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Click Here, anybody else watched it? It's pretty generic as gaming shows go, but due to the lack of decent gaming shows due to internet culture, I don't really mind, I'd much rather get rid of the guy who isn't Yatzee or Yug because he feels like a third wheel, there because he might be a friend of one of the other two. I chuckled a few times and it's at least worth a check out for those who like games (which, being here, I assume you do :shifty: ).
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I jumped to midway through, and saw it consisted of one guy explaining a game mechanic to Yahtzee, only to have Yahtzee end that piece with a "Yeah I have no idea why I'm playing ______ I hate everything about it!" (i apparently skipped past the part where he named what he was playing). At that point I stopped caring.

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Yahtzee was one of the worst things about it :/


Yahtzee looked absolutely bored for the part I watched and it was awkward at bits because you realise he really is just an ugly old git who has all the comic delivery of a sponge. He seemed really uncomfortable, which is a shame because he's hilarious off camera.

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Thought it was alright. It needs to be looser though as their banter on the Australian Gamer podcasts is usually pretty hilarious when they're riffing off each other. On there, they seemed much too scripted and way too focused on the camera. I quite liked the little bit on Adventure games though and when they were doing voice overs, it was much improved.

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The Duke Nukem Design Team skit was funny. That's about it.

Yahtzee's little rant about adventure games wasn't bad either, but that seems to be one this show highlighted more than anything - Yahtzee's great in small doses.

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I think the intro sequence sort of gives it a bit of a wrong.. introduction (<_<). It's like this fast-paced, crazy reel of stuff, like a Zero Punctuation review but when you get to the show the only one who seems energetic and enthusiastic about it is Yug. But I liked it still. Probably because I am a blind Yathzee fan so my oppinions aren't really valid in this thread.


EDIT: Actually, watching it again, I think most of it is debut nerves. As a fan I would give them a few episodes to wrap stuff up but as a pilot it could prove to be a problem as the show did not seem like the edgy and impactful show that they wanted it to be.

Edited by SRN
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Yahtzee was one of the worst things about it :/


Yahtzee looked absolutely bored for the part I watched and it was awkward at bits because you realise he really is just an ugly old git who has all the comic delivery of a sponge. He seemed really uncomfortable, which is a shame because he's hilarious off camera.

I think the ZP reviews are great, but on-screen it's just so forced and awkward. His adventure game rant was pretty good, but I'm guessing that's because it's closer in format to ZP, so it's more in his comfort zone.

Also, I have no idea if these guys have worked together before or how this all came about, but that show seemed to be two guys who had an idea for a show, but couldn't get it going without the clout of a big time internet celebrity type (yes, that was as tongue-in-cheek as you can get with a keyboard).

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The other two (as I will always call anyone sat next to Yahtzee on anything) looked like they needed a shit for the whole show. They never stopped shuffling from side to side. Also, they should stop juxtaposing 'talking to the camera' bits with voiceover bits during the reviews: it's shit, and the voiceovers are far better. It was too much "three nerdy friends* sat around chatting with a camera present.

(* I say friends, the third leg looks like the guy that nobody else knows and smells quite bad, that happens to be there because he owns the house or something).

Yahtzee was also far less awesome. Although he did have a moment of glory when he correctly pronounced 'Deus Ex', something nobody has ever managed in the history of video game review shows.

Also, their review of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning was fucking terrible. They even failed to mention THE NAME OF THE FUCKING GAME. Seriously. It was the equivalent of four lines long, and they mentioned the name of the game not even ONCE. The entire review was pretty much "I got bored, it's shit". The clip they showed would've been reached after about ten minutes of gameplay, and there's nothing at all to suggest they played it any longer than that before giving up.

And he's supposed to be the MMO player? Get the fuck rid of him, the useless cunt. I'm not saying it's better than World of Warcraft, or even a great game, but it deserved far more than that pile of shit review.

Overall, it looked like Fifth Gear might look if you gave them a nice shiny penny to produce it. An even cheaper knock-off of a cheap knock-off of a successful entertainment programme. In this case, however, there hasn't been a successful gaming show for some time, unless you count G@MER, which was only successful because of the hot Scottish chick and the fact that Matt didn't try to be something he wasn't.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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He's sort of a one-trick pony really. His zeropunctuation stuff is awesome, all the time. And his articles are great. So I guess he's a two trick pony. :shifty: His shtick doesn't really work in a TV show though. He's best when he gets to be a cynical bastard, he can't do the 'let's talk about games in a constructive and conversational manner' thing.

Essentially, video game shows without Dominik Diamond are like car shows without Jeremy Clarkson, or gadget/technology shows without Jason Bradbury. You're not allowed to do them, because they'll suck.

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Can't we just agree that video game shows suck in general? It's always a bunch of douchebag guys trying WAY too hard to be funny and/or the obligatory semi-attractive chick that exists for the soul purpose of giving guys with absolutely no social skills when talking to women something to spank it to because they think she's a nerd just like them.

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