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Do you get new Free Cards if you loose all the stuff you had in the beginning?

I just read a review that claimed you will have to pay for new cards becaus the old ones go poof after a while. And if you do not invest money to get good players you will just not earn enough points to build/hold a team without paying real monney.

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Anyone got many trophies yet then?

I'm struggling with the diving header and bicycle kick. I don't want to resort to the cheap methods I've seen on youtube either. I reckon I've got a good technique for the diving header (run towards the keeper and lob through ball to your teammate at the last minute) but so far I'm only getting normal headers and volleys.

Also gonna need a volunteer at some point as I wanna get the created team usage trophy in online unranked and I need a ranked win at some point. <_< So only worse players than me need apply.

Oh, and is our old league still active on FIFA? Cause that would get me the league match win trophy, I'd be happy to return the favour too.

Apparently the 50 hours trophy is retro-active so I'm surprised I haven't got that yet.

edit: Haha, just got it. :w00t:

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I've been absolutely hammering FIFA the last day or so for trophies. Just got the Kwong trophy, which is scoring a header with the smallest created player possible.

Has been frustrating me for a while as I kept doing volleys even when in the perfect position to head it. Joined the PS3Trophies.co.uk FIFA 09 league and so far I'm on 4 wins and 1 loss. So I got my online league win trophy along with a free kick trophy in one of the matches.

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Whats involved with the Kwong trophy? Is it creatin a player with the lowest height possible or what.

I got the Free Kick one and the 'What a screamer' one together today online, with a 40 yard screamer from Ashley Young, my longest free yet.

I'll have to give you a game soon AJ, it sounds like you've improved and we were pretty level both times in our tournament games.

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Nah I haven't really improved. In fact I'm probably worse cause I've been playing for trophies rather than competitively. Plus the standard I've faced at PS3T is way below here except for the one guy who spanked me playing as Valencia.

The Kwong is creating a 4'11" player and scoring a header. Easiest way is boost his heading accuracy and jumping ability, sign him to a quality team and have someone lob a throughball over the keeper for him to nod home. It's nigh on impossible to score one from a corner or open play as he'll just get out-muscled.

Working on the Frequent Flyer trophy at the minute. 21 stadiums down and 29 to go. :/

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I got the frequent flyer trophy earlier today. It took me around 10 hours in total to do. Which included playing all night last night til I went to bed at 6am and then finishing it off this afternoon. Worth it though, as my name is now forever ingrained in the First 10 achievers for this trophy on the ps3trophies.co.uk community. Second to be precise, behind the only guy to have platinumed the game so far.

I am more addicted to FIFA than ever right now. In between shifts this week I'll be working on the Purist and Spending Spree trophies leaving only the crappy online Club and Interactive League ones to get.

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I started a game with my nephew (on the same team) as Arsenal the other day. Like before, I'm playing our league games in exhibition due to MM sucking arse. We're at the stage where transfers would be happening, so any suggestions on who we could add to the team, realisticly. Looking to bring in a RB and a Striker.

Also, realistic transfer suggestions to and from other teams are welcome as well.

Suggest away, and thanks in advance. :)

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Online it seems I can only beat people when they go Barcelona. I played Barcelona three times in a row the other night. Results were as follows:

Barcelona 0 - 2 Inter

Barcelona 0 - 3 Tottenham

Barcelona 0 - 5 Real Madrid (would have been more but he quit after 70 minutes)

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Man Utd is like the only regular team I've never yet beaten. Quite frustrating.

Whenever I play it goes to my default team, Kilmarnock, and I just leave it there hoping my opponent will change to a similar level of team. This happened once.

I remember once I went Kilmarnock against Man Utd and my opponent sent me a message after the game saying "it's good to see someone playing as the team they support for a change." What a cunt. <_<

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My favourite thing is playing against someone, with Rangers or Celtic selected, I always go the other and it more often than not results in the guy getting over passionate and hacking me, getting himself a red card, it's brilliant.

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Man Utd is like the only regular team I've never yet beaten. Quite frustrating.

Whenever I play it goes to my default team, Kilmarnock, and I just leave it there hoping my opponent will change to a similar level of team. This happened once.

I remember once I went Kilmarnock against Man Utd and my opponent sent me a message after the game saying "it's good to see someone playing as the team they support for a change." What a cunt. <_<

I used to have Sporting Lissabon as a default, because they are a fun 4 star team, but now I have Barcelona as default 'cause of EWB's tournament thingy. Don't know if you're a 360 user, but I'll be happy to play with a team like Motherwell against your Kilmarnock :pervert:

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