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TNA iMPACT! video game


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I haven't read through this entire thread, but is it just me or does it seem really random what moves you actually perform? I mean, I've only had a handful of matches but there doesn't seem to be an effective way of doing the move you want it to do.

I don't mean kicks instead of grapples, I mean, I've seen my guy do a neck twist and a firemans carry but nothing I do on the pad seems to relate directly to either of those moves :\

Running is a cunt, if I want to run at a guy and do a move right away I should, instead I have to wait a second or two before the game will register that I've pressed the fucking Y button a million times.

Reversals seem pot luck as well, I know it's all about timing but I swear I've pressed the bumper when the thingy flashes on screen and nothing happens.

CAW is laughable, but eh.

And fuck James Storm.

It's less of a "press reverse button now" alert and more of a "you should have pressed it by now" kind of alert. The running is well done, but the delays between button press and move in general are pretty weak. I'm used to it now, but that was frustrating for a while. And quickly switching to online games after a series of offline matches or vice versa also kills your timing.

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I haven't read through this entire thread, but is it just me or does it seem really random what moves you actually perform? I mean, I've only had a handful of matches but there doesn't seem to be an effective way of doing the move you want it to do.

I don't mean kicks instead of grapples, I mean, I've seen my guy do a neck twist and a firemans carry but nothing I do on the pad seems to relate directly to either of those moves :\

Running is a cunt, if I want to run at a guy and do a move right away I should, instead I have to wait a second or two before the game will register that I've pressed the fucking Y button a million times.

Reversals seem pot luck as well, I know it's all about timing but I swear I've pressed the bumper when the thingy flashes on screen and nothing happens.

CAW is laughable, but eh.

And fuck James Storm.

Not sure what you mean by this, but if I'm running at a guy I press X to do a shoulder barge or A to do a dropkick. If you look at the create-a-wrestler move editor then it'll show you the way to do the several different grappling moves. For your CAW most are probably the same until you unlock them though.

But yeah, the "Shark In The Water" achievement (beat everyone with Shark Boy) seems to be glitched according to people on the web due to either a) you have to beat Mike Tenay who is only unlockable as pre-order bonus content or b) Shark Boy is being counted by the game as part of "the whole roster" and you can't have a wrestler fight himself.

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Ok I got the game for 360, but I have a problem with it. The game doesn't seem to want to load my created wrestler. The game will just freeze on the loading screen. It does this in story mode before the gauntlet match and even in exhibition. I have exchanged the game 2 different times now. And of course already used a laser lens cleaner on the 360. Anybody have any ideas?

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I am sorry, but this game is bullshit in the later levels. They need to patch this to fix it, because it's just fucking retarded how the AI can get their finisher in like 4 or 5 moves, seem to stun you at the right time everytime and then just beat you with NO chance.


Although, nto going to lie, the last few matches, I was cheap. Joe, I tried to beat cleanly, couldn't happen. Knock them down, work the arm. Makes everything easier, then ARMBAR~! them to finish. Angle took one match.

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I am sorry, but this game is bullshit in the later levels. They need to patch this to fix it, because it's just fucking retarded how the AI can get their finisher in like 4 or 5 moves, seem to stun you at the right time everytime and then just beat you with NO chance.


Although, nto going to lie, the last few matches, I was cheap. Joe, I tried to beat cleanly, couldn't happen. Knock them down, work the arm. Makes everything easier, then ARMBAR~! them to finish. Angle took one match.

Oh come on, why pretend you came up with that?

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I am sorry, but this game is bullshit in the later levels. They need to patch this to fix it, because it's just fucking retarded how the AI can get their finisher in like 4 or 5 moves, seem to stun you at the right time everytime and then just beat you with NO chance.


Although, nto going to lie, the last few matches, I was cheap. Joe, I tried to beat cleanly, couldn't happen. Knock them down, work the arm. Makes everything easier, then ARMBAR~! them to finish. Angle took one match.

Oh come on, why pretend you came up with that?

I didn't say that I came up with it. I just didn't give you credit.

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I am sorry, but this game is bullshit in the later levels. They need to patch this to fix it, because it's just fucking retarded how the AI can get their finisher in like 4 or 5 moves, seem to stun you at the right time every time and then just beat you with NO chance.

Yeah I didn't have a problem with it until the very end, because there are now no chairs around the ring and Jarrett can take my finisher and kick out at one and a half, yet punch me four times and get his, hit it on me and pin me even though up until that point I'd taken minimal damage. I've tried twelve times now and am about to say ah fuck it. I'm disgusted really.

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For Jarrett, I'm not gonna lie, I worked him towards the corners with strong punches/kicks, then did the same in the corner with a shoulder barge/knee to the head/shoulder barge combo until I'd worked up enough to hit a finisher, which obviously doesn't finish him off. After that I just repeatedly clotheslined and stomped/punched him until I'd worn him down and hit another finisher on him. Takes a while, but if you try anything else he's almost guaranteed to reverse it. So be careful because as you say he'll hit you about 5 times, hit the Stroke and it's over. Not the way the game intended me to beat him I'm sure, but if they're just gonna have him take half my health off with two moves then fuck em.

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