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For some reason I always remembered The Waters of Mars as being a bit meh in terms of the specials, but I just rewatched and whilst it has a few daft moments, it's actually a pretty terrific episode in terms of showing simultaneously The Doctor's hubris and how utterly difficult his life must be burdened with such responsibility and why he would wind up faltering like that.

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Talons of Weng-Chiang is one of my favorite Fourth Doctor episodes, but there's a novel sequel (Shadows of Weng-Chiang), and it is boring as hell. Its a Missing Adventure and takes place during the hunt for the Key To Time, with Romana before she regenerated. I barely made it half way through the book before giving up, and so far it is the only DW book I've never finished.

Regarding the upcoming regeneration from 13 into 14, I've a feeling we're going to have yet another regeneration inside the TARDIS. I swear they do this so they have an excuse to change the console room due to the regeneration energy damaging or destroying it, and that's not a valid reason. Its been established since the original series that there are multiple control rooms. 

I'd like to see a regeneration that's not inside the TARDIS, and how about the Cybermen being responsible? We've already kind of had a regeneration caused by the Daleks (Ten's hand regenerating into the Proto-Doctor), so why not them? Imagine the Cybermen capturing and trying to do Cyberconversion on the Doctor, only for the regeneration energy to destroy the equipment, and maybe any Cybermen nearby.

(I know they won't ever go with my other idea: The Doctor starts to regenerate, but we don't get to see it. Instead we get an adventure mostly with the current companion(s) taking the lead. Later on it turns out another character we meet during the episode that the companion(s) interact with is actually the new Doctor. The full regeneration gets show in flashback.)



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1 minute ago, GhostMachine said:

I'd like to see a regeneration that's not inside the TARDIS, and how about the Cybermen being responsible? We've already kind of had a regeneration caused by the Daleks (Ten's hand regenerating into the Proto-Doctor), so why not them? Imagine the Cybermen capturing and trying to do Cyberconversion on the Doctor, only for the regeneration energy to destroy the equipment, and maybe any Cybermen nearby.

But Cybermen are Time Lords now, did you miss The Timeless Children?

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On 11/09/2022 at 05:46, Benji said:

Up to season 6 and The Rebel Flesh of the rewatch, and I sincerely think there's a case for Rory being the best companion.

From NuWho, my two favorite companions are Rory and Donna, since Wilfred isn't really considered a companion. Amy and Bill are close behind, though.

My wife is not a fan of 11, or Matt Smith in general. She's starting to come around to Smith due to House of the Dragon. But he's one of my favorite Doctors, and a damn good actor. Even though there are a few times they made Eleven too goofy. (You'll see what I mean when you get to The Snowmen. They really went overboard in part of that.)

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31 minutes ago, Brandon Cutler Fan Account said:

You're making me really wanna rewatch the Tennant era, I don't think I've gone back to it since it aired.

You haven't revisited the second best Doctor after Tom Baker?!

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I think the show would have been much better off if Clara had left shortly after Eleven regenerated into Twelve, if not sooner. They made `The Impossible Girl' into a bossy Mary Sue. Twelve didn't really get going until she was gone.

Nothing against Jenna Coleman, but I'd rather not see Clara again, unless its to do the story where she actually dies.


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20 minutes ago, Benji said:

One thing Matt Smith's Doctor does so well that I've never seen mentioned - he ages. I'm not just talking growing up, but his very presence as the show goes on makes him feel older, wizened, entirely brought alive by the presence of youth, and a bit more gruff without ever being mean.

Yes, but...


The showrunner just *had* to make him the longest-lived Doctor, and the use of regeneration energy as a nuclear-level attack was stupid. However, I did like the sudden, unseen regeneration into Twelve where he just changes like that. 

The Doctor acts crazy/goofy for two reasons: To keep from actually going crazy, and to make people underestimate him. The `idiot Sherlock Holmes' bit ijn The Snowmen was too over the top. I thought it was more lame than funny. My least favorite Eleven moment.

Also, something that happens in Twelve's era (not saying, but if you know, then you know) makes Clara's plea to the Time Lords on the Doctor's behalf moot and meaningless. I'm holding out hope that RTD shows the Master was lying.


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Matt Smith did more acting with his eyes / small facial expressions than most of the other Docs put together. He was a stellar doctor that was brilliant at conveying the weariness of his age. 

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