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2008 MLB Season


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I thought I'd be happy seeing the Sox lose. Instead, I get the depressing realization that the least loyal fans in the American League got a trip to the World Series.

As Drunk Jays Fans said so succinctly, "Kick the Schmidt Out of Em, Stairsy"

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I doubt the Rays are gonna win in five games but I sure as hell don't like the Phillies chances against Tampa. They don't match up well with them at all starting pitching wise, except with Hamels/Shields where they have a slight advantage. The only way we can win this series is if Utley/Howard start hitting some home runs 'cause the shit that worked against Milwaukee and LA ain't gonna fly against Tampa.

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Apparently, there is a god. I am so happy that Tampa is going to the World Series being a fan of the underdogs myself. Even if it isn't the Yankees, I am damn DAMN happy that it's the Tampa Bay Rays. So, in the words of Matt Garza on TBS.


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I'm gonna have to pick Tampa here. Garza's counting for 2 wins, Shields at home will count for 1 as well. Hamels has a slight edge, presuming he throws game 4, against Shields/Kazmir. And I expect the Phillies to win another game in there as well, but it'll end in 6 with the Rays winning.

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I believe the Phillies are not only going to win this series, but possibly in as little as five. I love the Sox, but they honestly shouldn't have even been in a Game 7. Drew and Yuk were the only two swinging the bat with any type of consistency. Papi, Bay, and the Capitian were basically DEAD for most of the series, with the expection of one or two at bats a piece. The only reason Boston was even in the series was because of their pen, and the Rays consistently let the Sox stick around. If they do that to Rollins, Howard, Utley, they'll lose. Philly has just as good of a bullpen, and the heart of their line up isn't walking dead.

...Amazing season, none the less by Tampa who I hope will not put a for sale sign during the winter months and sell off all of these young, talented players.

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Nice. We really needed that win with our best pitcher but I really wish Howard would start getting some clutch hits in the playoffs, like he did down the stretch. At least Chase got out of his funk with his two run homer.

Now as long as Myers gives us another solid outing, I'll actually like our chances to win the series.

Edited by punky
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I know that nobody cares about the World Series, but they should not be playing a game tonight. I walked outside a few minutes ago and not only is it raining very hard, it's absolutely freezing. It's just unfair to both teams that it can't be settled with even decent weather.

And as I say that, they went to rain delay. Looks like we're getting a suspended game.

Edited by damshow
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I don't think this game will be happening tonight, either. I am about 100 miles from Philly, but we have very similar weather. And some parts of the Pocono's have a friggin foot of heavy, wet snow. There's no snow in Philly, but it's gonna rain hard all day into the night, I bet.

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There's a possibility of rain tomorrow night, a slim chance, but a possibility. Of course, this time Sunday there were supposed to be scattered showers late, late Monday night until the early morning on Tuesday. So, uh, we'll see.

That said, they'll probably get it in. It's only 3 1/2 innings, hell, maybe 3.

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The game should never have been played to begin with. But whatever. In an interesting note, Vegas had to pay out on people who had money on the Phillies winning game 5. Since the game was stopped in the middle of an inning, Vegas goes back to the last full inning played, which had the Phillies winning 2-1. However, you wouldn't be able to collect if you had the Phillies winning the series, since the game isn't officially over. I found that interesting.

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Jesus, you'd think I'd lived by an airport with the amount of helicopters flying around my house. I live like 10 blocks away from Cottman & Frankford, which is basically a haven for drunks since there are like 30 bars in a 5-7 block radius.

I really want the Phillies to win but dear god, I won't be able to go to sleep for like five hours with the people honking horns and committing various criminal acts.

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With your season on the line, would you trust Ben Zobrist over Rocco Baldelli?


Jesus, you'd think I'd lived by an airport with the amount of helicopters flying around my house. I live like 10 blocks away from Cottman & Frankford, which is basically a haven for drunks since there are like 30 bars in a 5-7 block radius.

I really want the Phillies to win but dear god, I won't be able to go to sleep for like five hours with the people honking horns and committing various criminal acts.

I wonder just how much will get destroyed or killed in your city tonight if the Phils win.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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Yeah, what the fuck is going on? Why are they pinch hitting for Baldelli? Just because he's a lefty? The guy just hit the (then) game tieing home run for you.

Edit: Oh, there are a shitload of cops at the intersection and have been there since like 6pm. I doubt there will be that much serious stuff going down but there will definitely be many arrests.

Fuck yeah! World Series Champs!

And wow, it's started already. The nutjobs are lighting off fireworks and banging on cars all around my street.

Man this is getting fucking nuts. On my street alone there have already been two accidents from a bunch of retards hanging out of their cars, honking their horns and then not paying attention to the cars directly infront of them.. and smashing right into the back of them. Not to mention everyone screaming and banging on parks cars around here.

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