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Endgame credits


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Well, I just finished New Super Mario Brothers. And instead of reading the credits, I was watching the pictorial going on the top screen of all the levels.

At the end, I felt kinda crummy that a lot of people put in a lot of work to make the game, and then in their one chance in the entire game to shine...I ignored them and watched a bunch of stuff I'd already seen, played and defeated.

Assuage my guilt; do you watch end-game credits, or do you find something else to do (either watch an in-game go-along video, listen to the go-along audio, change the TV channel, leave the handheld alone, etc.)?

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Not particularly. Same reason I don't really watch movies credits.

There might be the oft chance I'll look to see if I recognize any names, but just like with grips, foleys, et al on movies I'm not too interested in who may have tested the game or been on the art team. And most "big name" designers or producers wind up having their names get around the Internet or in magazines anyways, much like with movie producers and directors.

In games heavy with voice acting, or even just with decent voice acting, I'll wait to see who voiced who if I haven't already checked online.

Actually it's exactly like movies. Whoever acted in it, produced and directed... That's about all I find interesting to know. And usually I know beforehand anyways.

I do usually sit through game credits though. Especially a long game or one that's really left an impact on me, or in case if there's a new game + or extra story snippet at the end. I've done that ever since Chrono Trigger, and especially after Metal Gear Solid.

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I used to watch end credits only if there was a catchy medley of music used throughout the game, Sonic 1 for example has a mash-up of music from every level that makes me want to sit through it until it's complete. Unless a game has a great ending song/theme then i'll just skip it and put another game into the console.

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Now just imagine those games that don't have definable ends (like a lot of sports games, or like the Sims)...in order to get the credits for those type of games, you have to choose it in the menu or sometimes it's not there at all.

I'm -sure- no one goes to the Credits option in the menu in Madden and reads who made the game.

I usually skip the credits if I can, or if I can't, I switch the tv so that I can watch tv until the credits are over.

That's assuming the game gives you a reason to keep playing after the credits roll...if I know that it doesn't, I shut it off before the credits.

Luckily, most games have replay options that give you a reason to play after the game is beaten

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I use to watch the end credits of the Metal Gear Solid games because Ocelot always said something badass at the end of them. Maybe more games should go that route.

Except the credits are as epic as the storylines themselves, and the music Hideo picks is always to dreary for my liking. Though, one point of interest with MGS2 is you can catch a glimpse of WWF New York on the video.

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I think the only end credits sequences I really loved watching were the Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 3, et al. ending sequences. Being so geeky, the Sonic 3 end music is so badass. (Which I feel vindicated in that belief in that on one of the college radio station shows, the transitional song is the Sonic 3 end music.)

It goes on to the same point the others brought up, people made the game and they get paid by me buying the game and that's about it.

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Let's not forget Super Smash Bros. Melee and it's shoot-em-up end credits. That was always fun.

And I think I ocne watched the SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth end credits purely because Real American was playing and I hadn't heard it in ages.

On the flip side, I ALWAYS watch the opening title scene of any new game I buy.

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Better spoiler tag this - Final Fantasy X

I remember watching the end of the credits expecting a good ending swerve~! of Tidus reappearing.

Didn;t happen :crying:

What FFX ending did you watch? He does re-appear :huh:


It was a while ago, I might have to go break out the old savegame and watch it again.

EDIT: Screw that. Youtube for the win!

Edited by Dr. Gazz
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Better spoiler tag this - Final Fantasy X

I remember watching the end of the credits expecting a good ending swerve~! of Tidus reappearing.

Didn;t happen :crying:

What FFX ending did you watch? He does re-appear :huh:


It was a while ago, I might have to go break out the old savegame and watch it again.

EDIT: Screw that. Youtube for the win!

Yeah, after the credits, he's seen in the foetal position in the water, he stretches out and smiles, then swims towards the surface, in X-2 it's revealed that the Fayth brought him back to live the rest of his life as a favor to Yuna for saving them all twice and they're reunited proper in that ending :)
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