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I just found my brother in laws cache of The Next Generation and am now sitting down to watch them all, bask in the joys of the best series of Trek as well as the rest of it :D

It has the best Captain AND the best first mate, plus it has the legend of Worf and the 'humanity' of Data ^_^

And let's not forget it also had Q/Picard confrontations, always joyous <3

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Although Picard is the best Captain, Spock is the best first mate. Worf was also more badass on DS9, which also had a better doctor and token female.

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Data is the most awesome character in the Next Generation, just for his movie appearances.

William Riker: Data, the sensors can't penetrate the planet's ionosphere. There's too much interference. Can you find a way to scan for life forms?

Data: I would be happy to, sir. I just love scanning for life forms. [begins singing and playing tune on console] Life forms, You tiny little life forms, You precious little life forms, Where are you?

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Le sigh. I suppose rankings are inevitable, huh? :shifty:

I'm not sure whether I should include TOS in this because it's years since I've seen any of them, so my memory might not be entirely accurate, but I'll give it a go anyway (I won't include Enterprise though because, well, fuck it).


1. Jean-Luc Picard

2. Benjamin Sisko

3. James T. Kirk

4. Catherine Janeway

First Officers:

1. Spock

2. Major Kira

3. Will Riker

4. Chakotay


1. Julian Bashir

2. The Doctor (may take #1 spot on occasion, depending on my mood, and depending on how recently I've had to suffer 'early "Gee aren't I ever so eager" Bashir' ¬_¬)

3. Leonard McCoy

4. Beverly Crusher

Chief Engineers:

1. Miles O'Brian

2. Scotty

3. Geordie La Forge

4. Belonna Torres

'Human Interest' Character:

1. Data

2. Spock

3. Odo

4. Seven of Nine

There have to be dozens of catagories like these, but the difficulty is in pinning them down. Like, Helmsman for instance - does DS9 have one? And who is TNG's - Wesley/Data/maybe even Ro?

Also, I agree with every word that Protoman and SDM just said.

Edited by stokeriño
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The Next Generation has my heart and fond memories as that was the series that got me into Star Trek, and I watched religiously when I was a kid. When I also got back into Trek about two years ago, that was the series I went back too. Plus, Picard and Data are my two favourite Star Trek characters by a country mile, expecially Data who I just adored as a kid, and he's hilarious now. Plus, Geordi is up there in my favourite Trek characters list, and Riker was fairly kick ass too.

But Deep Space Nine was 'artistically' better if that's a good way of putting it, and Garak owns your soul, and O'Brien/Bashier were great together.

As for the others, I never really liked Voyager, I've never seen all of the Original series, and I never watched Enterprise properly enough to comment on.

And as for the movies, I've only seen Khan and the Next Gen ones. First Contact is a huge favourite of mine, it's such an enjoyable film.

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After watching recent Sci-Fi shows like Battlestar Galactica and having someone turn me onto the greatness of Babylon 5, I have lost almost all interest in Star Trek. Except for the Dominion War episodes during DS9, I just can't get into the episodes anymore. I guess I now expect these long, interesting plots that cut across whole seasons or the entire run of the show.

The movies are different though. Wrath of Kahn is one of my favourite films of all time and the rest of the movies (except Final Frontier and The Motion Picture) are pretty enjoyable.

My favourite Captain has got to be Captain Kirk, followed by Picard and Sisko. Archer beats Janeway simply because Backula was in Quantum Leap. The Reliant is my favourite ship in the whole Star Trek Universe. The best second in command was Riker, and the best episode in the entire Star Trek history is "Balance Of Terror".

Edited by Toe
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I have only really seen the original series, TNG, and Enterprise. TNG is obviously the best one. I wish I could see the others but didn't watch them at the time and I have other stuff I want to spend my money on. If only I could see the other series.

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I like watching the odd episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation here and there but I've never followed the story as such. Looking forward to the film that's out at the end of the year though with Winona Ryder playing Captain Kirk's mom :lol: .

Star Trek

actually she plays spocks mom. Kirks mom is being played by the girl who plays Dr. Cameron on House

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I've enjoyed all incarnations of Trek.

The Original Series is cheesy funness, with some great over acting.

Voyager has one of the best long arcs but the character development wasn't great - still, Tuvok, Paris, Janeway and Chakotay were good.

Ds9 I'm only now getting into, I guess I disliked the whole 'it's set on a space station thing' first time round. It's got great development and some awesome characters in Garak and Gol Dukat.

Next Gen has the awesomeness of Patrick Stewart acting his opponents to death, and anythnig with Q in in gold.

Enterprise is surprisingly good, but doesn't feel like a Trek series. Bakula is pretty damn good as Cpt. Archer though.

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I always liked DS9 the most. Once the Dominion War starts, DS9 wipes the floor with the other series. Garak is seriously one of the best developed characters in ST ever I think

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I do like the way that 'The Dominion' started off as a throw-away reference in a Season 2 Ferengi (read: comic relief) episode (the one where the Negus puts Quark in charge of establishing trade with the Gamma Quadrant, and there's that female Ferengi pretending to be a male...etc. etc.), and from there grew to be this epic nemesis.

Not so much a fan of the Jem Hadar or the Founders, but Weyoun > *. Weyoun 5, if you want to be specific. Weyouns 4, 6 and 7 didn't get to do much.

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Over the last few months mostly cause of BBC's resurgence of showing TNG late at night on Fridays and Virgin1 showing DS9 I've been watching those shows again. Instantly my favorites of all the ST shows. I liked Voyager for about Season 1-the third to last season whatever number that was. I just disliked how The Borg were used on that show. I never watched Enterprise, I didn't really think it was worth doing at all and I've only ever had passing interest in TOS, aside from the movies.

In terms of characters:

Captains/Commanding Officers (Cause Sisko didn't start off as a Captain :shifty:)

1) Picard

2) Sisko

3) Kirk

4) Janeway

Second In Command

1) Riker

2) Spok

3) Kira

4) Chackotay


1) Bashir

2) The Dcotor (He was almost Data levels of joy)

4) Bones

5) Beverly (though she was far in a way better than that other Doctor TGN had)

Chief Engineers:

1) La Forge/Scotty tie for first

2) Miles O'Brien (Colm Meaney FTW)

Apart from Torres is there anyone else? Though Torres was the most attractive of them... Even though she was a Klingon :shifty:


1) Data

2) Oddo

3) Quark

4) Guinan

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I never could enjoy the original series. Don't know what it is, I just thought it was too cheesy and old for my liking as a kid. That and growing up with The Next Generation didn't help it.

I loved TNG. My father had me watch it with him and I watched every single episode since I was a wee lad. The first couple of seasons when I got around to rewatching them when I got older really did gel for me. Especially the Tasha Yar character.

DS9 though. That was just pure sex. I loved that show so much and it's the only one I can still tolerate if I see it on TV. All of the characters and story arcs just appealed to me, especially the blatant Nazi/Jew allusions with the Cardassians and Bajorans. I didn't like the whole Dominion thing at first as I felt the Jem Hadar were horridly cheap Klingon ripoffs, but the series slowly developed that whole ridiculous arc into awesomeness.

My only two problems with the show were Jadzia being killed off (it didn't feel right with Sisko calling someone else 'old man') and the last couple of episodes and the whole prophecy thing just... I never liked it. And considering I liked Avery Brook's Sisko almost as much as I liked Patrick Stewart's Picard, I felt the end to his character was bullshit... I mean serious, how the fuck does Janeway make a token movie appearance... but Sicko is "gone". Meh.

Speaking of which. I hated Voyager. It was decent for the Kazon stuff (I quite liked the two parter 'Basics') but beyond that I just found the non overarching episodes incredibly shitty and rehashes of older TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes, and then the never ending Borg Saga began... I also found most of the characters unlikable, especially Janeway.

I only watched Enterprise to see what they might do. Only saw two early first season episodes and never watched again.

And I ascribe to the even number Star Trek movie theory. Those are some awesome movies. I marked the fuck out in the theatre when the Defiant came roaring in on the Borg Cube in First Contact. Ah, Worf. You art such a badass.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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I agree that the end to Sisko's arc in DS9, while understandable, still kind of sucked.

And forget Tashar Yar - one of the best bits of TNG was her Romulan daughter, Sela. "Humans have a way of showing up where you least expect them." :wub: Best Trek season cliff-hanger ever (with DS9's "The Dominion has taken the station...but we're going to come back and KICK ASS" cliff-hanger being the only other one about on par).

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Oh yea...when teh season ended with the Defiant meeting up with the Starfleet/Klingon task force, I remember sitting there going "That can't end the season! what the hell happens?!"

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