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Not talking about novels that were made into movies but rather the other way around.

This was really popular in the 70s in 80s with writing hacks getting hold of early releases of movies and then writing books based off the films. It's still going pretty strong though and just wondering if anyone has got any favourites?

I say this because I saw this book in the shop today and couldn't resist it. Should be a fun read and will get me in the mood for when the game comes for me at Christmas.


How awesome is that. I'll let you all know how great it is.

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I remember in the '90s there was this string of Godzilla novels I thought were fucking awesome. The author had a knack for creating interesting characters and then having a giant monster kill them by the end of the chapter.

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There are a series of novels based on Halo that are supposed to be decent. I grabbed one of them but it's so far down in the pile of books I want to read that I doubt that I'm going to get to it anytime in the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the Dawn of War novel. It was shiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttt. CS Goto is possibly the worst author I've ever had the misfortune to read. That's probably a little unfair as he was never a fan of the background material (like all the other Warhammer authors) but that raises the question; Why did he bother writing a novel about it? Then he wrote a sequel :'(

As for best: Dan Abnett is an absolute God. Gaunt's Ghosts, Eisenhorn, Ravenor...

He's also written a Doctor Who novel, a Torchwood novel and a Primeval novel, all of which I really need to read at some point (especially the latter since I got into that series).

Edited by Farmer Reil
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