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Seriously guys, let's talk about Scribblenauts. It's been a long time since I've been this excited about a new game, and I don't even own the console it's being released for.

Let's face it, not enough games give you the option of sellotaping meat to an orphan.

Here's God fighting Cthulhu;

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Well I've got $35 on a giftcard and it was going to go to Arkham, but given that it's apparently under 10 hours long, I'll be saving it for Scribblenauts.

Hooray for a thread, there's been some discussion about it in the Nintendo thread, but I figure once its released there will be pages and pages of discussion about the wacky things we do.

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My favourite combinations of items in NGamer this month;

"Arsonist + Barn"

"Einstein + Scooter"

"Astronaut + Trombone"

"Velociraptor + Lead + Heart Rate Monitor"

My personal favourite, though, has to be "Black Hole + Mallard".

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I've wondered if a text only diary would work for Scribblenauts, sort of like an interactive play through where people offer up their solutions. It's that or try and take little videos/pictures of the DS screen during play or do screencaps when playing it through certain means.

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I've been hearing bits and bobs about this and have only now watched the videos. And goddamn, this could be huge. If they market it right then it could be a big hit at Christmas and be a real system seller for the DS. I mean, who wouldn't want to mess around with this? I'll definitely be picking it up on release, which seems to be down for October in Europe, while the US get it in about 3 weeks. Damn.

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