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Now That's What I Call A Music Thread: 2009


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Am I the only one that doesn't care for Radiohead?

I find them frightfully dull.

Agreed, for the most part.

Oh, and metalman, that Peter Broderick song was from last year. The album it's from "Home" placed a very good 13th on my album list from last year.

Plus, Calvin Harris clearly has the song of 2009 so far.

Just got done listening to new NOFX. Definite improvement over the last few, still not a fan and will never be a fan, they're lyrically so fucking shit. "Best God In Show" (ska style babay!), "One Million Coasters" and "Eddie, Bruce And Paul" are great tunes though. The rest...not so much. Part of the problem is that NOFX and Lagwagon sound so similar right down to the vocals...and whereas Joey Cape is one of the best vocalists/lyricists going, Fat Mike...well, is not.

Yeah, seriously, Groezrock needs to be done next year. The fact it's only like 80euros (about £70) for 2 days of solid punk rock...Eurostar to Belgium, sorted! Ace, you're coming with. :shifty:

In other news, Scarlet Soho are fucking awesome (plus they're treading new ground in the 'having a fit bird in your band stakes'...they've named themselves after her...only she's not even the frontwoman...she just plays synth/occasionally does backing vocals...awesome haha)...and I'm going to see Efterklang tonight, for free. :D

I want to go see Jeniferever on Monday, but I have nobody to go with, and I don't particularly fancy going by myself as it's at the Cluny, and all in all, a bit of a pain in the arse to get to. Grrrr, but I want to see Jeniferever. :(

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Chicago's 88 Fingers Louie have announced a reunion show:

Having been completely blown away over the level of support the band has received over the years (these last few being particularly insane), we, like our mentors the Blues Brothers, are putting the band back together for one long-awaited reunion show. We are pleased to announce that we will be playing August 15th in Chicago at the Bottom Lounge.

Information about when the show will go on sale will be announced soon so pay attention-you do not want to sleep on this truly special evening. Regretfully, Joe Principe cannot take part in this reunion as Rise Against is his main focus these days, but he has given this reunion his blessing. Filling in his shoes will be Bassmaster General John Contreras.

88 Fingers Louie split up in 1999.

FUUUUUUCK!!!! I need to go. :(

New Rx Bandits album soon. :D :D :D :D :D "...And The Battle Begun" is one of the most fantastic 'ska' albums ever released, I say 'ska' because it's bordering more prog-rock.

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Fucking public transport...and general technical shit...instead of being on from 9:45 to 11:00....Jeniferever were on from about 10:10 to 11:00...and I had to nip out at about 5 to, because getting too and from The Cluny, then home, on pour shitty public transport is fucking terrible. But when you have like an average song length of 7-minutes, in 50-minutes or so you aren't going to get much done. Not sure if they did an encore, if they did, they ran over curfew. One saw the best part of 7-songs, but saw my 3-favourites. :D Very "Spring Tides" heavy, which is good, as I don't know their debut much. Oh, first band were fucking awesome, trying to find out who they were (can't remember their name), very kind of like Los Campesinos! fronted by a north easterner and if an Emmanuel Petit lookalike played accordian in them.

Jeniferever setlist (what I saw, may have done more);

Green Meadow Island

The Hourglass


Spring Tides

Sparrow Hills


From Across The Sea

They seem to have cut "Nangijala" out of the setlist. It's good (and at 10-minutes might be epic live), but probably my least favourite on "Spring Tides" so I'll live. Would honestly be surprised if they squeezed an encore in, but stranger things have happened.

Oh the singer looked like a gayer version of metalman...I laughed to myself.

Also, much love to The Cluny...their fit staff and 7.9% cider...if only it wasn't such a bugger to get to. :(

They played with 2 bass guitars (playing different parts) most of the time, the sound was fuckign HUUUGE...and in a small room like the Cluny, it sounded like an aeroplane taking off.

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The guy on the right does, so much more in person (when he's not doing that weird fish like pout :shifty:).

And the opening band were The Acrobatic Society;


Shame the songs on their myspace aren't that great. "Aeroplane Song" sounded great live, not sure if they did the other myspace song. Had some killer tunes. Their last one and another one which the singer said was called "Fitzgerald" (I think), were fucking awesome.

Sona Di were...'there'...which is the feeling I got last time I saw them. Post-rock is all well and good, but three people sitting on a stage is not particularly entertaining, and their tunes just aren't good enough to make up for it. By the end of their set they'd stopped even getting applause.

God bless youtube, some Acrobatic Society clips, the first one is the last song they played, still love it;

Have some Jeniferever for good measure;

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I'm trying to remember what I really wanted to rave about right now. I got back into Stereolab huge this week and what wonderful music that sounds about the same in a good way. The debut album from Clues (ex-Arcade Fire, ex-Unicorns) is some oddly captivating stuff. Still rocking St. Vincent. Annie Clark, still such a great great woman. Hmmm...what else...let me think. That might be it, actually. Except for "Cotopaxi" which is such a great fucking song. That new Mars Volta record could be one of the most fascinating releases of the year, which I said when Bedlam disappointed me, but hey, they're a great band at exciting people for their new material even if it doesn't deliver.

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New or newish(or old) songs what I like right now:

Bob Dylan - Life Is Hard - my favourite Bob Dylan song since Mississippi - which was like ten years ago and he's hardly been shit since then so yeah...very good.

- sounds like Ryan Adams. So obviously I'm going to love it. <_<

- best song when I saw them last month

Death Cab For Cutie - I Was A Kaleidoscope An old one, but I've been listening to it a lot recently given that it's one of those songs I have a lot of emotions and memories tied up in and all that emo crap that's become relevant again. Plus it's my favourite Death Cab song. :D

good cover of a very good song. People should listen to this.

- best album of last year

- this sounds like the Rakes cause they sing about East Germany and stuff. except with a stupid name and some bird singing.

Friendly Fires - Jump In The Pool - cause I'm seeing them next week.

- Best song on their album last year. Yes it was.

- Best Metric song since Monster Hospital and Glass Ceiling. Yes it is.

Where The Streets Have No Name - Pet Shop Boys - good song before U2 messed it all up <_<

Pink Mountaintops - Vampire - acoustic guitar and noises and stuff. it's good. Oh I just realised he sings a bit like Win Butler. Not really though.

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Calvin Harris was shockingly fucking AMAZING! Some proper wankers there who didn't understand 'gig protocol' like. But yeah, proper fun times.

What I remember of the setlist;

Merrymaking At My Place


Neon Rocks


Acceptable In The 80's

The Girls

I Created Disco

Disco Heat

I'm Not Alone

"Merrymaking..." was the 2nd song, I think from "The Girls" to "I'm Not Alone" is the correct ending order, there were 2/3 songs between "Acceptable In The 80's" and "The Girls", from what I remember. Plus, maybe some stuff here and there I can't remember. Great pacing of the set, live, songs such as "Colours" and "Vegas" sound so much meatier and better. I caught a bit of him at Evolution Fest a couple of years back, and was honestly not expecting him to be this good last night, atmosphere in Digital really helped like...eww at underage kids though (you could tell who was underage...overly tarted up...I mean, who wears heels to a gig?!?!?! HEELS!?!??!). :shifty:

But yeah, bunch of people getting arsey, not really understanding the whole 'gig protocol thing'...I never got complaints (Although got some dodges from this short back and sides cunt in front of me) but some random guy me and my mate 'befriended' got a load of shit from girls for occasionally knocking into them...it's a fucking gig...cunts. :/

Oh, support was alright...for a Calvin Harris 'tribute band'. Best thing about him was that he wore a t-shirt saying "I love it when the bass comes in!", making me realise I want a modified one with a picture of a fish on it.

Oh, and "OK Bear" is lovely...it's basically between Jeremy Enigk's two solo albums. Not as grandiose as "World Waits" (which is a shame as he falsetto vocals on that album were fucking insane, the chills I get during the organ bit/"A diamond gaze, one thousand strands of sunlight in her EYYYYEEEES!" in "Been Here Before", man, I get them thinking about it) but not as lo-fi and acoustic/chilled as "...Frog Prince". Seems good on first listen. Will listen again later.

And Grammatics are supporting Bloc Party on their end of year tour, awesome, good for them. :)

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You learn something new everyday. The singer from The Virgins is the guy with antlers in the "Sugar, We're Goin' Down" (Fall Out Boy if people can't remember 3-year ago :shifty: I always preferred the original video where they crashed their van/clips of them playing live) video....but even better, his name is Donald Cumming. Bwahahahhahahahahaa!

Schoolboy humour at its finest. :D

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I used to say I'd lay on hot coals to save you burning your feet

But now I'd rather throw you down

And let every girl I've FUCKED behind your back walk all over you one last time

I love Paige...so cringeworthily/cheesily awesome. I do quite like the 'line', but it's made awesome by how he pronounces "FUCKED!"

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A Wilhelm Scream and Polar Bear Club will be touring together for 2-weeks after Leeds Festival...FUCK YEAH!!! No word on dates/locations, besides there being an Underworld show. It now looks likely I'd have seen Polar Bear Club 5-times in a year. :shifty:

Amon Tobin's hip-hop project with Doubleclick and Sway, "Two Fingers" is fucking EPIC! Finally got round to listening to the album this morning. "Whatuknowabout" is a tune and a half.

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