online retailers (Amazon etc.) for the cheapest prices. Some series have much cheaper boxsets these days whilst others are still ripoffs.

Increasingly, a lot of the most popular ~26 episode series are being put in the 'Anime Legends' range of boxsets, which generally retail at £15 or so per series. This is the kind of value I could only dream of when I was spending that much each time on individual 4-episode volumes of Evangelion on DVD 8 years ago. <_<

So yes, type Anime Legends into Amazon.co.uk and see what comes up. There are new additions since the last time I looked - for example, the complete Gurran Lagann is now only £17.93, whereas a couple of months back it was still £40 for 1/3 of the series. Code Geass season 1 (not R2 yet) is also available at that price.

Some of the Anime Legends series are shorter than others (e.g. the first series of Haruhi Suzumiya is there for £14.99 as well, despite only being 13 episodes), but have a ferret around and you'll find some excellent stuff.

Death Note is a larger series (37 episodes) and so isn't in this range, but its boxset is still pretty good at £29.75, or roughly 80p per episode (as opposed to about 70p per episode from most Anime Legends sets).

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(Y) Many thanks. I assume that's all English dubbed stuff, yes?

What about slightly more obscure anime? Do we still get that in to the UK, obviously I'm assuming it'll cost a little bit more, but just want to know, I don't want to start buying stuff and then realise getting more will be ridiculously difficult and expensive.

I'm still a little unsure as to whether I'd want to have them in English though, I find the subtitled versions are often better for me and force me to at least pay attention.

Like I say the purchasing stems entirely from wanting a physical collection of something, as opposed to saying "ah yes, my collection is all on this book-sized hard-drive next to my PC in little .mkv format files." <_<

The price itself doesn't put me off massively, if you consider how much it may cost for a 26 episode box-set, and then how often I get paid and how quickly I could get through the stuff, the cost wouldn't have a massive impact.

I used to have a great range of websites for obtaining anime, what was new,what was being released in the UK and when and the like. But alas I lost those links when my computer was wiped clean some years ago now.

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The DVDs will have both dub and sub options, so you're alright there. The only anime that doesn't allow you the option for Japanese language are a couple of the movies which are paying a lot of money for big English voice actors (e.g. Steamboy).

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