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So I Can't Watch Die Hard 2


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And this is gonna be a problem.

I'm using my PS2 as the DVD player in my basement, but when I put in Die Hard 2, it won't play. It will only go to the Special Features menu and will not leave. This is also true for my Die Hard 3 disc, and I'm assuming it is true for my Die Hard and Die Hard 4 discs.

I also tried it on my computer, but it did the same thing. Anyone know how to get it to work?

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I don't know what that means. I think think it's weird because I've watched all four before, but that was on my XBOX. Is it a difference in what I'm using to watch it?

Where did you get the DVD's from & have they worked on systems other than your XBOX before now? If you ordered them online and you're in the US and the DVD's are from the UK or AUS for example, they might not play on Region Locked DVD players.

If that is the case, then you'll either have to restrict your viewing to only on the XBOX, buy a different copy of the DVD's or go out and get yourself a DVD player that's not region specific. (Which shouldn't be too hard, most cheap DVD players (over here, at least) will play any region DVD & pirated DVD's. It only seems to be the hightech/new players that are Region Specific nowadays.)

(In case you aren't aware, DVD's from different parts of the world have different "Regions", which will only play on DVD players from that part of the world, or on something that is "Region Free", meaning it can play any type of DVD regardless of it's Region.)

I had the same problem with a copy of Kill Bill 2 a few years back, but I brought myself a cheap DVD player and haven't had to worry about it since.

Edited by TKz
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This is embarrassing, but the problem was I put in the special features disc and not the actual movie disc....

Fuck you guys, I had a 101.7 fever.

Glad you figured it out. I was actually going to suggest you make sure you were putting in Disc 1 rather than Disc 2, as I did that with a friend's copy of Death Proof and was baffled until I realized there were two discs...

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