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Wii Sports


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Every few months I get drawn back into it, I just deleted my old save (corrupted AGAIN after I deleted Mii's that were entered into the game at some point or another, you'd think I'd learn fourth time over) and started playing, I forgot how fun it is when you get really into it.

Also, if a Wii Sports 2 were made, what would you like to see? I'd choose some kind of football/soccer game (controlling like PES) and cricket, but I don't know what else.

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Cricket would be good - although it'd never be in it, because the reaction from the general Japanese/American populus would be "wtf, it plays like baseball only lamer".

I'd also go for some kind of throwing event, like javelin or shot put or whatever. Though I imagine that'd be too encouraging for people to actually let go of the wiimote and break their televisions. :shifty:

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An American Football thing might be nice, throwing the ball through rings or a mini-match where you're only passing. Might be encroaching too much on Madden though, i'd imagine that probably had a mini-game with the ring thing.

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Curling would probably go down well - especially as team - take it in turns to bowl while the other sweeps.

I'd rather Wii actually published some DEEPER sports games though - Showtime Boxing was an embarrassment with regards to the modes and numbers of fighters. Relying on the mechanic will only get you so far.

So I think the Wii needs the following sports-wise:



Badminton (bah gawd!)


Ice Hockey

Snooker / Pool

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Tennis is by far the best game on Wii Sports, with Golf on the bottom. (These rankings have nothing to do with my Pro statuses :shifty:

Volleyball'd be cool, holding the Wiimote and Nunchuck close and hitting the ball up. Basketball too, perhaps.

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I'd like two player squash. Which I don't really get why it wasn't in the original. Surely it wouldn't have taken much to put the physics of the practice level where you hit the ball against the wall with the tennis running mechanic?

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WiiSports is lovely. Curling would be awesome enough to play and obscure enough to not warrant its own game, Id also like some kind of improvement on the Baseball, because when it comes to throwing, it's just way too easy.

Bowling's always going to be my favourite, because I'm best at it, with Tennis and Boxing coming in second and third respectively. I can take or leave baseball or golf, tbh.

But what's everyone top scores on the practice level thingies...

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Wii Sports, after the novelty wears off, is pretty shit. It's pretty much just a tech demo. The golf and boxing games are pretty cool, not so keen on tennis, and I could never get the hitting to work in baseball. Bowling would've been good if it wasn't so easy.

As far as a Wii Sports 2, they shouldn't bother. Just take the mechanics and put them into fuller games. although saying that, we'd probably end up with more lazy Mario branded stuff.

If they absolutely have to do one, some kind of skiing or bobsledding slalom course would be quite cool, curling as already mentioned, fencing would be interesting too.

Edited by Dragsy
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Quite the opposite for me, I find the simplicity is the best part of it, you can always pick it up and spend a few minutes or waste a couple hours on it, thought admitedly it does need more depth, but I'd just put that into different challenges rather than making the gameplay more complicated.

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