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BEST OF GAYLIST: Merry Gaylist!


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And while you all wait the eternity it takes for rapidshare to download shit, let's play "GUESS THE BANDS OF GAYLIST!!"

1 - 2 - 3 - 4

5 - 6 - 7 - 8


12 -13 - 14 - 15

16 - 17 - 18 - 19


1) Featured in two Gaylists towards the end of the year, and the singer (pictured) featured in my personal top 10 'people with fannies' for the year...shit, I gotta finish that list.

2) I quote..."This song is about cycling...and adultery", from when I saw them/him live earlier in the year.

3) Was featured on Gaylist 7, I was tempted to tag his song on this "Ben Gibbard", as nobody would have noticed the difference.

4) Was part of the "Blondes Have More Fun", Gaylist 6, and their EP has been getting a shitload of play from me these past few months.

5) He's a Jesus freak, but his sugary electro-pop was one of the standouts of Gaylist II.

6) When I look at that picture, this is the last band I'd think this would be. Have put out two great EP's this year and made their first Gaylist appearance on the Covers List.

7) EASY! Haven't technically been on a Gaylist. But did make it onto the 'Playlist before the Gaylist'...and on the 'forgotten Gaylist', which disappeared when the board went down, actually, I KNOW 3 and 10 were also on that Gaylist, and I think 6 may have been too.

8) Absolutely destroyed the first Gaylist with the most fabulously 'gay' track ever.

9) ...found

10) ...found

11) If you haven't heard of him from me by now, EWB, I'm going to top myself. Featured on the first Gaylist. Brand spanking new, going to be on his 2009 album, song, on here.

12) Featured on Gaylist 3 and 5 with tracks from both of the albums they released this year.

13) Do I think you'll get this? YES! Okay, maybe, no.

14) When not riding tigers and slaying dragons, he gets fit birds to pose with his band name, for his myspace photo...just look on his badge...has featured on two previous gaylists.

15) Hates jews...man, I loved that rumour. Was featured on Gaylist 7, this time round he features a cameo from Matt Skiba.


17) YO HO HO! WE'RE TAKING BACK THE STREETS! THERE'S _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ THERE'S FIRE IN OUR FEET!...I hate how on that photo, I'd fuck the bird rotten...but she's a proper heffa, really, damn for cutting off her body. :(

18) Made an unprecedented, 2 appearances on the same Gaylist, one being as part of "Let's Talk Tactics", the other as this, his 'solo project'.

19) The thread for Gaylist II basically broke down into "Is she hot?" thread (clearly the answer is a giant "YES!")...when the band broke up I was gutted...was the first of the bands I label "The British Paramore" about once or twice a gaylist. :shifty:

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2) Styrofoam.. not how I'd imagine he'd look like.

3) Into It Over It

7) Los Campesinos! isn't it..?

14) Lost on Campus

17) Pedals on our Pirate Ships

Can't really be arsed.

Is the link not loading for anyone else?

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1) Mimi Soya

2) Styrofoam

3) Into It Over It

4) Bim

5) Owl City

6) .. KYTE !?!?!?

7) Los Campesinos!

8) Lights

9) The Gaslight Anthem

10) Electric President :o

11) Mike Hale

12) This Town Needs Guns

13) A Big YES And A Little no

14) Lost on Campus

15) Tom Gabel

16) Automatic Loveletter

17) Pedals on our Pirate Ships

18) Benbrick

19) All The Above

What do I win? <_<

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Louise's phone number.

And fuck it, tracklist;

1. "I Hope Your Parents Got You A Tombstone For Christmas Kid!/Somewhere In My Memory" by MexicoFALLZ

Previous: "Another Song Named Anthem" (Big Gay Face 7)

2. "Death Threats" by Bayonets.

Previous: "The Battle Of Head And Heart" (Big Gay Face 5)

3. "Bright Red Helmet" by Styrofoam

Previous: "After Sunset" (Big Gay Face 2)

4. "Crazy" by MiMi Soya

Previous: "Don't Stand On Ceremony" (Big Gay Face 6)

5. "Glass City" by Two Cow Garage

Previous: "Humble Narrator" (Big Gay Face 6)

6. "Disco Dancer" by Parka

Previous: "Better Anyway" (Big Gay Face 1)

7. "The Vague Archive" by Grammatics

Previous: "D.I.L.E.M.M.A" (Big Gay Face 4)

8. "We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed" by Los Campesinos!

Previous: "Don't Tell Me To Do The Math(S)" (Pre-Gaylist)

9. "When We First Met" by Automatic LoveLetter

Previous: "Suburbian Hell" (Big Gay Face 6)

10. "Amputations" by Tom Gabel

Previous: "I Can't See You, But I Know You're There" (Big Gay Face 7)

11. "Christmas At 22" by The Wonder Years

Previous: "You're Not Salinger, Get Over It!" (Big Gay Face 4)

12. "You've Got Guts (Shame We've Gotta Clean 'Em Up) by Paige

Previous: "Dorothy's Right There's No Place Like Home" (Big Gay Face 3)

13. "Ever So Shy" by General Fiasco

Previous: "Tell Me All The Things" (Big Gay Face 3)

14. "Ballad of Jonny Z" by Pedals on Our Pirate Ships

Previous: "Night Of The Living Wage" (Big Gay Face 5) and "Peter Pan Syndrome" (Big Gay Face 6)

15. "When Midnight Arrives" by Benbrick

Previous: "Reckless Encounters" (Big Gay Face 1)

16. "Jingle Bell Broke" by Into It.Over It

Previous: "Gear Isn't Expensive" (Big Gay Face 7)

17. "History" by Indoor Fireworks

Previous: "One Track Mind" (Big Gay Face 2)

18. "Spontaneous Combustion" by Dark Captain Light Captain

Previous: "Jealous Enemies" (Big Gay Face 7)

19. "I'm Always Manic (When I'm Around You)" by A Big YES And A Small no

Previous: "Looking Over My Shoulder" (Big Gay Face 2)

20. "Baboon" by This Town Needs Guns

Previous: "26 Is Dancier Than 4" (Big Gay Face 3) and "Pig" (Big Gay Face 5)

21. "Ether" by Electric President

Previous: "The Wires From My Broken Record Player" by Cars And Trains (Electric President remix)" (Cover Your Big Gay Face)

22. "But A Bridge" by Lost On Campus

Previous: "Take The Tide" (Big Gay Face 3) and "Oh No!" (Big Gay Face 4)

23. "Christmas Song" by Owl City

Previous: "Super Hooneymoon" (Big Gay Face 2)

24. "February Air" by Lights

Previous: "Ice" (Big Gay Face 1)

25. "Ready To Love" by Bim

Previous: "A Loving Side" (Big Gay Face 6)

26. "Boundaries" by Kyte

Previous: "Solsbury Hill (orig. Peter Gabriel)" (Cover Your Big Gay Face)

27. "Wasn't That You?" by Mike Hale

Previous: "Leatherface Fan" (Big Gay Face 1)

28. "Beautiful Dreams" by Jocasta Sleeps

Previous: "The Crayfish Cocktail" (Big Gay Face 2)

29. "Go Anywhere" by All The Above

Previous: "Untitled For A Reason" (Big Gay Face 2)

30. "Here's Lookin' At You Kid (Acoustic)" by The Gaslight Anthem

Previous: "Wherefore Art Though, Elvis?" (Pre-Gaylist), "Meet Me By The River's Edge" (Big Gay Face 2) and "Once Upon A Time (orig. Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise)" (Cover Your Big Gay Face)

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