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The Horror Movie Thread


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Day of the Dead 2008 was one of the worst zombie films I have ever seen! I would rank Zombie Strippers as better than that. A vegetarian zombie is bad enough never mind being a crap movie.

Ving Rhames character is meant to be the brother of his character in Dawn supposedly.

Second the love for Outpost, Tyres from Spaced is in it I'm sure. What ever happened to the Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat that was meant to be being made?

Good question, I wonder if there's anything on imdb about it - Dog Soldiers was excellent. I've no idea how they're planning to make the sequel to Outpost but I do know I want to see it.

Sure I read somewhere that it's about the army squad you see going to the trenches at the end of Outpost.

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I catch a lot of flack about this from friends, but I watched the only movie I truly consider scary every time I watch it today, that being the 2005 remake of The Amityville Horror starring Ryan Reynolds. People will at least give credit where credit is due and say Reynolds does a tremendous job in his serious role, but the consensus is that it's a horrible, horrible movie, especially in comparison to the original (which I've never seen). I wanna suggest this to anyone who hasn't seen it as it's poor ratings have probably cut the price on it by now so it should be easy to pick up.

And on a side note, I keep seeing previews for this new movie coming out on Halloween - The Haunting of Molly Hartley. All of the previews make it look like generic, half-thought-out garbage with no originality at all, but has anyone heard anything on this? Because I know if it is crap it's just because it's being released on Halloween and they expect people to want to watch something scary, but really, it just looks awful.

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I couldn't help but laugh any time Reynolds did anything. He was good, but I can't take him seriously. He yells at the kid while chopping wood, I burst into laughter.

Perhaps it's more that you think it would be funny to swing an axe at a child, and less that it was Ryan Reynolds?

I mean...that's why I laughed.

Seriously though... that was Reynolds' breakthrough, to show Hollywood he is more than just an extremely funny, well timed, younger Chevy Chase. It's too bad that teenage girls flocked to it because Van Wilder was in it, and that a lot of horror movie fans didn't take him seriously... I thought the movie itself was as good as it could have been, and I don't think anyone had realistic expectations for it, heading in... and that's why it flopped.

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So yes, Comcast does have Midnight Meat Train free on FearnetONDEMAND. I checked it out today and ..... well, it was all right. Much better than what I was expecting. Ending was a bit thrown together and rushed (unless I missed something in the movie itself). I'd have liked to seen more of the 'underlying' reasons for what was going on explored. Overall though, more good work from Barker.

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Dance of the Dead continues the trend of lower budget zombie flicks that are just so much more awesome than about 50% of the crap that gets the Hollywood money. I actually found myself enjoying most of the characters and getting into the film. The effects weren't too shabby either.

Now... $5 to anyone who can tell me what band performed the songs "Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In" and "Shadows of the Night" for the film. Normally, the guys who play the band in the film won't be the guys who actually play the songs, but I can't find anything online. Seriously... I will paypal you $5 if you can tell me who is responsible for the awesomeness of those two songs in the movie.

EDIT: No smartass stuff like saying "Fleetwood Mac and Pat Benetar"... I'm talking about the versions of the songs performed for the movie.

Edited by Gabriel
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Dance of the Dead continues the trend of lower budget zombie flicks that are just so much more awesome than about 50% of the crap that gets the Hollywood money. I actually found myself enjoying most of the characters and getting into the film. The effects weren't too shabby either.

Now... $5 to anyone who can tell me what band performed the songs "Somebody's Gonna Get Their Head Kicked In" and "Shadows of the Night" for the film. Normally, the guys who play the band in the film won't be the guys who actually play the songs, but I can't find anything online. Seriously... I will paypal you $5 if you can tell me who is responsible for the awesomeness of those two songs in the movie.

EDIT: No smartass stuff like saying "Fleetwood Mac and Pat Benetar"... I'm talking about the versions of the songs performed for the movie.

The Rezillos ? or perhaps Youth Brigade ?

and maybe

Dead MoonDowntown ?

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Weighing in a little late but The Mist was awesome. The ending really fucks you up though.

Also, I have the Scream channel on my TV and I watched Dr. Giggles the other night. Anyone else seen it? It was okay, kinda cheezy but not horrid.

I fucking love Dr Giggles.

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Ah yes, Dance of the Dead. I've wanted to see that. On a scale of 1-10, how awesome was it? And I mean zombie movie awesome, because I don't expect a grand opus. I expect fun.

On the Zombie scale of awesome, I'd give it a 7.5/10. There are points where the budget becomes obvious, but they did a whole lot of good with what they had... they cast young actors for the roles of young characters, and on top of that, a lot of them had some pretty decent chops.

The blood and the mayhem is pretty damn good, and the characters are far more believable than in most horror films these days. It reminded me of the first time I saw Return of the Living Dead.

Also... I did an extensive check of Google last night, as well as checking all possible Last.FM entries... anything that would come up there is definately not what I'm looking for as far as the band who performs those songs in the movie... but I did find a bunch of pretty cool stuff I'm going to be checking out more of.

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I couldn't help but laugh any time Reynolds did anything. He was good, but I can't take him seriously. He yells at the kid while chopping wood, I burst into laughter.

Perhaps it's more that you think it would be funny to swing an axe at a child, and less that it was Ryan Reynolds?

I mean...that's why I laughed.

Seriously though... that was Reynolds' breakthrough, to show Hollywood he is more than just an extremely funny, well timed, younger Chevy Chase. It's too bad that teenage girls flocked to it because Van Wilder was in it, and that a lot of horror movie fans didn't take him seriously... I thought the movie itself was as good as it could have been, and I don't think anyone had realistic expectations for it, heading in... and that's why it flopped.

A very good point. It was hilarious, after all.

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I haven't seen Quarantine, though I might sometime this month. Rottentomatoes is generally giving it a thumbs up though.

The review on Dread Central is less than favorable... and I tend to agree a lot with the guys at that site, so I'm personally not going to go out of my way to see Quarantine. Maybe when it hits DVD, if I'm bored, I'll go rent it.

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