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DC's Heroes To "Go Dark" In Future Movies


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I hate this whole idea. Here's a thought... replace "dark" with "good". Warner Bros. needs to realize that the key to Batman's and Nolan's success isn't its "darkness," but it's dedication to quality.

Superman should be awe-inspiring. I thought Hancock did a better job of making his feats superhuman than Superman Returns, and Hancock's a pretty half-assed movie overall. Trade Will Smith for Brandon "the Bulge" Routh, and you've got a "trainwreck." Superman Returns was much more concerned with giving Superman a son. Can't believe anyone thought that'd be a crowd-pleaser.

I think a Superman movie could be done since it's a gimmick that's so well known. It's a modern myth. All you have to do is embrace the myth and tell it full force. There's no need to reinvent the goddamn wheel. You don't even need to convince the audience it's plausible. It's a man who flies and is super strong and invulnerable. "He's Superman" is all the justification a writer needs.

I just wonder how many bad Superman films it'll take before the franchise is effectively dead to modern audiences. This might be their last chance...

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It wasn't a good movie but I don't think it flopped.

$350 Million worldwide. One of the top grossing movies of that year.

The movie was decent but it didn't do the character enough justice. The script was spotty and at the end of the movie, I was like that's it? He doesn't go after Lex and just kill him?

Hancock too's perfect. No villain? No weaknesses and he can get away with anything cause he'll just fly away and say, "Fuck you!"

Question: Do they bring back Routh, Bosworth and Spacey or start fresh?

I'd hate to see that happen. Spacey's Luthor is brilliant. WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG!

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He doesn't go after Lex and just kill him?

Do you know anything about Superman? Because, um, he usually doesn't kill.

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Yeah Supes doesn't kill.

And they almost have to start all over with a new Superman and the whole cast if only because if you ignore the last film you have to start fresh or else you remind everyone about the last movie. Which is a shame as Spacey and Routh were both excellent.

Whoever helms and writes the next film needs to remember that you have Superman, who is the greatest ever. Pit him against something more than a land baron and some henchmen, leave the Kryptonite alone for now, and reboot it all. Reboot Lex as a genius much like he was in Byrne's revamp in the 80's. He's a wealthy tycoon, and gesnius, who was the greatest thing Metropolis ever had untyil Supes came along and stole his thunder. Throw some superpowered villains at Superman so we can see some epic battles. You are making Superman, the original fucking hero, don't allow yourselves to be upstaged by Iron Man, The Hulk, and fucking Hancock. Plan and do this for a 2011 release, and make it the biggest DC Movie ever.

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  • 2 months later...
Empire Online talked to Mark Millar (Wanted, upcoming Kick-Ass) more about his proposed "Superman" epic. Here are several clips from the article:

Mark has been working closely with a 'big-Hollywood action director' – who he refuses to name at this stage – on a pitch for what he is calling the Magnum Opus of Superman stories. His idea is for an 8-hour saga, split into 3 films to be released a year apart, in a Lord of the Rings fashion.

"I want to start on Krypton, a thousand years ago, and end with Superman alone on Planet Earth, the last being left on the planet, as the yellow sun turns red and starts to supernova, and he loses his powers."

I stole this from SuperheroHype!... so, you know, check it out...or don't...whatever.

Anyways... the people there are morons arguing childish points, and I got tired of reading them rant about "Just do one Supes movie right and I'll cream myself because I suck like that."

I thought I'd bring it here for what is usually a good discussion.

So, the idea... I like it. I haven't read Millar's Superman work before, but I think something like this is exactly what The Man of Steel needs to right the film-ship.

A lot of people are complaining about things like that if you show his entire life over three films, that there can't be any more of them. That's retarded. If the three proposed films were to come out, and they wanted to do more Superman films, there would be so many gaps in the timeline that they could visit to write stories for new films. Most film franchises now don't even come out in chronological order anymore. It's just a mish-mashing of stories to fit the budget, the chronology, the money the studio wants to make and so forth.

They can't show Superman/Clark Kent's entire life in 8 hours. There will be things that Millar could hint at or have a nod to, to see what kind of reaction they get. For instance... maybe if they don't use Doomsday, they could reference Superman's great battle with him that nearly destroyed the planet, or something like that... then, if the three films do well and the fans want more... maybe look into that.

I just think that it's the best idea that anyone's had in regards to Supes in a long time.

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I'm not going to say outright no, but I will say this, I can't imagine a superhero movie ever working as a pre-plotted franchise, it's something that works when it's done individually with leads and nods to future movies, I love the concept of what Millar wants to do, I'm just not sure it would work.

Also, if you want to do Superman without powers and analyse that, why not just do a variation on the whole "Godfall" storyline? That was enjoyable and far too brief for my liking.

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