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Alright, the third Star Wars movie, coming out next May, is called "Revenge of the Sith"

Quite frankly, I'm hoping this movie is a nice turnaround. The title, sounds like lots of violence and/or backstabbing, which is good. I haven't seen the second one, but I heard it was garbage. The first one wasn't all that great.

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The second one was a mild improvement on the first one. Mainly because a] they kept Jar Jar Binks quiet for almost all of the film, and b] we can now officially blame Binks for causing the Empire. :shifty:

"The Revenge of the Sith"...don't like the title much, but it ought to be a lot darker movie, which always seems to improve it. They'll probably go all out on the Kenobi/Anakin fight over the lava pit, so it should be good to see.

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I remember reading the working title for Return of the Jedi was Revenge of the Jedi, and the title was leaked early so they could spot pirated merchandise. It was changed before the leak though because a Jedi wouldn't take revenge. Makes sense for this to be called Revenge of the Sith.

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All it boils down to is if the film is good or not..... but the title sounds better then Attack of the Clones, so it has to be a better movie....I wish. Can't wait to see the ANakin-Kenobi fight, another classic star wras moment even if the film doesn't turn up that good.

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Fall Of The Republic > Revenge Of The Sith

I agree.

Even if the name would be very inaccurate, as the Republic never fell. It just became dominated by Palpatine, taking on all sorts of 'emergency' powers etc, culminating in the dissolution of the Senate (in episode IV) and his assumption of supreme rule...but still.

Was that another name they were considering, or your own creation?

Edited by stokeriño
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If you think about it, it's strange that none of the films have had the word 'Force' in them.

Incidentally, because I can't remember, they're not going to make films 7, 8 and 9 are they? I have the vague recollection of hearing somewhere that George Lucas said they would get made, just by some other director than him.

God I hope not.

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If you think about it, it's strange that none of the films have had the word 'Force' in them.

Incidentally, because I can't remember, they're not going to make films 7, 8 and 9 are they? I have the vague recollection of hearing somewhere that George Lucas said they would get made, just by some other director than him.

God I hope not.

That's the key to them being fantastic. They could at least be PG-13(maybe) and could be based on THE NOVELS. Not made up by Lucas 10 days before shooting begins.

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If they were based on the novels, there is only one set of novels that they could possibly be based on.

The Empire Trilogy by Timothy Zahn (i.e. Grand Admiral Thrawn).

Best. Star Wars. Ever.

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I remember reading the Young Jedi Knights books when I was little.. I remember them being quite good.. But they never really ended.. No Epilougue or nothing. :ohwell:

*scratches head* I don't recall those...maybe I just never came across them.

Basically my favourites with Zahn's trilogy, Anderton's books (Jedi Academy trilogy and Darksaber) and the Rogue Squadron series. They were greatly superior to any of the others.

Although the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy were also good.

...God, I used to be such a nerd. And what's worse, I seem to have retained all of the knowledge to go with it. :(

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Revenge of the Sith could be worse....I think it is a nice nod to the Revenge of the Jedi title.

Secondly, if they made 7,8,9 it would have to be the Thrawn trilogy.

I think Christopher Walken would make a good Thrawn.

Lastly, I highly recomend the whole New Jedi Order series to anyone who reads/used to read Star Wars books.

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Revenge of the Sith could be worse....I think it is a nice nod to the Revenge of the Jedi title.

Secondly, if they made 7,8,9 it would have to be the Thrawn trilogy.

I think Christopher Walken would make a good Thrawn.

Lastly, I highly recomend the whole New Jedi Order series to anyone who reads/used to read Star Wars books.


Didn't they kill off Chewie in one of the first books in the series?...If so, my interest slightly died.

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