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Stuff For a Long Journey.


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This is a repost of a thread I made last year...

Got a long journey coming up, (at least fifteen hours on a coach non-stop, then the same again on the way back) and I'm looking to load my PMP up with movies or TV shows to kill time. I'm looking for stuff that's light hearted, easy to watch, not too long, and nothing too heavy or obscure or cult, so whomever I'm sitting next to can enjoy too (audio out splitter - fingers crossed for pretty girl)

Last year people suggested that short comedy shows were probably the way to go, Peep Show, Black Books and the like, as well as some stand up stuff alongside movies like Back to the Future and the Indiana Jones Trilogy... that all went down quite well, especially Black Books, so I'm open to more suggestions.

I think I'm going to grab the latest series of 30 Rock (And desperately try and not to watch it before hand) as well as American Office, which I've never seen... but if anyone else has some suggestions for good journey media, be it movies or tv shows, that'd be great.

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I'd recommend things like Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Have I Got News For You, Whose Line Is It Anyway? and then Scrubs and Entourage as well, especially Entourage. For movies there's a couple of really light hearted, charming and fun stuff I'd recommend you might not have seen - The Station Agent and Priceless, Priceless especially, Audrey Tautou = stunning.

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I'd recommend things like Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Have I Got News For You, Whose Line Is It Anyway? and then Scrubs and Entourage as well, especially Entourage. For movies there's a couple of really light hearted, charming and fun stuff I'd recommend you might not have seen - The Station Agent and Priceless, Priceless especially, Audrey Tautou = stunning.

My AD love grows as I read this. :blush:

Scrubs is a definate if you like it, It's very rare for me to meet people who don't like it and when I do find one, they usually just don't like it because they haven't given it a proper chance. Me and a couple mates had a trip up to London for some auditions the other day and Scrubs made the whole journey enjoyable. Extras never goes amiss if you like Gervais humour and Spaced is a laugh the first few times you watch it.

For films I'd say Iron Man would be a good one (though it's quite long) and if you've got a fit bird coming along, then Love Actually is always a hit. (and I refuse to believe you're both british and have a human heart if you dont like it.)

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Arrested Development!!!!!

And you can try the Glenn Close drama Damages, to tell me if it's any good or not >_>

Random suggestions of movies that are light and maybe fun on a trip: Anchorman, Planet Terror, Airplane, Iron-Man maybe...

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How many hours of playback can this PMP even manage before its battery coughs and dies?

Six hours out the box


another four with each additional battery dock


And then I can plug in a USB AA Battery transfer thing and keep going for as long as I have AA batteries.

Oh, also I own a portable solar panel, but I'm not sure how good that is.

I mean, I'll have a plug socket between the two fifteen hour journeys, and I'll have books and shit too... but I like to have some variety cause I don't know what I'm gonna wanna watch.

Also I have adapters to output to televisions, so I'll be able to throw these things on the TV in the lodge when we arrive as well.

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Maybe take some sort of portable games console with you like a DS if you've got one? I'm not sure whether your PMP supports games on there but when I was on a similar journey a few months back, I had quite a few simple games on my iPod Touch that I could play with the person next to me that helped to pass the time quite well.

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I third the Big Bang Theory recommendation. They're short, easy to watch and unoffensive to anyone else who might catch your screen. So is Scrubs but I imagine you've probably seen them.

A good one is try taking some DVD's that you've never watched the special features on or haven't seen in a while. I recently watched the LOTR extended edition trilogy special features, that's a good couple hours each in 20-30 minute bursts.

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Maybe take some sort of portable games console with you like a DS if you've got one? I'm not sure whether your PMP supports games on there but when I was on a similar journey a few months back, I had quite a few simple games on my iPod Touch that I could play with the person next to me that helped to pass the time quite well.

Or you could fly your plane there if you have one?

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I've just looked up that Archos 605 thing. It looks awesome except that it apparently can't support .avi files? That would be 98% of my video collection gone right there.

That's not true, everything I've ever played on it is an avi. I generally run everything through SUPER and output as Xvid encoded AVIs with Stereo MP3 audio, because I'm a dick and I like everything to be the same.. but out of the box it supports Mpeg 4, Avi and WMV and you can get plug ins for a small fee that will allow you to play pretty much everything else.

I have a DS but I really don't like it, I'm not much of a gamer. I'll probably take it along for someone else to use though.

Thanks for all the suggestions I'm getting my hands on most of the stuff you've mentioned :)

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How much are those rechargeable battery packs to buy? There's an Archos in my work at the moment down in price because it's an older model and I'm thinking of picking it up but wanna get some of those packs for it too.

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