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My favourite Diagnosis Murder season is when they decided to make one ongoing storyline throughout it, which started with Mark Sloane going to jail, and bombs and conservative talk show hosts soon getting involved. It got horribly convulated in the end, it stopped making any semblance of sense. So awesome.

Hahaha, yeah, they were showing those through a few weeks back. Where the hospital gets blown up, and whilst trying to save people, Steve and Jesse randomly decided to open "Barbeque Bobs". Brilliance.

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Murder She Wrote is a pile of shite...it's an awful, awful TV show. And ALWAYS ends exactly the same. It's hilarious. Jessica sets 'trap', catches the person...person all "HAHAHAHA!!! WHO WILL YOU TELL WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!!!"...then police storm in. EVERY episode.

She's an absolute cunt as well. I'd fucking hate her in person. Whereas Mark Sloan is a fucking legend.

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Tim Wonnacott is godly - I was sceptical when he first replaced David Dickinson, but he's hilarious, in that camp weird way that only the upper-middle classes can be. And the other day they aired an episode which featured him on a segway, which was genius.

And I've not seen much Diagnosis Murder, I must admit, but I love how grandiose and self-consciously "epic" every single episode seems to be. Most murder mystery shows tend to stick to the relatively mundane, and then throw out a huge event for the season finale, but Diagnosis Murder just can't stop itself. Also, I love the fact that Mark and Steve live in a beach-house together for some reason at some point, and routinely joke about horrific murders or pass from discussing serious crimes to making light of Steve's childhood or inability to cook or something, over dinner. In their beach house.

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I used to watch Cash in the Attic when Alistair Appleton used to host it :wub: , but I don't watch it much now.

Iron Side on ITV 3 ain't a bad watch now and again if you can get out of your bed for it. Also episodes of Poirot are fucking awesome at the moment, I'm waiting for the one with the face at the windown, fucking awesome twist.

Edited by Lex Luther
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