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Batman: Arkham Asylum Video Game


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I can't believe some people say this game is on the short side. I've already spent hours on this game and I don't even have 40% yet.

It's took me under 15 hours and I've done everything in the main game. A few challenges left and need to get some acievements though. Again, it's not that the length is bad, it's longer than the single-player campaigns of most major video games that come out, the game's just so damn good, I don't want it to end.

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All I have left to do is the challenges, but I can thank Riddlers Secrets map for that. Finding The ratcatcher riddle was a tough one as well. Also...

Is there any way to find Sharp after he's revealed to be Schizophrenic? I wasn't sure.

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The part in Killer Croc's lair is awesome. I really like how each super villain battle is different, they're not all the same thing over and over. I've just got to the bit where Joker's called me to the 'party' and I've decided to take out all the guards welcoming me. I did it the first time and finished with a combo of 39, one off the achievement. So I re-did it thinking that this is probably my best opportunity for a combo of 40 but I keep dying now


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I got it in that exact part, where snuk mentioned. The whole game was fucking incredible, but the one crowning moment of awesome was taking out all those guards in one long, uninterupted combo, it was glorious.

I'd like to go for platinum on this, but the only thing thats stopping me is the gold combat trophy. I have three medals to get, one on the last combat level, and one on each of the shock and awe levels. I've come close on the first one, only two thousand off but I just can't do the extreme version at all. I've only ever actually finished once, thanks to the time limit, and even then I had one second left on the clock. It's just not possible to keep a combo going long enough. And the titans fuck me everytime on the last challenge as well. It's absolutely infuriating to know that you could have passed the challenge thanks to the perfect knight bonus only for it to be fucked over thanks to some douchebag punching you while Batman performs a super fancy elegant spinning mid air backflip kick. Just fucking punch him already!

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Yeah the 40 combo has alluded me too. Where did everyone else get it?

I got a 39x combo somewhere, and remember the cursing vividly, but the achievement didn't come until I took on the Joker's welcoming committee. Ended up with a 51x combo, and my mate's been bragging about his 42x one so I'll be glad to piss on his achievement a little.

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As a big Batman fan I absolutely love this game. Bought it today and I've got a lot of hours play out of it already. As a Bat-fan I think its great that there's finally a Batman game out that is acknowledged as a great game, (because there have been some stinkers!) Having said that, I'm a little biased as I liked Batman: Vengeance. I thought that was a good game. Heck, I even got some enjoyment out of the infamous Batman: Dark Tomorrow.

I love a lot of the lines the Joker has throughout the game, and the combat system is pretty awesome.

The one thing I don't like about this game isn't even anything to do with the game. I think some of the designs for the characters are a little hit and miss but that's a very minor gripe.

At the moment I'm stuck on a bit that will probably turn out to be an absurdly simple solution. I'm on the way to Killer Croc's lair, and have just taken out all the guards in the room with the booby-trapped gargoyles. For the life of me, I can't figure out where to go next! I've been stuck on this bit for the last two hours or so! I even resorted to checking a walkthrough in the end, and it says to go through the door under the vent that you entered through. I can't find this door! Can anyone help me out with its location?

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I was getting a tad frustrated with some of the challenges, but Extreme Invisible Predator reminds me why I love this game. Sonic Batarang dealt with one man, Batclaw took out three that went to investigate (medal 1), Batclaw pulled the floor out from under the two who'd stayed in the control room (medal 2), Explosive Gel on a wall KO'd one of the last two conscious and I jumped out of a grate to nearly give the last a heart attack. I am the night.

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IIRC, you have to hack the Joker gass-rigged control panel where one of the guards should have been standing. That opens up the twin forcefields at the bottom floor of the main structure in the room.

Thanks a lot! Not knowing where to go next annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. I knew it'd end up being something fairly simple.

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I found it easy enough to get the 40 combo when I figured out how to work the timing combo perk right, it was awesome.. moving from one end of the room to another to avoid the sneak up attacks that come at you from all sides, and watching them all go flying without a single one touching me. After playing some other games, I have REALLY come to appreciate the control scheme in Arkham, as holy shit.. it really makes the game great. I went and played Force Unleashed for the first time in a loooong time, and the controls in that game.. holy shit, if they were AA refined.. could have changed the experience a whole hell of a lot more than it did.

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Fuck the chattering teeth, seriously. I've got like 4 maps with 3 left a piece, and I can't find them anywhere.

Some of the outdoors ones are in places that aren't exactly the area you're in. The one that pissed me off was that it was supposedly in Arkham West, but it was in the area that connects Arkham West and Arkham... North? So be on the look out for stuff like that.

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Fuck the chattering teeth, seriously. I've got like 4 maps with 3 left a piece, and I can't find them anywhere.

Some of the outdoors ones are in places that aren't exactly the area you're in. The one that pissed me off was that it was supposedly in Arkham West, but it was in the area that connects Arkham West and Arkham... North? So be on the look out for stuff like that.

I'll keep a look out for that, but I'm starting to worry that they may be stuck behind some Titan Plants or something. So irritating as well, as it's litteraly a total of like 10 left in the game before I can get the trophies. :(

Also how dissapointing was The Chronicles Of Arkham!?

Here I was, expecting the arrival of R'as Al Ghul and maybe a nice cut scene to go along with it, maybe even a secret boss fight or some kind of reward... turns out it's the Warden and you don't even get to catch the little fuck!? What a let down.

After this I'm going to try and get some of the extra little trophies like kill a Titan without using a Batarang (Though I can only think of one area to do that in, and I really didn't enjoy the elevator place the first time through. :( ) Again, has anyone actually managed the All Silent Takedown thing? I did it the other day but didn't get anything for it.

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Again, has anyone actually managed the All Silent Takedown thing? I did it the other day but didn't get anything for it.

I got it. It has to be the attack from behind, no corner cover takedown, ledge takedowns, ceiling takedowns, inverted takedowns etc. And you cannot be seen at all... I think even if they catch a glimpse of you and say something like "huh?", it won't count.

And for fuck's sake... Shock & Awe Extreme is infuriating.

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I know a lot of people say you should try to get as much variation as possible, but I think that just confuses you too much. As long as you've got the criticals, the instant takedown and the ability to do it at combox5 you're good. You NEED to play it a hundred times to figure out a pattern of which guys to hit till you get your critical combo hits, then use the takedown on the knife guys/stun guys. I managed it without going for the perfect knight bonus, so the 5000 points sounds like a help but don't do what I did and spaz out everytime you get punched >_>

Once the stun/knife guys are down it's just a matter of aiming for the right guys, so you don't need to counter anything because you've bounced off to the guy on the other side of the room. When you do do instant takedowns, revolve the camera to see who to go after next, and if you get a big space around you and you're unsure of where the next guy is, crouch and press triangle/Y to do the instant ground takedown. That move alone nets you massive points, and it helps keep your combo going. Also, remember to be very, very lucky. It's what matters most >_>

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