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Now That's What I Call A Music Thread: 2009


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"Old Crows/Young Cardinals" is fucking HUGE. Album and a half. The new Regina Spektor is great too, loving the first track far too much.

Blakfish has leaked. :D

And Venice Ahoy are recording an album. :) Still haven't managed to track down their EP, but the songs I have/snippets on their myspace are obscene -

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HOLY FUCK!!! The Blakfish album...is fucking OBSCENE!! I wasn't big on the 2 songs that have been floating about "Economics" and "Ringo Starr - 2nd Best Drummer In The Beatles", but they're growers ("Economics" especially) but the rest of the album is fucking epic, with "Ringo..." being my least favourite on it. "If The Good Lord Intended Us To Walk He Wouldn't Have Invented Roller-Skates", "Randy Sage, True American Hero", "Your Hair's Straight But Your Boyfriend Ain't", "Scotland's Worst Invention" and "We Beg, We Borrow, We Steal" are epic tracks.

Really chuffed if these guys start getting a bit of popularity, there's supposed to be a buzz around them and I actually know a couple of guys who are into them or have at least heard of them. Honestly shocked they're not on the Festival Republic tent at Leeds.

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My favourite current misheard lyric, up there with "Oh, it's a monkey knife fight" from that Angels & Airwaves song is from "If The Good Lord Had Intended Us To Walk He Wouldn't Have Invented Roller-Skates" by Blakfish, with the rocking - "THIS ISN'T FUN!!! YOU CAN'T PRETEND!! YUL BRYNNER THINKS YOU'RE GONNA END UP LEAVING ME!!!"

New Idlewild's out there ("All Over The Town" is a gorgeous track), so's Most Serene Republic and the new Paint It Black EP.

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Blur's setlist from their gig a couple of days ago. Glasto and TITP sets should be somewhat similar although perhaps a little shorter:

'She's So High'

'Girls And Boys'

'Tracy Jacks'

'There's No Other Way'




'Trimm Trabb'

'Coffee & TV'


'Country House'

'Charmless Man'

'Colin Zeal'

'Oily Water'

'Chemical World'

'Sunday Sunday'


'End Of A Century'

'To The End'

'This Is A Low'



'Song 2'

'Out Of Time'

'Battery In Your Leg'

'Essex Dogs'

'For Tomorrow'

'The Universal'

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Going to see them a week Thursday...the setlist's an absolute beast. I'd presume their Festival sets will be shorter seeing as that's like 28 songs...and given they're not particularly short songs (for the most party)/onstage banter, you're looking 2-hours (at least) there, no problems.

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Idlewild's could possibly just have released my favourite album of the year, just like they did back in 2002. :D

I'm really pleased with how good their album is, especially seeing as a number of other favourites of mine - Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Beirut and Camera Obscura - have released quite underwhelming albums this year.

In fact, if I were to name my top 10 bands ever, I'd probably put Idlewild in it. They've released six(and a half) albums and I really like them all. Very very very good band. And my second favourite Scottish band unless Frightened Rabbit release an album just as good as their last two in the near future. haha.

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I missed Blakfish (and Colour's last tour before splitting up :(...and The Blitz Evra apparently, who are a damn fine local 'twiddly-emo/indie' band) last night...got really hammered and played snooker instead. :( Wrong decision. I'm not massive on Colour, but they're a fine band, would have been good to see, and Blakfish are rocking. :(

I won snooker though...and actually, snooker was awesome...but should have seen Blakfish. :(

And the brass half of Beirut is glorious. The 'electronic' half is shit.

And for whatever reason, I didn't start listening to them until this year, but Frightened Rabbit, the album's good, but it doesn't blow me away...although the name is the greatest name/euphamism ever.

Okay, what's about;

Finally checked out "Homesick" by A Day To Remember (fucking awesome), new Eleventyseven is out (and it's cheesy as hell :D SYNTH BASED POP-PUNK :wub:), The Higher have a new album (it's canny wank), a new Little Hands Of Asphalt EP (which is cute as hell, album's awesome too) and a great EP from a band called Maker (which slots in next to the likes of Crucial Dudes/Such Gold). Albums from Skint & Demoralised and The Rumble Strips are about too.

Dream Theater and Opeth are here together for 3-dates in October (Manchester, Glasgow and London if I remember correctly)...tickets are apparently on sale, I'm thinking about it, but the £35 pricetag...hmm...2 birds with one stone though, and I'd probably happily pay £17.50 to see the bands individually, but I'm proper low on funds. :(

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What a shitty, boring, cuntlover band.

I need to find a proper outlet to bury a band with a guy that I, the weakling I am, could probably kick the ass of. And the whole "guys talking about women like shit and GET CRUNK" thing is goddamn old. I guess because he sounds like a shithole that girls listen to it. But either way, what a giant dip down. I'd rather listen to Haddaway.


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Okay...lets go with thoughts for Death By Stereo;

1) Opening Destruction - awesome chorus, don't particularly like the last chorus with the faster snare hits though. Solid song, album's more of the style set forth in "Death For Life"...I want them to go back to the faster/thrashier vibe. :(

2) Ballad of Sid Dynamite - it sounds a little thin...not particularly awful though. Shouty verse, catchy chorus...really not particularly exciting, even with the wank-a-thon of the solo

3) I Sing For You - WHOA-OH-OH!!! WHOA-OH-OH!!! WHOA-OH!!! I SING TO YOU!!! WHOA-OH-OH!!! WHOA-OH-OH!!! WHOA-OH!!! I SING FOR YOU!!! Now this is more like it. Catchy as shit. Again more of the midtempo, "Death For life", more metalcore sound.

4) The Last Song - all these intros sound like they're from late 90's alt-rock tracks, it's hilarious...actually fuck this just sounds like a late 90's alt-rock, borderline 'ballad' track. :( It's like DBS doing Staind. :( WHAT THE FUCK!?!? :( ...it's actually quite good though...and to be fair, they've done some slower songs in the past.

5) Bread For The Dead - MORE FUCKING LIKE IT AGAIN!!! Screams/weird church like drones/oh's at certain points...total stereotypical DBS. :D Catchy as hell chorus.

6) Dead To Me - ...intro sounds like an Alkaline Trio track...kicks in...not liking it that much...the "HEY! HEY! HEY!" bit is cool. Too much wankery solo's...the tones sound fucking horrible on here. The bass is like a weak fart...and the guitars, especially during the solo's just sound shit.

7) Forever And A Day - ...wait...what?!?! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! Okay, now you're taking the fucking piss...okay let's re-record a song from our last record only with a fucking piano in it...FUCK OFF!!!

8) Wake The Dead - ...this sounds like Alkaline Trio again. :shifty: Not that, that's a bad thing....okay fuck...this is epic...has restored my faith after the last song. Plus Efrem's voice/accent (whatever), which has been toned down/normalised too much is really shining through more here.

9) I Got Your Back - not really feeling this.

10) Who Should Die? Who Should Die - not really feeling again...the songs are far too mediocre...which is probably worse than being shit. :(

11) We Sing Today For A Better Tomorrow - it starts rocking...okay this is a good track.

12) D.B.S.F.U - not really feeling again.

13) Welcome To The Party - FUCK YEAH!!! Okay, fuck, this intro's the only time the bass hasn't sounded like utter shit. And there it goes again...it tones the fuck down...WHY THE FUCK DO THEY KEEP DOING THAT IN ALL SONGS!!!?!?! EVERY SONG THAT STARTS FUCKING AWESOME THEY SUDDENLY 'SLOW' IT DOWN!!!! GRRR!!!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR BALLS YOU FUCKING CUNTS!?!?! When it kicks back in it's fucking epic...probably my favourite song on here actually.

14) Fear Of A Brown Planet - ...okay this one's an exception to the rule...far from their best song, but a nice little hardcore number. Great riff towards the end.

15) For All My Friends (Unity Song) - ROCKING START!! FUCK YEAH!!! THIS IS GREAT!!! :D Ends after a minute :( Weird hidden track of wankery and noises. No "COME TO THE SABBAT! SATAN'S THERE!" as far as 2009 hidden tracks go.

...meh on first listen. :( I really liked "Death For Life" as well. Not feeling the recording, it sounds too thin at times, the tones are a bit shit, especially during the solo's...it's really nowhere near MEATY enough in general. Efrem's vocals are a lot poorer than usual, he has a very distinctive/individual style (at least before that slightly tarred fucker who now fronts Killswitch Engaged showed up :shifty:), and it's been ruined here and not allowed to shine through. :( The songs are just a bit fucking dull, to much 'nicey'-'nicey' stuff...I mean, I'd like to just point the finger and blame it on the fact they're now on Serjical Strike...hope they get dropped and making a full frontal ROCKING record...but this seemed to be the direction they were heading in regardless. All in all, outside of a few, the songs aren't actually that good. They're pretty mediocre, yes the solo's fucking kill in comparison to previous records, but the actual songs are dull as shit...I mean I have some mates in an alt-rock/metal band...and their original songs sound like they could be on this fucking record.

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