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Formula One 2010


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Guessing someone here is a Hamilton fan then? <_<

Seriosuly though, it was a good race and out of the newer tracks designed by Tilke Turkey is fast becoming my favourite and I am happy to see Hamilton get his first win of the season, and I like that everytime we seem to get a team starting to carve out a lead the others claw it back, this is turning in to a great season!

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EJ's alright, he does tend to go a bit too far at times, if a Team Principle doesn't want to discuss an issue then he shouldn't have to, the team principles have a lot of obligations and responsibility to many people and the sport, so if they want to be quiet let them be EJ, not everyone is an eccentric Irishman as yourself :/

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Sebastian Vettel was adamant that he was not to blame for the collision with team-mate Mark Webber that cost Red Bull Racing a one-two finish in the Turkish Grand Prix.

Webber was leading Vettel on lap 41, with the McLarens just behind, when the German drew alongside approaching Turn 12. But the pair made contact, with Webber going wide and falling to third and Vettel forced to retire. McLaren's Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button went on to finish first and second.

"Obviously, I think if you look at the pictures it was clear I had the inside," said Vettel. "I went on the inside, I was ahead and just going down to focus on the braking point and honestly, you can see we touched and he touched my right rear wheel and I went off."

He denied that the collision was going to put the intra-team relationships at Red Bull under strain.

"There is no fight," Vettel insisted. "This is something that happens. We do not need it but there is nothing we can do now.

"Obviously I am not very happy, I was inside focusing on the braking point, we touched and that was it."

He did not think he was clearly faster than Webber at that point, but was confident he could have completed the pass.

"I think at that stage, Mark, myself and Lewis were pretty much the same," Vettel said. "I was a bit quicker than Mark, I was getting closer and I knew I could maybe get him on the back straight. It was close, I passed him on the left and that was the story."



The Turkish Grand Prix
Istanbul, Turkey;
58 laps; 309.396km;
Weather: Dry.


Pos Driver Team Time
1. Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes 1h28:47.620
2. Button McLaren-Mercedes + 2.645
3. Webber Red Bull-Renault + 24.285
4. Schumacher Mercedes + 31.110
5. Rosberg Mercedes + 32.266
6. Kubica Renault + 32.824
7. Massa Ferrari + 36.635
8. Alonso Ferrari + 46.544
9. Sutil Force India-Mercedes + 49.029
10. Kobayashi Sauber-Ferrari + 1:05.650
11. De la Rosa Sauber-Ferrari + 1:05.944
12. Alguersuari Toro Rosso-Ferrari + 1:07.800
13. Liuzzi Force India-Mercedes + 1 lap
14. Barrichello Williams-Cosworth + 1 lap
15. Petrov Renault + 1 lap
16. Buemi Toro Rosso-Ferrari + 1 lap
17. Hulkenberg Williams-Cosworth + 1 lap
18. Glock Virgin-Cosworth + 2 laps
19. Di Grassi Virgin-Cosworth + 3 laps

Fastest lap: Petrov, 1:29.165

Not classified/retirements:

Driver Team On lap
Chandhok HRT-Cosworth 53
Senna HRT-Cosworth 47
Vettel Red Bull-Renault 40
Kovalainen Lotus-Cosworth 34
Trulli Lotus-Cosworth 33

World Championship standings, round 7:

Drivers: Constructors:
1. Webber 93 1. McLaren-Mercedes 172
2. Button 88 2. Red Bull-Renault 171
3. Hamilton 84 3. Ferrari 146
4. Alonso 79 4. Mercedes 100
5. Vettel 78 5. Renault 73
6. Massa 67 6. Force India-Mercedes 32
7. Kubica 67 7. Williams-Cosworth 8
8. Rosberg 66 8. Toro Rosso-Ferrari 4
9. Schumacher 34 9. Sauber-Ferrari 1
10. Sutil 22
11. Liuzzi 10
12. Barrichello 7
13. Petrov 6
14. Alguersuari 3
15. Hulkenberg 1
16. Buemi 1
17. Kobayashi 1

All timing unofficial[/code]

I honestly do not see at all how Vettel can say it wasn't his fault. The stupid prick. Anyway, a good race and a best result of 2010 for Schumacher too.

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I think once he sees the steering overlays and the video again we may be hearing a change of tune from Vettel, I personally would like to hear a public apology from him now, seriously, the guy's a jerk :angry:

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It was an unfortunate racing incident. I won't put so much hating blame on Vettel for what happened. From his viewpoint he had the inside line, and thought he had enough room to move over into the breaking point.

Webber did what he thought was the right thing to do and hold his position. The two hit. Unfortunate, yes. Dick move by Vettel, absolutely not.

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Here's some reaction from Webber:

Mark Webber said Red Bull team-mate Sebastian Vettel was at fault in the crash that cost the team an almost sure victory in Turkey.

Vettel and Webber made contact when the German attempted to pass the Australian for the lead. The incident forced Vettel into retirement, while Webber had to pit for repairs, handing McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton the lead.

While Vettel said he was not at fault, Webber claimed his team-mate had turned right too early, thus causing the crash.

"Seb had good a top speed advantage and he went down the inside. We were side by side and then looks kike he turned pretty quickly to the right and we made contact," said Webber.

"It definitely happened fast. It's a shame for the team, but not an ideal day. The McLarens were solid today. It was good race between all four of us up until then.

"Neither want to make contact but it can happen sometimes when both are in front. It is never ideal but it happened."

The Australian, still leading the championship after finishing in third, said the win was still not guaranteed at the point of the accident.

"There was a long way to go in the race so it was not a guaranteed victory," he said. "I still got a few points, but it was an interesting few metres on track between both of us. It wasn't the result neither of us wanted."

And from Christian Horner:

Christian Horner said it was too early to pin blame on either of his drivers for the collision that denied Red Bull Racing a one-two finish in Turkey - but said they should never have given each other so little space.

Red Bull looked set for its third straight victory and its third one-two of 2010 at Istanbul until Sebastian Vettel's lap 41 bid to pass Mark Webber for the lead ended in a high-speed collision. Webber was able to recover to third to retain his drivers' championship lead, but Vettel had to retire.

"From a team perspective I'm really disappointed because the team had done everything right - we'd out-strategied the McLarens, who were strong today," Horner told the BBC. "To see both cars touch each other was really disappointing.

"I've spoken to Sebastian, he got a run and they should never had been where they were. It's really disappointing for the team - it's cost them a lot of points.

"The priority is to beat the other teams and today we handed 43 points on a plate to McLaren. The team really deserved to win this race. We need to sit down, go through it and come back stronger at the next event."

Horner emphasised that Red Bull allowed the drivers to race each other - provided they did so fairly.

"What we always ask is that the drivers give each other room," he said. "Today neither yielded, and the result was the team losing a lot of points, Mark losing a lots of points and Sebastian losing a lot of points - the net result is everybody loses.

"We saw today with Jenson [button] and Lewis [Hamilton], they raced each other and they gave each other space, and that's what we ask."

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If we go by most teams rules of giving each other room, which is pretty stock standard in formula one, then it could be argued that Webber was at fault, for not yielding, especially since Vettel had the run.

But then again, who wants to yield to a guy who is on the same points as you in the driver championship.

As I said, I don't put blame on either for the incident like others do. Vettel made the move because he thought it was right. The incident happened. If it was two people who weren't on the same team, it would have just been an unfortunate incident.

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Atrocious, Vettel has lost my support for good. There was no need at all to be greedy, they were safe in 1 and 2 and he would've been clear second in the standings, not fifth. Serves him right, I'm just thankful Mark managed to get away and still finish third...but to ruin yours and your teammates chances like that, especially to let your closest challengers in for a one-two finish, is unforgivable. And then to blame Webber as well! What a complete arse. It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't acted how he has after the race.

Still, good to know the McLaren's can only win when the better team take themselves out :shifty:

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I've always been a Vettel fan, since his days at Toro Rosso (though that might be because TR used to be Minardi, god I miss them :crying: )but this season he has been very hard to support instead of Webber (who I'm a big fan of too, again there's a Minardi link, that 2002 Australian Grand Prix performance of his was amazing). Like Hamilton, he's started to let his talent go to his head and this hasn't been helped by Red Bull seemingly favouring him over Webber. The crash was his fault today, Webber was on the racing line and was defending his position, Vettel seemed to take it for granted that Webber would back off and made the move anyway.

I'm still, just, pulling for Vettel but the guy need to get his head in gear unless he wants to become very unpopular very quickly.

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The way I see it, Vettel tried to push Webber away in the same move he pulled on Hamilton in the pit lane a few races back so he could take control of the racing line. In conclusion, Vettel is a fucking moron.

Did you just blame Vettel for an incident that wasn't even his fault by any stretch of the imagination?

Vettel had the rights in pit lane at that point, as he was in front of Hamilton, and Hamilton arguably should have gotten a drive-through for attempting to over-take in pit lane.

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The way I see it, Vettel tried to push Webber away in the same move he pulled on Hamilton in the pit lane a few races back so he could take control of the racing line. In conclusion, Vettel is a fucking moron.

Did you just blame Vettel for an incident that wasn't even his fault by any stretch of the imagination?

Vettel had the rights in pit lane at that point, as he was in front of Hamilton, and Hamilton arguably should have gotten a drive-through for attempting to over-take in pit lane.

One Hamilton wasn't trying to overtake him in the pits, just gain track position over him while they pitted, not actually physically over take while both are moving between the start and end of the pit lane speed limit lines. And two, yes you can blame Vettel for moving across and forcing Hamilton towards the pit boxes and endangering pit crew members for other teams, it wasn't the best idea, he didn't have to do it as he was ahead and had track position on Hamilton, he shouldn't be endangering other drivers and pit crew members for the sake of one position. Its undeniabl that Vettel is an awesome driver, its just some of his decisions aren't always the most healthy, and they are becoming a bit Schumacher-esque in how cynical they are.

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Hamilton was supposed to slot in behind Vettel at that point, and he got released INTO the path of Vettel, which was dangerous by his pit crew. The other thing was on entrance into pit-lane, Vettel had the correct side of the line, and Hamilton came screaming up on the inside of him and nearly took him out to get into the pits first.

Vettel was not at fault in ANYTHING that occurred in pit-lane that day, and the fact that Hamilton didn't receive any punishment was just stupid.

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Hamilton was supposed to slot in behind Vettel at that point, and he got released INTO the path of Vettel, which was dangerous by his pit crew. The other thing was on entrance into pit-lane, Vettel had the correct side of the line, and Hamilton came screaming up on the inside of him and nearly took him out to get into the pits first.

Vettel was not at fault in ANYTHING that occurred in pit-lane that day, and the fact that Hamilton didn't receive any punishment was just stupid.

So we'll just choose to ignore that Vettel tried to shove him into the Williams pit slot? Okily-dokily.

Hamilton was in the wrong too, but don't ignore simple facts just because you dislike him. The reason why Hamilton wasn't punished was because they would've had to have charged Vettel too for acting like a cunt. No idea why they didn't punish both, but the point stands...

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