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Your Big Gay Face 7


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...you can have the other slaggy-blonde Pipette too...



1. "Fight To Save Your Life" by Eleventyseven

2. "Another Version Of Pop Song" by Rose Elinor Dougall

3. "Sometimes I Forget To Breathe" by Sail By The Stars

4. "Another Song Named Anthem" by MexicoFALLZ

5. "I Have Waited" by Then We Take Berlin

6. "All Surround" by U-U

7. "Waiting, Thinking, Giving Up" by Balance And Composure

8. "Say No" by Jean Claude Jam Band

9. "Contemplate This On The Tree Of Woe" by Dillinger Four

10. "Eason Drive" by Apologies, I Have None

11. "I Can't See You, But I Know You're There" by Tom Gabel

12. "Better Than Ever" by Quitzow

13. "Half Asleep" by School Of Seven Bells

14. "The Perfect Scene" by Mercy Mercedes

15. "The Girls Who Play The Boys" by Vanessa Rose

16. "No Pins Allowed" by James Yuill

17. "Gear Isn't Expensive" by Into It.Over It

18. "Jealous Enemies" by Dark Captain Light Captain

19. "Lose You" by The Seftons

20. "First Time Fuck Up, Second Time Jazz" by Portman

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this will fail to be on a similar galaxy as gaylist six.

because gaylist six was fucking stellar. not a bad song on it. not even jouzy's.

in fact, i really fucking like jouzy's, and it gets stuck in my head quite often, but don't tell him i said that. i never said that.

however, if it's around the quality of gaylist 5, which had some shit songs, but some awesome songs too (ex. joey cape, former cell mates), i shall be more than pleased.

will download and listen tomorrow.

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Quick recap of my first impressions;

Eleventyseven sounded so good to start with, but then the vocalist came in and just averaged it out. I hate it when this happens, so many bands sound good musically and then a vocalist comes in and it just doesn't sound as good. Still a good song though, just could have been better.

Rose Elinor Dougall was a nice inclusion, cutesy and stuff. Nice song.

Sail by the Stars I've already heard, sounds very early Fall Out Boy - which is definitely a good thing.

"Another Song Named Anthem" by MexicoFALLZ was not what I was expecting. More electro-y than I had imagined this band would have been, the start was a nice little part and his voice seems to go quite well with it, and it really shouldn't. But it all works.

We Are Berlin is a nice song but it takes a little while for me to get into it. You really begin to appreciate it later on though, but not the greatest song on the list - has it's place though.

"All Surround" by U-U I was a bit skeptical on early on but giving it another quick listen it's growing on me. May still take a while, like his vocals though - dull and monotonous but it fits.

"Waiting, Thinking, Giving Up" by Balance and Composure. On first listen this was one of my favoured songs on the list. Still think it's quite good but I think I'm going to find other songs I prefer to it as I listen to it more and more. Definitely made me check the playlist to see what it's name was and who the band was I liked it that much, around 2 minutes there's a really nice little guitar piece.

"Say No" by Jean Claude Jam Band. You imagine it will have been included on band name alone, not on the strength of it as a song. It's a poor quality rip but it's quite good, got some nice guitar solos in there and just a well made song. Still, if it had been a guy banging on some pots and pans and still called Jean Claude Jam Band - it would have been added.

Best Dillinger Four song on the album. When I gave the album a first run through a few days ago this immediately caught my intention and had me thinking it would be an awesome album. The way the tempo changes into the chorus is what really does it for me. A really good song.

Apologies, I Have None's song is quite decent. Seems there's always a place for a guy with his guitar and shouty and prolonged vocals on the gaylist. Not the best song but nicely position in the middle to act as a bit of a buffer I suppose. Lots of random changes in tempos, fast, slow, fast etc.

Tom Gabel is just awesome with his solo work. Helped by his distinctive voice. People familiar with his work will like it.

"Better Than Ever" by Quitzow is not what I was expecting. You start it and you get this little drum beat, then some bass lines.. then.. a string section? The fuck? Then synth noises. Then a girl singing. You'd think ... what the fuck am I listening to. But it all works really really well. Her voice isn't overpowering, nor is it lost in the song - it just works nicely and everything fits. Really surprised me, one of the best songs on it I think.

School of Seven Bell's aren't bad. Another female vocalist. Has nice sections in the song but off the back off Quitzow, I don't know, just... didn't stick out as much. Then again it's not going to with all the randomness.

Mercy Mercedes starts all catchy. At first I thought I was going to dislike it because the guys voice was just.. sticking out, like what happens with so many of the bands. But once it sort of kicks in it's not as bad and there's all sorts of electronic quirks and happenings - just keeps the whole thing working nicely. Good song.

"The Girls Who Play The Boys" by Vanessa Rose. On principle I should probably despise this song, but there's something about it that I really like. It might be the catchy backing beat going all quick yet she sings at a slower pace. The whole thing is just a lovely song to listen to. That's pretty much it for the fanny on this gaylist.

"No Pins Allowed" by James Yuill has been getting some hammering off me on iTunes. The whole album has been on repeat for a day or two, or three now. While I wouldn't pick this out as his best song (that'd be The Ghost for me) this is one of his better efforts on an awesome album. I encourage everyone to get this album and listen to it, as you'll just get lost in it's beauty.

I assumed Into It Over It were going to be awesome the way YI was going on about whether he should include them or not on the gaylist - obviously he went with it. Nice slow singer-songwriter effort, fits in well and is a good song.

Dark Captain Light Captain brings the tempo back up a little bit. The music manages to sound simple yet intricate all at once and the hushed vocals I thought I'd dislike but actually quite enjoyed. Very enjoyable song without ever really having any one amazing moment, just solid throughout.

"Lose You" by The Seftons. Right.. immediately I was hooked on his different voice. So often you hear the same kinda vocals throughout and it just doesn't inspire anything after awhile but straight away I liked this. Then there was the Jamiroquai-esque backing music and just overall feel to it and then the backing vocal fanny who I can't help but imagine is quite hot. If she isn't YI, don't spoil my hopes <_<. Then the bloke bursts into "Don't know what I don't want" and a lovely little brass section comes with the "ba-ba ba-da-ba-da-ba" bits come in the backing and the chorus is just lovely. Seriously, I can't listen to this song without tapping my feet along or semi-dancing to it, it's just... lovely. From the get go I loved this song and to the end I still loved it. Just... awesome. I really, really loved it.

"First Time Fuck Up, Second Time Jazz" by Portman. Had the name explained to me (I think I preferred it when I didn't know what it meant) I really enjoyed this song. It doesn't go anything like you first imagine it to. At first you just imagine a kinda... boring, standard song despite the intro actually being good. Then it slows down and they start the vocals and you assume "oh it's a slow song", then there's screaming involved and all sorts and it just keeps going a different way to what you expected. There's something really epic about the chorus as well, just the long drawn out vocals throughout make it seem so anthem-esque that you'd love to see live. Really, really good song to finish out on.

I thought it was good.. then we got the last two songs and I thought it was phenomenal. Really loved both those final two songs. A must get.

Edited by IAceI
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MexicoFALLZ are local to me. They're horrendous.

LIES! They're awesome...although I've heard they're terrible live.

Also, about Jean Claude Jam Band..."poor quality rip"?...nothing to do with the 'rip'...it's a high quality 'rip' (I think it was 320kb/s...actually it's only 192kb/s...but still, nothing to do with the 'rip' as it was taken straight from CD), it's the quality of the recording from the band. It's probably their best recorded song. And it's an AWESOME song, the 'posts and pans' comment wouldn't mean anything. Yeah, it's a cool band name, that's why I checked them out, but it's the fact they're a great band is why I like them.

Also, The Seftons, I have high hopes for them. And Ace;


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You wouldn't believe so far how many times I've heard

(in a German accent, ALL travellers in NZ are German)

German - Hey man, can I have a look vot music you have on your laptop?

Me - Sure *hands them laptop*

German - ... Vot is Gaylist?

Me - Erm...

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I'm actually loving this list so far.

Im listening through it, though from the last track to first as that's the order my itunes uploaded them, and this line just stood out to me as fantastic, the line being the opening line of 'Gear Isnt Expensive' by Into It Over It.

'I've held onto this tune for weeks until i could say that i wrote 24 more songs that the four of us have written all year long'

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You wouldn't believe so far how many times I've heard

(in a German accent, ALL travellers in NZ are German)

German - Hey man, can I have a look vot music you have on your laptop?

Me - Sure *hands them laptop*

German - ... Vot is Gaylist?

Me - Erm...


This has happened to me so much since I started uni. I have now changed it to "playlist".

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