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Coin Op's greatest 100 videogames. As voted for properly by you.

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10. WiiSports (Wii)

I know this is probably not going to be a popular vote, but it revolutionised the way we play games...well, wii did, but still this is the most obvious example I could think of.

9. Grand Theft Auto IV (X360)

Truly immersive story. Great environments. Despite a few fallbacks this is an extremely strong starting point for the next group of GTA's

8. WWF No Mercy (N64)

Had to include the greatest wrestling game ever in here. The multi-tiered storylined career mode. The McMahon Helmsley faction. Good years, even better game.

7. The Sims 2 (PC)

Athough the Sims was the revolution it was The Sims 2 that really expanded on the foundation and became one of "the greatest games of all time".

6. Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers

When I first played this game I was about 5 or 6, and it created an insane love of adventure gaming in me (Sadly, adventure games are far too rare these days). The humour in Space Quest IV is spot on, the puzzles arent too hard but they are always fun to figure out. And the manual alone was pure awesome. Gotta love making those hamburgers too. Gosh, now that I think of it this game may have had a hand in spawning Order Up...NAH its still awesome!

5.Goldeneye (N64)

Best shootemup ever. Still holds up as one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games around.

4. Monkey Island

The perfect template for an adventure game. Slightly beating out Space Quest.

3. Legend of Zelda: Occarina of Time (N64)

Who didn't love this game? I think I actually played it with my NAN once!

2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (XBOX)

Such a HUGE game, but no less awesome than any of the others in the series, in fact. Its moreso.

1. Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion (X360/PC)

Again with the revolutionising of genre's. RPG's will never be the same.

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1. Super Mario 64 (N64)

2. Civilization IV (PC)

3. Chrono Trigger (SNES)

4. Final Fantasy IX (PS1)

5. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (N64)

6. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360)

7. Silent Hill 2 (PS2)

8. Beyond Good & Evil (Gamecube)

9. The Longest Journey (PC)

10. Phantasy Star IV (Mega Drive)

Very difficult to narrow down from around 40 or so genuine contenders (surprisingly few 'current-gen' titles though).

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1. Super Mario Bros. 3

2. Crash Bandicoot (the original)

3. Abe's Exodus

4. Metal Gear Solid

5. GTA Vice City

6. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

7. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

8. Marvel vs. Capcom 2

9. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

10. Kingdom Hearts

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

1) Guitar Hero II

2) Super Smash Bros.

3) Mario Kart 64

4) Pokemon Red/Blue

5) Paper Mario

6) Pac-Man

7) Sonic the Hedgehog 2

8) Soul Calibur III

9) Super Mario 64

10) Starfox 64

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Goddamn MPH and his casuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.

10. Windjammers - Neo Geo

Probably the pinnacle of one on one arcade games that aren't a fighter. Windjammers has fast as lightning play and watching two highly skilled players is akin to a ballet but without the faggotry of the ballet. Of course now the only way to easily play this game is through MAME or DC emulation.

Got to love the DC's lax take on piracy.

9. Geometry Wars 2 - XBLA

You kids like light bloom and techno music? You don't? Fuck you. Now crack the top thousand in the world in Pacifism. If you don't we're burning down your house and shooting your family out back because you're a horrible person.

8. Monster Hunter - PS2

Well if the title doesn't give away the main game play element then you're probably from the EWR forum.

7. Pro Cycling Manager 08 - PC

SEE: Football Manager 08 REPLACE: Go to Match with Go to Race and Ruin Everton with Train Cyclist.

All the thrills of the Tour de France in your own home, and only half of the doping!

6. Monster Rancher 2 - PSX

SEE: Football Manager 08 REPLACE: Go to Match with Go to Tournament and Ruin Everton with Train Monster.

Also creating different monsters out of your CD collection was possibly the most engaging (and frustrating) game mechanic introduced in the PSX era.

5. Grand Theft Auto III - PS2

Remember when GTA games were HOLY FUCK AWESOME and didn't beat a dead horse? Yeah I do too, this is the one that started it all off in 3D wonderland and helped spawned many shitty spinoff games. Like 25 to Life! Or how about the True Crime series! Not your bag? What about 50 Cent Bulletproof! OR NARC? HOW ABOUT 186 RIDE OR DIE? NO?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU COME PLAY THE GODFATHER GAME! OR EVEN SCARFACE! HOW ABOUT MAFIA? SIMPSONS HIT & RUN?!?!?!?!

4. Drum Mania - Arcade

Fuck your pussy Rock Band, this is where it started for drum rhythm games and it was hard as balls.

3. Battletoads - NES

Remember when Jesus got crucified and left there to hang until he died? Yeah it's about the same thing.

2. Football Manager 08 - PC

Continue. Continue. Go to Match. Cut team. Continue. Continue. Ruin Everton. Make post in thread about ruining Everton to get Tom's attention. Cut and re-sign Tony Hibbert fifty times. Continue.

1. Earthbound - SNES

Hey guys. The name's Ness.

Quick question: I've had some trouble finding this Paula girl. She's meant to be in this town called... hmm I forget (heh) but whenever I ask around I get pointed to some tunnel and there are ghosts and stuff... It's confusing

Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me what to do! I'm in trouble because I played some music to the ghosts and they didn't like it... but now the machine is broken! What do I do!? All I have is a yo-yo and this crappy PK-Gaming spell... I'm useless really.. EWB.. helps!

Edited by Kou
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I has it + the strategy guide + the big ass box.

Liking awesome games as a kid = awesome games now.

I used to have that whole package. Got it for Christmas and I didn't even know anything about the game. It was probably the most memorable gaming experience of my life playing through that. And I definitly needed that strategy guide. And the smelly things in it.

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I don't want to tax myself by having to arrange my top 10 so i'm trying to find it from one of the last times we did this but I can't find it for the life of me. Someone help. :shifty:

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King Ellis' Top 10

10. Barbie's Horse Adventure

9. Mary Kate and Ashley Olson go Dildo shopping

8. Ms. Donkey Kong

7. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher

6. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher II: Double Clasp Edition

5. Britney Spears or Used Mop?

4. One Night in Angela Lansbury the Game

3. Golden Girls III: Mammogram Mamas

2. Cooking Mama

1. The Gayest Thing since Gay came to Gaytown.

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King Ellis' Top 10

10. Barbie's Horse Adventure

9. Mary Kate and Ashley Olson go Dildo shopping

8. Ms. Donkey Kong

7. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher

6. Bra Shopping with Margaret Thatcher II: Double Clasp Edition

5. Britney Spears or Used Mop?

4. One Night in Angela Lansbury the Game

3. Golden Girls III: Mammogram Mamas

2. Cooking Mama

1. The Gayest Thing since Gay came to Gaytown.

I've got that, probably only makes my Top 20 though.

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5. Grand Theft Auto III - PS2

Remember when GTA games were HOLY FUCK AWESOME and didn't beat a dead horse? Yeah I do too, this is the one that started it all off in 3D wonderland and helped spawned many shitty spinoff games. Like 25 to Life! Or how about the True Crime series! Not your bag? What about 50 Cent Bulletproof! OR NARC? HOW ABOUT 186 RIDE OR DIE? NO?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU COME PLAY THE GODFATHER GAME! OR EVEN SCARFACE! HOW ABOUT MAFIA? SIMPSONS HIT & RUN?!?!?!?!

You forgot Saint's Row :shifty:

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You my friend know racing games!!! This game blows racing games away 1000x though I don't consider this a game I consider it a simulation. It's soooo much more than a game! (ok that sounds stupid, but meh) I still run leagues more than I should lol...

My top 10!

1. Nascar Racing 2003 Season - As stated above. Over 20 different types of cars over 500 different authentic tracks. Open wheels, Dirt, 1955's, Trucks & Trans Am's just to name a few.

QFT, although Nascar Thunder 2004 was better.

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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

I played a bit of this today to see if it was worth it. Ended up trying to beat the king/emperor to death in the first minute before having his guards go to town on me. Then decided this was the worst game ever and I'd avoid it like the plague (in the face customisation, the beard looks nothing like a beard! It looks like he's just bruised around the mouth)

Edited by Zaz
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