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So ive been on Level 70 for about a month now, just enjoying myself and completeing a few more challenges. My main aim was to achieve MVP in Hardcore Team Deathmatch. Well I finally achieved that today. Since i pretty much did all the challenges worth doing, I decided to Prestige. Im having a lot of fun again working my way back up the rankings, and actually competing serious again where a Win actually means something again. It's fun to try out some of the old guns again ive not used in a very long time again, and to hear the constant sound when you make an achievement. Since we've got until November until the new game comes out, figured I may aswell Prestige at least once. How many times have you lot Prestiged?

Edited by Stevie B
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I'm in the mid 30's on my third prestige. I'd be alot farther but I've seriously slowed down on my playing time recently. It might pick up by the time the maps come out. I'll most likely get 10th prestige before the new game drops.

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Level 52 on my 6th... possibly prestige. It may be 7th. I am pretty sure I only have 3 more to go.

Trying to use more guns then the UMP, but, it gets so boring... I'm actually slowly getting bored of the online game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I platinumed this the other day and just had the most horrendously boring match ever just now. I literally completed two full laps of Derail without coming across anyone on the opposite team. I was playing with the type of people who, no matter the map (because it happened on Estate right before it) think the "ALL OF US LETS GO IN THE BIG BUILDING" (opponents) and the "LETS GO AND TRY AND TAKE THE BIG BUILDING" (team-mates) are good tactics for fun.

I might see if I can play something else for a while, but its the only game that I can just play that hasn't been completed, shit or where you end up playing with people more infuriating (I'm looking at you, Burnout).

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I love attack/defend TD. Works with the house on Estate, big building on Derail - etc. It's good fun.

Been playing awesomely lately. Getting Turtle Beaches for my birthday, so should be sharper when I'm rocking them too.

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Yeah, my mates use 'em. & ya can tell. Hearing the enemy reload downstairs, etc, is helpful. My favourite mode is Search - not all my boys like it though - so double XP weekend was a great way to fill up on some S&D. They played for the XP. Mainly end up playing TD, Domo or Search. I can play any mode though. Headquarters is annoying these days, bare explosives everywhere. What about you?

Played the new maps? At first, I felt like I'd been robbed. But now I kinda like them. Definitely won me over.

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Mainly play Hardcore Team, Hardcore Search, but will play regular or Ground War if one of my clan's friends doesn't like hardcore or there are more than 6 of us who want to team up. I really don't mind playing any modes, as long as I have a good team that understands what to do. I hate playing Hardcore Ricochet HQ with two of my friends, as they'll bark orders for us to take the HQ while they poorly go for killstreaks instead of being part of the team.

Also, the new map pack is WAY better than the first one. I had the same reaction, disappointed at first, but now I am really enjoying the new maps.

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WaW was pure hardcore Search for us. I loved it. However, MW2 - I feel - lacks fightback. Health seems lower than previous games, get spotted first and usually die. So we've avoided hardcore. I'd prefer the no HUD, no killcam (hate hate hate killcam), but I think the low health is unnecessary.

I didn't mind the first mappack.. Crash and Overgrown? Awesome. But as a 5, this is probably superior. Carnival is fun, Strike & Vacant hold up well. I hated Fuel, but now I really, really, like it. Trailer Park is far more fun than other CQB maps

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Crash and Overgrown are awful maps. The only one I can even stand of the first map pack is Bailout, which is quite fun. Maybe that's just my taste in maps though, I prefer more personal ones where usually one team is on one half the map, the other on the other. (So, Sub Base, Bailout, Scrapyard, Highrise etc.)

And TMW, I'd much rather have a game spent trying to take a building than a lot of the ones I get lately, where both teams do nothing but lay down in hiding until someone runs by. It's so fucking boring, I can't stand it. Takes the fun out of the game. I'm so sick of playing against a team who do nothing but hide and pick people off. Probably why I enjoyed Domination a fair bit, people pretty much have to run around.

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