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Ingerland vs. Switzerland


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That's what I'm getting at, he shouldn't have come out and told the world that he did it on purpose, he ain't exactly the brightest person.

And everyone knows my bias towards Bentley over Beckham, and I have not liked Beckham for years, so as for "not liking Beckham again"....well, mute point really.

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Heh, mute point. >_<

He deserves 100. People say it doesn't matter, but at the end of the day its a landmark achievement that few can lay claim to. Doesn't have to be a massive thing either, just let him play 30 minutes of an irrelevant friendly and be done with it.

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But you're missing the picture - no friendlies are now meaningless. Capello has been known to treat every match as a must win situation, if you start to view friendlies as messing around matches then you create a cant-be-bothered mentality, you don't win big matches if you don't give a shit about your smaller games.

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Beckham deserves the cap, then again it's not about the cap to me, he deserves the chance to play. A lot of people shit on him, when in reality they haven't seen him play for quite a while, so don't actually know whether he's on great form or not. It becomes tiring when people always say how he's not fast enough, doesn't have enough tricks and so on. So? The guys proved when he's on his game, he's arguably the best right midfielder in years upon years. Yeah, he's getting on now, but all players do. Owen looks a pile of shit compared to what he once was, but he's still in the team, when in reality he's done fuck all for years. Too many people hate on Beckham because he's the biggest football star in the world today, simple as that. Does he deserve to just straight up start? No, I feel the entire team should have to earn their chance. Yet he still deserves to be called up and given that chance instead of being shit on. That's not towards Capello, more towards the people here and everywhere else that moan about him. Fast, skillful or not, he's still as important as any player on the pitch when he's performing at his best, simple as that.

As for the game itself, decent game. Looked worrying at the start, but it's a fresh manager so that's expected. I'm not going to claim England can win the World Cup now, but they've got much more promise if they can get the proper lineup and the right players performing properly. As for Rooney, he wasn't as great as a few said, but you know he always works his ass off and somehow even helps the team just by being on the pitch, I still think they just need to find him the right partner up front. Owen has been shit for god knows how long now and just isn't the player he used to be. Hopefully he can find his old form and prove me wrong. And hopefully Young gets more time next time around, think that was the perfect game to give him a good thirty minute run out.

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Same with anyone who was on 99. Rooney, Owen, Ferdinand, Gerrard, Lampard, Chopra, Lennon whoever. Might as well if they're on 99.

That is not the mentality a "top" international side should have when it comes to international appearances. Just because he's so close. The England selection needs to ruthless. The best performing players need to be picked each time, not players that "deserve a game" for being great ambassadors.

Sure, Beckham was a good players and his dead-ball ability was second to none. I'm a Man U supporter so I loved him for long periods of his career but how rubbish would it feel to know that you only got to a major landmark in your career because of other things, that didn't include your form on the football pitch?

Beckham doesn't "deserve" anything. If he earns his 100th cap, then I will be one of the first to praise him. But don't give him it for the sake of giving him it. That's more insulting to him than anything else.

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Beckham deserves the cap, then again it's not about the cap to me, he deserves the chance to play. A lot of people shit on him, when in reality they haven't seen him play for quite a while, so don't actually know whether he's on great form or not. It becomes tiring when people always say how he's not fast enough, doesn't have enough tricks and so on. So? The guys proved when he's on his game, he's arguably the best right midfielder in years upon years. Yeah, he's getting on now, but all players do. Owen looks a pile of shit compared to what he once was, but he's still in the team, when in reality he's done fuck all for years. Too many people hate on Beckham because he's the biggest football star in the world today, simple as that. Does he deserve to just straight up start? No, I feel the entire team should have to earn their chance. Yet he still deserves to be called up and given that chance instead of being shit on. That's not towards Capello, more towards the people here and everywhere else that moan about him. Fast, skillful or not, he's still as important as any player on the pitch when he's performing at his best, simple as that.
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I'm "hating" on him because in my opinion he doesn't even play professional football anymore. We'll never know wether he's "on his game" or not because hows he going to prove it while playing for LA Galaxy?

Right, because LA Galaxy is just a bunch of second-class citizens who will never amount to anything? Does the name "Landon Donovan" mean something to you?

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I'm "hating" on him because in my opinion he doesn't even play professional football anymore. We'll never know wether he's "on his game" or not because hows he going to prove it while playing for LA Galaxy?

Right, because LA Galaxy is just a bunch of second-class citizens who will never amount to anything? Does the name "Landon Donovan" mean something to you?

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Probably doesn't mean much to anyone who's not American, to be fair. Hasn't exactly set the world alight. Good international record, but again, that's against mostly crap teams from North America unless I'm mistaken.

Besides, the point stands. If he's playing in a league far inferior to the Premier League, he'll find it hard to compete with the right-sided midfielders who are weaving their way through world-class defences. I don't think he'll be completely ignored, but it'll take a lot to impress at that level.

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Why should playing in MLS disqualify him? If he's good, he's good -- no matter who his competition is.

And Donovan was literally never given a chance at Leverkusen, which you'd know if you bothered to follow leagues outside your own. The German leagues just don't like Americans -- Clint Mathis was buried during his tenure there after a stellar 2002 World Cup. The only American who has really succeeded there is Cherundolo with Hannover.

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Bentley, Wright Phillips and Lennon are all youthful, run at the defenders (although when I say that, the next game they don't bother) and are much quicker and have more pace than Becks.

But he still possesses a wonderful touch and cross regardless.

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Why should playing in MLS disqualify him? If he's good, he's good -- no matter who his competition is.

And Donovan was literally never given a chance at Leverkusen, which you'd know if you bothered to follow leagues outside your own. The German leagues just don't like Americans -- Clint Mathis was buried during his tenure there after a stellar 2002 World Cup. The only American who has really succeeded there is Cherundolo with Hannover.

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Why should playing in MLS disqualify him? If he's good, he's good -- no matter who his competition is.

And Donovan was literally never given a chance at Leverkusen, which you'd know if you bothered to follow leagues outside your own. The German leagues just don't like Americans -- Clint Mathis was buried during his tenure there after a stellar 2002 World Cup. The only American who has really succeeded there is Cherundolo with Hannover.

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It's not the same quality as the leagues most of our players play 15 minutes off the bench in >_<

My theory is, instead of having Bentley, Lennon and Wright Phillips. Have one, and at least have Beckham on bench if he's playing to a decent degree. He can provide something different if needs be. I've always like Lennon and SWP off the bench because against tired legs they're dangerous, but if they're not working, then we don't need to bring them off and put on a same mould of player. Beckham provides a more, stop and cross from deep threat than a Lennon or SWP running at wing backs, trying to cut in and play it into the box.

Just my theory anyways, coming at it from a more tactical point of view at least.

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But Capello & co are trying to get the team to play the ball more, rather than lumping the cross over & getting someone to head it or hit on the volley - something that Beckham is built for. It's not to say he can't ever do this, but that's not the type of player he is.

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