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NFL 2008

Cactus Drags

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Just think if they hadn't thrown that pick, That's gonna eat at Warner for ages.

That was SO not a fumble, Even if they don't go into the End Zone on the final play, They still should of had a chance.

Edited by Superbowl Slogger
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Can somebody please explain to me how the fuck Warner's arm wasn't going forward on that fumble? Jesus fucking christ. -.-

I believe it was because the Steelers player had knocked the ball loose already prior to his arm going forward.

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Can somebody please explain to me how the fuck Warner's arm wasn't going forward on that fumble? Jesus fucking christ. -.-

Seriously. The ball went fucking forward! Brady's only went straight up, but that was an incomplete pass :rolleyes:

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Can somebody please explain to me how the fuck Warner's arm wasn't going forward on that fumble? Jesus fucking christ. -.-

You'll have to ask a Stealers fan, or an NFL official since those are the only people who watched the game who didn't see that that was the definition of the tuck rule. The fact that they didn't stop the game to review it WHEN IT WAS THE FINAL PLAY OF A SUPER BOWL only adds credence to the idea that the NFL doesn't give a shit about getting calls right, they just don't want to have to actually overturn critical calls when the umps blow them. Why have replay if you're not going to use it on the biggest play of the whole season?

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Can somebody please explain to me how the fuck Warner's arm wasn't going forward on that fumble? Jesus fucking christ. -.-

I believe it was because the Steelers player had knocked the ball loose already prior to his arm going forward.

What? He didn't even touch the ball until his hand was already going forwards.. and what the fuck happened to that official review? Seriously, a questionable call like that in this type of situation and you DON'T review it? Man, I wish Bidwell was as well connected as the Rooneys, fuck.

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LEAST Valuable Player = Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie.

I think if you were to go back and look at every single catch Holmes had in the game, you'd see Cromartie there with his thumb up his own ass. I know dude's a rookie, but what a time to actually play like one.

Either way, this and last year are probably the two best, most dramatic back-to-back Super Bowls I've ever seen. I gotta give this to Kurt Warner: when he's in the Super Bowl, shit gets tight down to the wire. Titans lose by a yard, Vinatieri hits his first ring-winner, and now this one.

Great game, but the Cards handed over waaaaaaaaaaaay too many extra chances with the penalties.

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Can somebody please explain to me how the fuck Warner's arm wasn't going forward on that fumble? Jesus fucking christ. -.-

I believe it was because the Steelers player had knocked the ball loose already prior to his arm going forward.

What? He didn't even touch the ball until his hand was already going forwards.. and what the fuck happened to that official review? Seriously, a questionable call like that in this type of situation and you DON'T review it? Man, I wish Bidwell was as well connected as the Rooneys, fuck.

Yes, Obama must have vetoed the booth review.

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I'd like to see the Pennsylvania bowl, I've always liked the Eagles, and if they choke in the big game, then maybe McNabb will be easier to entice to Chicago >_>

I like Pittsburgh too, I don't know why they get so much shit, they're not as bad as the Patriots. And Rongrastname is a quality quarterback (admittedly, not seen a great deal of quality QB play being a Bears fan, but still). Also, my uncle gave us a betting slip with a Steelers/Liverpool/Andy Murray (Wimbledon) accumulator thingy on it, so I need the Steelers to beat the criminals.

Having a national fanbase filled with bandwagoners tends to make that happen. It's the same reason most people don't like the Cowboys, Yankees, Celtics, Lakers, the Dukies and now the Pats. The way they won that Super Bowl over Seattle certainly didn't help with the perception that NFL officials are on the up and up either. You can almost guarantee that Pittsburgh will get every close/questionable call today because outside of Baltimore no one wants to see the Ravens in the big game, especially if Arizona wins. Given that pro sports leagues market big name players and teams it's only natural that you wouldn't want Baltimore/Arizona to be involved in your marquee game. Aside from the possibility of seeing Kurt Warner get killed on the field, there isn't much allure to that game.

I just wanted to bump this since sahyder disagreed with me about the Stealers effect in postseason. It's a little bit dated reference wise, but I typed it 2 weeks ago and it applies even more now.

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While I think Pittsburgh still would have definitely won the game, not reviewing that incomplete pass - because it was an incomplete pass, not a fumble - taints this entire game for me. I had zero interest coming into this game - I'm a Philly fan; I thus hate Pittsburgh - but it was an excellent football game, especially that 4th quarter. However, to not review a questionable call at the end of the fucking Super Bowl, on a one possession game, is ludicrous. I cannot fathom the logic of how you don't review that call.

Completely tainted.

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