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Go ahead and wait, get some space between your new one and your last one. I might go ahead and hop in again after Kiniski, actually, if you don't mind.

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  • 2 months later...

Right no worries. This is always confusing the first time.

See what you've done there is close, you knew thta you needed to keep some of the existing graphic to your left, which is great. Unfortunately you've inadvertantly changed it so it no longer blends seamlessly.

This is what happens if we put your graphic next to the previous one.


See how that blue kind of comes out of nowhere?

What you want to do is maintain a little of the previous graphic.

Something like this...


(Please forgive my rushed version of your graphic, it's just an example)

See how they're different? Your one distorts the background, and they're no longer seamless. My one, although crap, maintains the previous graphic and treats it like it's part of itself.

I hope that helps.

Absolutely any problems at all let me know. Don't worry, none of us did it right on our first murals. I never start these things with the intent of them being masterpieces, I'd rather just have a fun community project.

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Ok, so I see exactly where you are coming from now. For some reason though, I'm not seeing how I could edit mine so that it is seamless. I tried overlapping them next to each other and blending, but it didn't work.

How do you start a new graphic when doing a mural? Do you take the previous one and line it up with your piece or do you cut a section out?

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Are you in photoshop?

I see what you want to do, you want to keep the sand texture from the layer below you, and have your warp shape on top of it, right?

What I suggest is, create a new canvas at the right size. Paste the previous graphic onto layer one, then move it a long way to the left, so that only fifty pixels or so are showing. Use whatever method you like to extend the sand texture along so that it fills most of your canvas. Then create a new layer (Layer two) and start with your warp shape on there.

That way, as long as you don't apply any global filters (Filters that will change the whole image), you can filter away on any layer above one and the base layer will remain constant.

Does that help?

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Looks better. One thing I would suggest for that particular piece is selecting the left hand edge of your piece (where you can see the join) and feathering the edge so it isn't so harsh. There's no right or wrong way to do a mural, it's just a bit of fun, but it's best if you can't see the join.

Another method would be cutting around the edge of the blue & orange warp pattern to remove the warped sand texture. Without that, it would probably flow more naturally.

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