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Scrubs Season Nine

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Guest Mr. Grinch

First two episodes tonight, and...I don't know what to think.

There's definitely potential, but at the same time there's the risk of it being nothing but the one-dimensional caricatures we've had off and on over the last few years and copious in-jokes.

At the same time, there's an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Lucy is a mix between first-year JD (without the humour), first-year Elliot (vaguely neurotic), and last year's Sunny. We've already seen Cole's spoiled-brat-with-parent-as-hospital-bigwig act, a few years ago. Denise's guy is a little more original, but he seems like the least interesting of the new additions.

The returning characters were used pretty well. I like seeing Turk when he's not being JD's anchor to normal people's world. Cox is still Cox, and even if he's slightly more over-the-top than he was the first couple years, it's no big deal.

The one thing I don't like, though...I get that most of the main cast has moved on and it can't be the same show. But last season was all about the interns, and quite a few of us were convinced they were being groomed to take over the show. So why are they all gone, why are we in a med school, and why is there yet another batch of fresh-faced youngsters? Were there set issues? Why not just keep it at the familiar Sacred Heart, move it a year or two forward, and have season eight's interns in regular roles?

Oh, and I'm willing to accept the deus ex machina that everyone's back working together, but why is Denise in a role where she has to deal with people all the time? She'd never want that sort of job, and nobody would be dumb enough to give it to her. Minor gripe though.

Am I alone in any of this? :shifty:

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I found it very interesting. I've only just watched the first episode, but after the first 5 minutes that were kind've boring (though the Janitors exit was fantastic, much as I'll miss him.) I really started to enjoy it, BUT it was because of Lucy. I really feel like I could get into her character, I know it's not something entirely new, but I don't know, I think on some level I had the sense of connection with her character that you sometimes get with people on TV shows.

I have somewhat higher hopes for this season now. But yeah, where the fuck are last years Interns? I loved Sunny. :(

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Far farrrr too much like House-lite numbers for students (House Season 4), older guy trying med school again, Cox just screams like a less 'intelligent' (for lack of a better word) House and there was something else. The ending was the only thing that got a laugh out of me from the first episode, so I'll only be watching this season due to the fact I've watched the last 3 (mostly) shitty seasons.

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I am incredibly disappointed Denise is the only intern from last season to return. I actually LIKED that batch of interns, and now I have to get used to another new group of people that, honestly, dont seem like they will be that interesting. The guy that Denise is having sex with I think could provide some good stuff, but Im not sure about Lucy or Cole. Cole is just the one dimensional, "I have money so I have no worries about anything," shtick, and Im already getting sick of him and hate him, only in the "get rid of the character" way. Lucy... I dunno. I dont really want to see JD 2.0 with her doing the same shit JD did. I thought it was nice to have her tricked like that with the alcoholic to teach her a lesson, so maybe shell be ahead of JD in that department...

I dunno though. The only thing I really liked for the premier two episodes were the original cast members. Itll take time to get used to the new batch, but hopefully by the time the original cast members' roles fade out a bit and it becomes MORE about the med students, I'll have adjusted. I just dont see much potential in them.

I do hope that they have voice overs/inner monologues from the other interns as well, though, considering the episodes are now 'OUR.....' instead of 'My....' I dont want to see Lucy getting all the voice overs or fantasy sequences just because someone thinks she is the new JD.

As far as Denise getting a job where she is around people so much when she hates people... That doesnt really bother me, considering she got into medicine in the first place, which is ALL about interacting with people in some form. That, or she just took a job that will help her in the career she wants in the long run and is dealing with the pain of people.

That said, I REALLY hope we get more Kelso this season. If I could pick three original characters to stay in a main role, it would be Cox, Kelso, and Turk. Well... I WOULD take Janitor over Turk, just to see him interacting with the new kids.

Anyways, first impressions of the two episode season premier? Not impressed, and I see little potential in the new group of kids.

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While I liked the first two episodes, all my favorite moments came from the original cast. I don't seem to dislike the new interns as much as everyone else does, but I don't really expect much from this show, especially when the original cast starts to fade out. I'm a little disappointed that the show continued, especially after how much I loved the series finale.

And while I loved The Janitor's exit, I'm kind of hoping he makes a few appearances. He's my second favorite character (behind JD), and he's always hilarious.

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apparently Braff is only staying on for half a season to kinda introduce the new characters... so assuming JD leaves I'd love to see the janitor return for one more snippet thinking JD is back only to find out he is gone again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First two episodes were awesome, I thought, and I liked all the new characters (except Cole), even if the main girl(... what's her name again?) was annoying at first, I quite liked her by the end. But then the third episode wasn't very good, and JD is even more annoying. And I just watched the fourth one earlier and he's even more annoying, and the girl is annoying too, and I think I hate her.

I had high hopes at first but I'm definitely not a fan anymore. I'll keep watching, but more out of habit and because it helps me waste time I should be spending productively than because I like it.

Oh and those two security guards, the black guy and white guy... awful, awful stuff.

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Yeah, I completely disagree about the new girl. I love Lucy, I just wish that the show would just get rid of the old cast members that aren't sticking around already, because I feel J.D. is what's dragging this show down. I like J.D., but his time has gone and all he's really doing by still being around is taking up screen time that could be used to make us care about the new characters. It's kind've like Bill Lawrence said "Hmm... If we start a new season with a new cast, we'd have to introduce them all and build them up as characters through out the season... but hey, if we keep J.D. around, we can just introduce them like any old Side Character!" They should've just bit the bullet and went with the all new cast and spent more time being like the first season of Scrubs. At the moment, apart from how much time she gets, it feels like Lucy is just this seasons Elliot at best.

I do like the new cast and I've really quite enjoyed the new series (A lot more than I did most of Season 7 of Scrubs >_>) but I wish they'd actually start working with the new cast instead of just using them like their additional characters. J.D. has to go, no question about it.

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I could see Lucy growing on me but at the moment she has too many annoying quirks for me to like her. And I think JD was needed to ease the show into its new setup but they've gone about it the wrong way, and his parts in episodes have been pretty painful to watch. The sooner he's gone the better for me, but I'm not sure about casual viewers, which is obviously who they need to cater to.

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Lucy reminds me too much of the annoying things traits JD has. Really wish she wasnt the ONLY one getting voiceovers, considering the episodes are now titled 'OUR...'

Surprisingly I dont hate Cole as much now. I like him and the other guy a lot more than I like Lucy, who again just comes off as the female JD in a bad way.

The new season isnt HORRIBLE, but it is far from good to me. I agree JD needs to go away because he had a fan-dabi-dozi send off last season that is going to just turn to nothing if he sticks around too long. Cox and Turk can cover things without JD. I dont really need to see JD not liking beer or sports or trying to be the buddy to the med students like he was the buddy to the interns anymore.

Get rid of JD, have ALL the new med students have voice overs, have Lucy become less JD-ish, and the season could be decent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am starting to seriously enjoy this show again. Cole is actually turning into a favorite of mine. I really enjoyed the last 2 episodes. The trick candle bit got me laughing really hard.

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I will admit, Cole isnt getting on my nerves anymore and I actually enjoy him now, though Number 1 Guy is my favorite right now as far as new cast goes. Lucy is still a bit eh for me. She is just way too much female-JD and nothing more to me. The dopey obsession with horses and quirks, the dream sequences, the voice over being ALL her... I dunno. I know that is the point, but I hate it. She is just JD take two, except with tits.

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I still don't like Cole. Drew and Lucy are awesome though.

Was anyone else surprised at Cox's "as a reward, I'll come back later and smother you with a pillow" line to the coma guy? Seemed a little darker than usual.

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